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Showing posts with label A.I. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A.I. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Black Suits Comin Nod Ya Head

Will Smith.
Will Smith - Black Suits Comin' (Nod Ya Head)

This is one of my world trade center September 11th 2001 songs. Yet another one.

I came up with "No Jihad" instead of Nod ya Head the other day.

Adding to music 3.

This is a futuristic song talking about aliens and the Men in black. I mean they know about aliens but they keep us in the dark. This knowledge would be awesome.

Aliens Aliens Aliens Oi Oi Oi.

They have a spaceship with the code punched in. An alien A.I think.

But I have no real proof.

They just mentioned that that's what they had.

Nod Ya Head.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Robots Making Pancakes.

Robots Making Pancakes.

This is a cool video of A.I in action. A.I is going to be amazing as long as it doesn't turn on us or we don't turn on it.

As long as we can make it tell the truth I guess that will help. Will take a bit to get it to speak truth about all things.

Added label "Robots"

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Robot Origami Robot Self-Folds Walks and Completes Tasks.

Robot Origami: Robot self-folds, walks, and completes tasks.

Saw this today on a news website. My opinion is that they have already shrunk similar tech to a nano scale. It can tap into your optic nerve and see what you see and upload pictures to your mind.

This video is interesting though. It's a very new video at the date of this post. It's only 6 days old.

Check it out it gives a good insight in what to expect of technology of the future. I think I was looking at smart cities when I stumbled across this. A smart city is a city that tracks movement everywhere. Should help with crime but not with privacy.

Privacy is definitely an issue. The Govt want to read your mind. Steal from you. The bible doesn't help. There was world war one and two. The bible didn't help people then.

There is still hope. But it looks like i'm to live a life of torture and doom.

Your mind is not your own.

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Construction of the Truth

This is some random writings:
Matrix Movie Code.

I believe.

I don't know the truth. If I will know the truth and if the truth will set me free then I fall short of this mark.
I don't know how I became so dark. The whole world is dark. There are lights in the world. But these lights often are frail or fragile.

Perhaps Einstein was considered one of these lights. He's certainly famous.

At the moment without most peoples knowledge.

That last sentence sums up so many people. 

The Governments of the world force a type of darkness on the world.

It's simply not smart to force darkness.

I do wonder why this darkness is in place. I think fear is one reason. 

There is a black out on the truth. The darkness is used to the advantage. 

Because we lack knowledge we can be easily manipulated. 

What i'm saying is that thoughts images graphics can be inserted into your head. Your mind can be read. All wirelessly without a physical connection.

Some parts of the world are more wired than others. I think they need to chip you. But this can be in your food or water.

They can create anger and loss of self control. They use the darkness to test the limits of what they can do.
Neo Seeing The Matrix. It's not actually like this.

Most mock this technology and the people who speak about it. Things like tinfoil hats.

It's simply a brain computer interface. The MATRIX.

I am a prisoner in my own home.

I resisted them. I was going to be the one to reveal this technology. You would of believed my bank account. Instead i'm reduced to poverty and tormented now by this tech.

The world is in darkness.

There is technology that makes the matrix possible. They can make you dream.

The construction of the truth is created now by the super elite on high end computers inside a whole new world. A world inside your body. Alot of people are wired and don't know it. Farmed.

There is also possible darkness of truth about aliens. I imagine they think the worldearth would be terrified if they were to know about aliens. Some Govts of the world I believe have knowledge of Extra Terrestrials. There have been mentions of it through the Matrix which I am a part of.

This knowledge is in darkness. We need our minds made ready and expanded to hold this new information. 

Knowledge and information shape what we say and feel and do. 

If tomorrow you were to find out about the Matrix in full operation. Or your were to find out about Aliens. What would you say?

There is a ruling class. They look to dominate the world. Use the tech they have created in the dark to snatch away the world.

Many people are considered as sheep to be slaughtered. 

I am treated poorly. I have been the whole time. 
More Matrix Code.

I have been drugged now for 10 years.

It really brings me down thinking about it. These drugs are powerful mind altering substances.

I don't need their drugs. I should have a choice.

They are ruining my body and mind.

I'm an old man yet i'm only nearly 37. I told you these were random thoughts.

Anyway all you should know is that they know about aliens and are practicing right now with the Matrix. The world is kept in the dark over these things.

There must be a great multitude that they keep from people.

Is it evil do you think? To keep these secrets? 

Perhaps it is when its used to harm and injure and even farm people without consent.

The ruling elite are powerful.

They control the media. The media isn't interested in me yet I should be very popular as a celebrity.

I haven't had my day yet. It's not about me. It's about freedom. 

Still what is the purpose of withholding such valuable information that sets you free.

They create a system of slavery to Govt through laws that they set which they claim to even be above.

There is plenty of slavery in the world. Man is there evil. This darkness is a great cause of it. The darkness of the lie. The lie about Aliens and the lie about the Matrix.

Highly Recommend You Read The Bible.
But these things are yet small. 

Who can claim away God? The scientific do. 

We are in the dark about where we come from and where we are going and what lays ahead.

There could be great global trouble. We must prepare.

To be the least shocked as possible then all of the darkness must be lifted.

They must tell us about the MATRIX and about the ALIENS.

Artificial Intelligence this to.

This powers the MATRIX.

I'm not sure why i'm a target.

Darkness needs to be lifted.

In darkness we stumble.

The WORLD must know truth.

This post is calling the darkness that is created and the people behind it liars.

Liars don't enter heaven.

Perpetuation of a lie.

Leaving a trail of destruction and the World in darkness to be controlled by a super elite.

Justice must be done.

The DARKNESS must be over thrown.
World In Darkness.

Be prepared to suffer.

Nobody can be prepared.

But be aware that this is what most will do.

With this knowledge spend your time wisely.

I have spoken some truth here.

Most won't believe the matrix without experiencing it.

My September 11th 2001 phone call on YOUTUBE.

This is yet another smaller truth. The world also is kept in the darkness over this.

My phone call where I yelled "WAR" on live talkback radio 2 days before 911 in America. I basically gave blood in this phone call, well this phone call deserves it's place on YouTube as well

This phone call will gain millions of hits and be very popular.

Because of what it's related to it will change the world.

This phone call is truth and love.

Comment here if you want to change the world.

But the matrix seems to be more important for now. The matrix brain computer interface and Artificial Intelligence as I am subjected to these 24/7 for over 6 years now.

Read the story anyway by clicking the Osama link on the top left of this page.

Am I Lying or Delusional?
The WORLD is in darkness. The darkness is used to control you.

They will decide when you will know.

You won't believe until they tell you.

You won't believe me.

SO. Matrix. A.I. Aliens. PhoneCall.

That about sums it.

Sorry but someone will actually read this someday.

I can't save you. Jesus has failed me.

It's very hard to guide you in the dark as this post attempts to do.

Belief is the issue.

What do you Believe?

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Ray Kurzweil
Here's an article from Ray Kurzweil director of engineering at Google and futurist about how nanobots will be the key to immortality which could be achieved in as little as 25 years.

I believe immortality is right here right now pretty much. I have experienced the matrix. This will be a huge part in the reality of immortality. They must understand the human body heaps by now.

I guess if God was real he would have intervened in WW1 and 2. The hour for God is getting late.

I have kinda messed up my life by hating on America. It should be covered under freedom but no it's not.

I'm hoping God is my ally and that he has a plan. I love my God. I love my bible and scripture. But i'm not sure if it's real in the absolute face of technology and hatred that exist.

God is perhaps a losing battle unless God himself acts.

Check the article out. I mention myself the matrix as existing in full form right now so immortality can't be to far away. I read they learnt how to lengthen telomeres which is why people age or something they get shorter and shorter with aging.

Time magazine had a picture of a toddler on its cover and stated the baby would live till 142. Wow.

I'm predicting immortality myself.

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Trade Me.

I have a thread going on a couple forums called TRADE ME.  I made a post last night and a post today.  It's basically talking about the matrix and how you can walk around in armor looking cloths that weigh nothing as pure decorations that only a matrix enabled person can see.  Also presenting that's it's probably possible to do this without matrix tech but getting others to see is hard and the catch.  Also trading in mansions and rivers of living water. Matrix

Here are those posts:  The first POST:

Ok i'm giving away for a small fee shoulders, bracers and other armor and other various clothes and addons. These shoulders look like something out of world of warcraft. These are digital armor or even spiritual. Certain people who see the matrix technology and make use of it will be able to see your armor.

The spiritual armor is a God pretend armor. It takes more to be real. But is far superior to the digital matrix man made armor if it can be made real for others to see.

Walk around in your armor. It's light. You can't feel it. It can be totally transparent and can light up in an instant.

So there is digital martix technology based armour and clothing and accessories where u need to be interfaced and well they probably chip you to be honest for you to use the matrix and see its graphics on other people.

And for those who believe in a god spiritual then im saying it's possible to see armor on others if they wearing it (I think this is the future anyway another level above matrix tech clothing and armor). Kids can see it better than adults. Imagination but real. What accessories have you just painted and added on overlaying your natural clothes with your thoughts and mind. You can do it this way. To believe in something of substance.

Everyone will be wearing matrix vr outfits possibly oneday over there cotton cloths. But yeah Gods armor if he real will actually be more than ornamental and serve more than a purpose than to just look pretty.

So buy my belief I mean clothing and armor. Matrix VR all the way.

Wear your new clothing accessories in comfort and beauty and glory.


And now the SECOND POST:

Also trading in matrix and spiritual decals for your house and car and spoiler kits for your house and car pretty shubery and trees.

Selling mansions. You plop this baby overtop of your house on your land. From the outside your house now looks totally different cause anyone using the matrix tech sees graphics in full realism overlaying your house interacting with your house but only to the people using the matrix. In the future its possible that crims might only see the matrix and not reality so it's future proofed with a security system that tagged criminals will struggle to identify in reality with. Matrix dinosaur pets selling. WTS. Any pet you can think of selling all matrix ai pets. Also pokemon and digimons to battle and mate.

Selling rivers of living water matrix style. Rivers. For your backyard or swimming pool. Waterfalls as well. Pretty much any decoration you can think of to add to your property that can go digital.

Selling pet AI aliens. Its a human ai behind the matrix but its representing possible different aliens what an alien would be like. (But yep they have knowledge of aliens but thats off topic a little.) This is a smart companion. It can change form and become more intelligent. 10111001.

I guess it's possible to breed thoughts with one another. Using the matrix. Or even text breeds other text as in the case of my postings.

Looking FOR Coders/builders for the Matrix. Text is code. Code in this thread to apply.

This stuff is all digital matrix or even spiritual.

What do you offer in trade? Also what are you selling?

Sorry for boring you.

I'm just a trader looking for fine pearls and treasure in heaven.

What particular things do you have for sale?

As with the catch only the people with matrix enabled technology where by they chip you and you interface with an ai will be able to see most of these products that im selling.

But they still good for the future. D1 original.

Now the spiritual items. Getting others to see them could be difficult. But it's possible. Spiritual items are much rarer than matrix computer generated items but the two will probably eventually intertwine perhaps.

Draw some things with your mind. You don't necessarily need to see it's image in your mind but you can still envision what our thinking. How far along out can you go with your thoughts. I'm limited to short thoughts that are often forgotten quickly with the next thought. It's hard to calculate.

Add some thoughts up with this variable in mind. It could be you in the future with age. If you have the luxury of a mind become creative. Use your thoughts up rather that store stuff up. If you discover a tool a mind tool perfect it then show it off. But be quick about it. I'm 36 and I lost all my gear that I had been storing when I was 20 and never even got a chance to develop it. I was hoping by hiding it, it was being developed in the background and adding to the sum total. Most of it it turns out was matrix human technology based anyhow. But there could've been something spiritual that was worth of being stored in heaven and called a treasure.

Gear could be considered brain body mind eyes ears nose touch heat cold. Also the fruits of these things. What other gear is there?

Ever get those feelings from nature like a read on your environment but it doesn't convert to English very well

The otherday I was at someones house and there was moss all over the ground it felt like a total wilderness even with the house right there. Thats just an impression that my senses picked up.

Thing is gear can be broken and not work right. But there's nothing like working gear.

WTT Want To Trade. Print your text here. My gear has produced this post my senses my mind my brain my fingers my eyes. All from experiences ive had.

What does your gear say in return? What are you going to do with your gear in your life. Gear, your brain, can overlay stuff in your eyes from my experience without even the aid of the matrix. I experience them as words and visuals sometimes.

The world needs help. So use what you got to help.

Matrix incoming.

All this stuff is for trade.


That was it.  I didn't get many replies but i'll keep you updated.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pictures in your Head.

It's been just over 2 months since I posted last. I haven't been anymore busy than usual probably just a bit more lazy. This could be coming from the fact that I don't seem to be getting anywhere with my websites. It seems pointless to post. It relatively is.

But alas I return to keep posting. So some news. Well I managed to get kicked out of my World of Warcraft raiding guild. They said no one wanted to raid with me. :( I'm not the greatest best player but I must be doing something wrong. It's put me off raiding abit. I'm still a noobie raider only really know the first two bosses of black wing descent Magmaw and OmniTron not that that means anything to anyone here.

I'm still wondering how to make money with this website. It doesn't come by posting heaps. One way is establishing back links but not many people are interested in linking to this web page because of me and the topics I cover. It's not that the topics I cover aren't interesting it's just that I have no credibility, also my language is all over the place and not plain or flashy enough.

I'm not very smart. But one thing is for sure the government has the ability to send pictures into your head. To read and monitor dreams and do all sorts of crazy things inside your head with pictures and artificial intelligence.

It's probably 30 years before this technology gets released to the public but i'm telling you it exists now and has existed for over 10 years that I know of.

Anyway continue to ignore me internet community. There must be progress made in addressing this technology. But for now it remains an internet and world myth.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Couple of Wikipedia Links.

This talks a little about what i'm trying to communicate but not really. I haven't seen much of a simulated universe. Though I presume there is one. I've mostly just seen images and text and full motion video beamed directly into my head. A simulated universe would require a fast A.I computer. There is definately a computer involved. The wiki articles don't mention this technology, this type of Virtual Reality much, but it is currently fully operational.


The Government cover up the existence of this technology by using doctors and psychologists. If you mention this technology to anyone you will be CONDEMNED.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Virtual Reality. Extra Terrestrials. Artificial Intelligence.

Virtual Reality. Pictures in your head. New Government Technology. Technology that exists today. The ability to immerse yourself inside a world, inside your head.

Virtual Reality exists today in this form. They are experimenting in this area and have had notable success. Now if you tell anyone about this technology then you are called schizophrenic.

This is how secret the technology is. Things like video recordings computer generated images other peoples thoughts can be sent direct to your mind.

This is the future of entertainment. Of education. Of pornography. Of the internet. Of anything that uses or has need of a screen. A laptop, cellphone, Tv.

It will probably be a long time before the technology to do this is available to the public. And it will be kept secret for a long time. The technology has the ability to govern.

What do you think of this. Leave a comment. Am I just delusional and making this up. I honestly tell you i'm doing my best to tell the truth as I know it.

The technology is definitely very real. There is a school where people train on this technology.

What are some other uses and purposes for this technology giving me the benefit of the doubt and saying it's real that you the reader can think of. It's basically the matrix reloaded.

There is a problem with ram and not having enough but that won't last long as computers get faster and faster. It kept coming up asking for more ram.

Yes i've had experience with the technology. First hand. I don't know how it operates just that it can all be done wirelessly. A picture in your head.

The picture is a little grainy but fine quality. I am just an amateur and have been told as such. I believe my rating is a lot lower than that though.

This is what to expect in the very near future. The ability to send even text messages direct to your mind has existed for over 10 years.

Lapsing into something else, but something someone said makes me wonder if the government has knowledge of Extra Terrestrials and is not telling us. Now me writing about it here is not going to change anything. But what do you think. Leave a comment about this as well.

Extra Terrestrials definitely exist in in the universe. How advanced and how intelligent is another question. How much knowledge the government has about this/them (the extra terrestrials) is also another question. I think they know more than they are telling from some inside information.

We are not alone.

Artificial intelligence ties in with the virtual reality. It has the ability to think. To reply to questions. All with pictures in your head.

I can describe it as dreaming as they have some power over this to. Imagine dreaming. But being awake.

Anyway enough from me.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Virtual Reality.

Virtual Reality is real. The ability to post an image in your head. Directly into your mind. The image can be anything from following a skateboarder to a helicopter to a naked chick. Anything you can see on a computer screen or filmed by a video camera can be shown in your head. Not to mention the worlds of A.I.

The government currently has this technology. I don't know how it works just that it works. Virtual Reality. Coming Soon.

Darcy Lee

Monday, August 16, 2010


I'm adding this image here on the right top because it's the more current GPUZ of my video card. When I ran GPUZ the last time it didn't recognise the card properly so gave a much higher reading. I'm leaving the bottom image in because it gets lot of hits from google images but the stats in the image are a lie but this is what GPUZ used to read it as.

I bought this video card based on the old stats which clock it at alot faster so I guess you have to be careful when running GPUZ on the latest piece of hardware. You can check the catalyst version to see the difference from when I originally ran GPUZ. So again, i'm rally only leaving the older photo in because it gets heaps of hits in google. But i've been fair now and posted an updated image for anyone who comes here.

Also I didn't know that with GPUZ you can click the camera icon on the top right and it takes a screen shot for you. With the older image I took a screen shot of my whole desktop and then cut it out you can see the borders on the bottom image. I honestly didn't edit any of the numbers in the photo though.

Below is the original text which i'll leave here as well, it was edited once when I added a link to the new GPUZ but I didn't add a photo, like now i've added a photo of the latest GPUZ.

Now to change topic. So how about technology and dreams aye. Secret technology that can send pictures, images, text - 3d spatially, all inside your head.

Yeah tech that will send an image to your head. This has been an ad for tech that puts a picture in you head. Man on the Moon. Well Picture in your head the latest frontier.

Graphics unbelievable.

Below is the old article left here again for google.

This GPUZ is now old. Click here GPUZ link for an updated picture of an ATI Radeon 5670. I don't think GPUZ read it right the first time I ran it.

This picture is of my graphics card that I just got. The main number to compare is the G/Texel. You should download GPUZ HERE and test your system. This card cost me $185 NZ dollars. 2 Years before that I paid $350 for a card that did 11.7 G/Texel. So this card is definately an improvement.


The card is stock standard.

This Website is trying to earn a living, for a very poor, living off the government in New Zealand person. If your interested it video card technology then your definitely interested in pictures in your head Technology. That is if you believe.

Be ready for when this technology arises. It's in use now. People are training on it, in schools specially designed to train you. What do you believe? THIS IS 2011. (Like Sparta). Technology can now produce an image in your head. It can also see what you see.

This technology is linked closely to Artificial Intelligence. Mega Powerful SUPER thinking Internet reading, movie and now thought producing artificial intelligence now exists.

Believe today or be left behind tomorrow.

Sorry just rambling. Would you like to donate? Click the paypal button.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Getting Martyred. Prophecy. Virtual Reality.

Where will this technology lead? It's still secret. Classified. If you mention it to a mental health psychiatrist they can very well lock you up.

At this rate the technology will be hidden for years. I'm guessing this is because of the harmful benefits and control and manipulation of people it possibly brings.

I'm talking about virtual reality technology. The ability to send pictures, full motion video - directly into your head. Your brain. Your mind.

Artificial Intelligence is surely existing right now in a very infant form. Computers need to be a lot more powerful and smaller before A.I takes off in the home. But imagine Google shortly. You'll ask questions in a search engine and the answers an A.I could bring for you would be much more accurate than the automated bot that Google currently is.

Soon you'll be having a conversation with a computer. Soon it will be more intelligent than you. If it isn't in some ways already - the top secret classified computers they have existing right now.

I'm sure A.I exists right now and you could actually talk to a machine and set it to work have a conversation... I''m just rambling pretending I know stuff about technology. Where they are at.

The government does have virtual reality technology right now a picture4 in your head. Now you bring this together with A.I and imagine the worlds you get.

It's all very boring. Until you see it working.

I'm guessing your bored. It's actually wrong to talk about this technology. Because it's secret and classified if you tell people you've experienced it they just think your delusional.

It's very sad. It should be out in the open already. I look like a fool talking about it like it exists. More than a fool. I look mentally unwell.

Well right now this technology exists. I've experienced it. Talking about it gets me no friends. I get martyred.

I'm just curious. Why will no one believe me? Do you believe. There is no God. Jesus fails. Do you believe.

Pretty hard trying to tell people this tech is real. Fairy Tale. So do you believe. You could write your president. Write a letter. Lot of good that will do. Watch this technology come along. This is a prophecy. A foretelling of the future. Virtual Reality. In your head. A.I. Worlds, Stories, Movies, Internets, Computer Games. Every aspect of your life intercepterd with virtual reality technology.

I predict Virtual Reality in your head, brain, mind. It exists right now. I'm a prophet. I'm telling the world. Yet no one believes me.

What should you do if you believe me? I'm not sure exactly what believing is but it could entail a donation of money. It could involve you doing some research or at least some off duty thinking. Prepare your mind.


Darcy Lee