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Showing posts with label Abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abuse. Show all posts

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Yelled War Live on Talkback Radio.
MY PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE is all i'm saying, this is the bottom line.  I guess i'm kind of saying America Sucks a little to. This has gone on long enough.
If it were any closer to being broken then it would break is not the truth. It's never going to break. Not by my effort will this happen.

My will to get my phone call on YouTube is immovable. It must be there. This is only fair and real. So i'm saying America Sucks simply because a piece of history is being defamed. My phone call I predict will earn 10 million hits in it's first week. Maybe not but it will get alot. It will gain momentum. No one can say how well it will do but I know that it is history. 

This Phone Call that I made that has been classified must appear on YouTube.

This is my answer to their arguments that they use. Any other opinion about this phone call is a lie. This phone call must appear on youtube.

History must be made whole and right. This phone call is missing. It's not right. It's totally wrong. This phone call must be on youtube.

My phone call is missing from YouTube. 
2 Days Later The Planes Hit The Buildings.

This phone call is a piece of the worlds history in the making. It is art. It is Warfare. 

You the reader must ask yourself and will yourself. This is important. 20 million Unique YouTube Hits says this is important.

Honestly even if it gets 20k in the first few months then still justice and right has been done. 

This phone call must be on YouTube.

I will not back down.

I speak these words "PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE". I stand here, I will not fall. What can come against me?

It must be done.

This phone call must enter the public and be peer reviewed but also by the world not just the elite.

This is a fight against a secret elite.

Phone Call Was My Lifes Blood. Suffering.
Powers and Principalities. 

Phone call on YouTube.

This must happen.

It is truly important for the world.

Immense suffering is behind this. 



Darcy Lee

Monday, December 22, 2014

Elvis Presley - Blue Suede Shoes.

Elvis Presley - Blue Suede Shoes.

Found myself listening to this on 3rd play right now.  I looked it up for the line "It's a one for the money".  There's also a recent movie called that as well.

I'm thinking that I could add more music that I randomly access for one reason or another even if I don't really listen to it more than once. I still have to have a reason for adding it and i'll try and include that reason.  There have been a couple songs that I've forgotten now that I could have included because i looked them up for one reason or another.

Also another reason for giving this a listen is that my auntie, my Mums sister, is a big Elvis fan.

My Aunties kid, my first cousin, who I grew up with but haven't seen for years, the eldest of her kids, is getting married on either the 1st or 2nd of January 2015 and alot of the family are heading to Mt Ruapehu for the ceremony. I'm not going. Would cost heaps to have me stay there. The old saying: "IF I WAS A RICH MAN"

So yeah enjoy Elvis. He was a rich man. He's dead now. I think immortality would be a higher possession than all the riches there are at the moment in this world.

There is an effort to push for immortality but it needs more money and higher profile people. An end to all suffering is what the bible predicts and i'm happy to agree with it. But alas there is much evil in the world and we must take as many precautions as possible.

I could say that i've covered a fair bit of the human suffering that exists in my own body. Manboy have I suffered. No really. I have truly suffered for a very long time and right at the limit of human suffering. Suffering didn't make me strong. But I endured. But my suffering should have changed something. I wonder what my suffering has achieved for me. I say my suffering was so great that things can no longer stay the same or as they were. My suffering has altered the world. If you can share in the sufferings of Jesus Christ like the bible says then I have done that.

Failing that. Well my suffering was so great that I predict it will impact the world in a huge way. Thus far people only fail to interpret exactly how much I have suffered. I am told that in Africa they suffer more. I came under the power of the Government Executioners. They tortured me with modern technology. Far greater than any natural suffering I endured. It was inflicted upon me. There isn't a mark on my body to show my suffering. As far as you are aware I am normal. I have never suffered. People can't recognise great suffering in others if they have never suffered themselves. The world by my suffering that took place is now different. It can never happen again.

Really there needs to be a huge push for the end of suffering and a huge push for immortality. Right out in the open. With everyone taking part. There are jobs for everyone, they just haven't been named.

I should have a job really. I can use a computer better than alot of people. But saying that any literate teenager would have the same skills that I have now adays and better as they do it all with a cell phone and I barely use my cell phone at all.

Scripture for the day:

Proverbs 27:12  A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

There is plenty of evil in the world in the form of people.

Recognise my suffering.

Donate for my house and car and lighter lifestyle. When I have my own house then my suffering has been recognised in part. I repeat. You must recognise my suffering. There is heaps to be learned by it. Don't let my suffering be wasted on you. I have truly suffered. I say things.

I have earned a house of my own through blood. Yet I still don't have one. My suffering was great. I now need a house please. I through suffering have changed the world. But this is not recognised either. The world will be a better place, that I have existed and suffered.

I have changed the world. Through suffering.

For this change I ask for my own house not much else. Respect.

Darcy Lee

Monday, November 3, 2014

Brain Decoder Can Eavesdrop On Your Inner Voice

Brain decoder can eavesdrop on your inner voice.  

This is a link to an article that describes how they can read your mind.  They have been able to do this for years and it is far more advanced than you think.

They have the ability to control us.  They can read our minds from a distance.  I have been made deaf by their machine that constantly analyses me.  

This is only what they are showing us.  They can do far more.  You have been warned.

They torture me.

LOL not funny...

Darcy Lee

Friday, August 9, 2013

Get Up Stand Up, Stand Up For Your Rights.

Bob Marley Live Get Up Stand Up.

Have like listened to this twice but think that it suits this website.

Get Up, Stand Up, Stand Up For Your Rights.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Still Poor.

I got nothing to write about though i'm being tortured alot lately. The scary abusive torture. The most horrible torture you can imagine. The most cruelest suffering you can fathom. The torture of having no money. The pain. The agony. The terror. The fear.

Please help end my torture now today. Donate to me.