Still. I'm hoping that as I write more and more posts it will become easier. I'll actually start to post more over time is the plan. It's like a fitness and strength thing. If you turn yourself into the gym 3 times a week you get stronger so if I turn in three posts during a week i'll get stronger over time. Buff.
My last couple of posts have been about living water. Nothing exciting here except I found a scripture saying that Jesus of the bible will give someone living water and they will have everlasting life. Obviously the living water I had was the very one mentioned in the bible god and Jesus being real and all. Yay I have everlasting life because the bible tells me (*Cough* Jesus never existed).
God's a boring subject because it can never go anywhere. It interested me for a while but after actually reading the bible in my own time i'm going to be moving away from that forever. I'm sorry I got involved. With my living water now what i'm going to do is find out the secret formula that made it taste living and reproduce it and then take over the worlds softdrink market easily overtaking coke and pepsi because of the incredible taste.
It will be a multi billion dollar industry but no I can't actually reproduce it, it was just a hallucination but I have mentioned it because christians believe in god and it might amuse them and they might actually believe in it but no again the reason they won't believe in it is because god doesn't exist overall. It would make a nice softdrink if I could reproduce it though.
Living water softdrink could be the future. The bible was my ticket to immortality, to bad it's not real. If I can recreate what made it taste living and then sell it. Half the world believes in god thats just crazy. This is kind of an attempt to convert people from believing in god. I believe believing in something false is dangerous.
Watch out in stores for living water which will make me billions as a softdrink. This can be my

If your Christian I rule the universe. God said by giving me living water. I'll let you off though and tell you that gods not real so no need to fear me.
I'm so pitiful that I have living water hallucinations and talk about it in my blog - this can be reason number 12 you could donate to me.
This wasn't a very well written blog entry. I have tried. I'm trying to make money but alas. Still you can donate to me if you want.
I hope I can I improve from this post. How hard can it be because this post is so bad.