One thing that's happened to me is that I have been given 90 days tenancy termination notice and have until May the 10th 2014 to move out and find a new house. This simply sucks majorly.
I mean in theory I should have my own fully paid for house by now after Sept 11th 2001 and what happened there. If I could simply post that phone call on You Tube bam probably 30 million hits and it would certainly generate a house as well as a little fame. But alas the Governments of USA and NZ conspire to torture and keep me poor so that nobody will listen.
I WANT MY OWN HOUSE. This website has failed to generate a house. Again if this website had my phone call from 2 days before Sept 11th 2001 embedded in it and links from Youtube to here this site would become popular and pick up many other sites linking to it as well as many hits in general.
I WANT MY OWN HOUSE. The USA and NZ GOVTS owe me a house. They also owe me a copy of the phone call I made 2 days before the 911 terrorist attacks in America.
It is going to be near impossible to find a one bedroom flat to live in. I should be settled already and not living this daily tortured existence that I live. I should have at least a little money and a house of my own. This should of occurred along time ago. Why do evil men and women get away with such things. No one even believes my story. This is one reason why. They use the cover of darkness to conceal there deeds. They keep me locked up in a dark place as well. They don't let me think. They distort my mind. They are indeed evil. They have proven themselves as such. They have no interest in good.

I am very angry. But this anger is useless. I WANT MY OWN HOUSE. I am owed a house for my work. I am not being recognised. The NZ and USA GOVTS are bullies. They do whatever they want to whoever they want. They do whatever they want. They keep me and my phone call which would set me free under wraps. I should have my very own house by now. Instead everyone ignores me.
This is very evil what is happening to me. It is done by men. These men and women make the active decision to torture me daily and deny me food and a house. There is no God to protect us from these Hitler type people who think that they are right in there own eyes to torture and maim and kill.

Everybody just thinks i'm schizophrenic. Technology and men did this to me not anything I did myself. This evil that has befallen me is from the USA and NZ Govts with men behind it driving it.
This is evil. I WANT MY OWN HOUSE. Today. Right now. This is evil. I really need a place to live. I have earned my own house. I need a house of my own. I have earned it through work. I have suffered more than anyone living I imagine if this is possible not counting Jesus if he's still alive.
This is evil what has happened to me. I want justice. Please help. But you won't. All I WANT IS MY OWN HOUSE.
Give me a house USA AND NZ GOVTS. I deserve it. Why torture innocence. You know you are evil in your ways, your secrets are dirty dirty dirty.