Diablo 3 Box Guest Passes and Notepad. |
Recently i've been playing with the Diablo 3 Gold and Real Money Auction Houses. I've been buying gear on the Gold Auction House and then re-listing it on the Real Money AH with mark-up to make a profit.
I started with $2.50 in my Paypal account and have worked my way upto currently having $55 US dollars in my paypal account with another $11 in sales due to clear overnight tonight, so really i've got $66 US.
Not only do I have $66 US dollars but I also have 10 legendaries all valued between $5-$15 US dollars listing value on the RMAH which are currently all listed and waiting for someone to purchase them.
All I did was research the markets and bought low and sold high using the price difference between the two different Auctions houses. I buy gold off the gold AH for US $0.25 cents a million.
With the US $2.50 I had in my paypal account I bought 10 million gold and then bought one item off the gold AH. I sold that item at a profit and then once the money had cleared I had enough money to purchase enough gold to now buy 2 items from the Gold AH. I just continued in this pattern of purchasing gold looking for bargains on the gold AH and re-listing them with mark up on the RMAH.
It's taken about 3 weeks to earn that money so it's not like you'll be able to earn enough to make a decent living but if you have some spare time like me then this is probably something you can do to earn some extra money. The game has paid for itself so far. But it is a dying game. It's nearly a year old now and people will be moving away. An expansion will revive things but that's probably a year or two away.
What the Diablo 3 AH Looks Like. |
It's has been fun getting sales of things and watching the profits roll in. It's getting harder now though as well. There don't seem to be as many bargains as there once was. I do wish that I had been doing this earlier.
One really good way of getting gear that will fetch a good price is to bid on items. You basically need to be there when the auction closes but you can get gear this way alot cheaper than sometimes paying the buyout price. Sometimes it's worth the wait to place a bid not to get the gear straight away . You should place a bid at the max of what you think the item is worth and on how much of a mark-up you can place on it.
If you plan of using Diablo 3 RMAH then stats to look for are Critical Strike Chance, Attack Speed and Critical Strike Damage. Anything with one or two of these stats is worth alot of gold. These stats also when combined with Vitality and one of the primary stats Dexterity, Strength or Intelligence make them item even more expensive.
With the money I have earned i'm going to purchase World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria and some game time and start playing that again. That at least is my hope. I also hope to make a lot more money from the Diablo 3 RMAH as I make better choices in gear selection and learn to price stuff more efficiently for sales.
If you own the game and you have some free time and a couple dollars in your paypal account then you should definitely look into trading on the AH for some spare dollars and a bit of entertainment. You don't even have to play the actual game you can just trade pretty much like what I do. If you persevere and do the maths you should make a profit.
Darcy Lee