The Truth Shall Make You Free. |
Today I found a neat application for my website. It's just a bit of code you copy and paste in but what it does is display scripture from the bible when you hover the mouse over the link it creates, this is whenever your quoting chapter and verse. eg, John 8:36 If you hover your mouse over that link you should be able to see what the scripture is. Here's another one. John 8:32
Not that i'm a Christian but occasionally I've quoted scripture so it's nice to have it linked and that in the future I won't have to type out the whole scripture just the chapter and verse. You could add this to your website if you want to also, goto reftagger.com there's also a link when you hover over the scripture that will take you there as well.
Jesus died a horrible and painful death. John 15:13 No Greater Love. Not many men could endure such a death. Jesus chose to lay down his life so that he could take it up again. John 10:18 I don't know his reasons. Was it because we were trapped in sin and he needed to die to set us free, to pay the price.
So how do we partake in the resurrection power, or did Jesus not come back. What's your opinion. Did Jesus preform miracles. Why can't we imitate and copy and preform them, the same miracles Jesus did, today. Jesus himself said we will do the same and even greater things than him. John 14:12
Christians talk a lot about faith. They need to focus on the primary. Which is love. Faith is nothing without love. If you introduce somebody to Christianity introduce them to love. 1 Corinthians 13:2
If for all else forsake faith and stay with love. Let's see there's Love thy neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:31 Love your enemies. Matthew 5:44 And finally of course Love God. Matthew 22:37
1 Peter 4:8 |
What are we supposed to hate? Or how do we go about hating? Are we to have any hate at all? Christians also talk about forgiveness of sins a lot to, they use the word forgiveness and attempt to forgive when they should be trying to love. But again it comes back to love. 1 Peter 4:8
So I prescribe more love as DR Lee. (My full name is Darcy Robert Lee, that makes my initials D R Lee or Doctor Lee).
The word love needs to be used instead of forgiveness and faith. You can drop those for all I care.
I don't know much about Christianity but I try to practice love. It's hard when you have the sickness. I make for some poor decisions. Love has to grow and get power and use that power.
The world is lacking power. The kingdom of heaven is a kingdom of power but also not just a matter of talk. 1 Corinthians 4:20 I think by Jesus coming to earth power was able to reach places, dark places, that lacked the most power of all, light out of darkness. Jesus was a friend of sinners. His disciples were power producers and containers and vessels and they produced power. Each disciple of the 12 were unique and they operated as a unit or body all in all aiding each other to produce power. Jesus put a seed in each disciple and this developed power for the use of Jesus. Each disciple had a power producing foundation in him that Jesus put there.
One theory I have going is that power that we would use to live a higher more abundant love filled life is being siphoned off. Enough to keep us in darkness and the power that's siphoned is being used to sustain others lives who live the high life. Like devils and stuff, they suck our power. Not that devils are real. We lack power.
I love story's.
Evil has no way of generating it's own power, it's soul or battery so to speak has been destroyed or it never had one. It's a parasite and lives by sucking the power out of the world which blinds and deafens men and women.
I don't have any solutions to this theory. Maybe we could produce more power and use power more efficiently some how, more power than the devil can burn off. Power can beget power. So spending expending power wisely to generate more power could help. Power needs to reach the right places to loosen bonds and set people free, freeing up more power which can then be invested. Jesus invested power in us maybe.
Matthew 19:24 |
Technology could possibly help. I don't know if tech is the way though. Magic miraculous powers seem the way to me but that's probably not going to happen. Christ had this going on. But it's unconfirmed. When Christians talk about believe again instead use the word love. Also Christ talks about how hard it is for a rich man to enter heaven which is kind of money is tech way. Matthew 19:24
We could maybe taint the power that's being siphoned with love so it drives the evil nuts and it can't efficiently use the power. Like maybe lock the power with love of some kind somehow. Set a standard for the power to be at a certain level before it's able to be consumed. But how do you do that. Silly talk really.
What is power. Do humans have power. I wonder.
Because of the darkness we live in and under, because our minds are blind we barely make enough power for our daily needs. Little by little as time progresses people slowly become freer I hope and think. Little by little, day by day we produce a little more power which gets reinvested in acquiring a little more freedom and are each day a little more free.
Here it is, off topic, but here it is.
I'll never be free. Other humans enslave me. And i'm supposed to love. I have very little or no power. I also have very little or no love. Slavery sucks. I don't think God is real. So there's really no one to save me. No even believes me in the first standard. Woe is me. I'm tortured and mocked and punished. Woe is me. Crying out to God helps no one.
Revelation 21:4 |
One day there will be no more Death, Mourning Crying or Pain. Revelation 21:4
Knowledge of God would set the world on fire. It would spread faster than the speed of light. I believe the world lacks knowledge of Jesus and God. Knowledge of God would spread faster than anything. We lack this knowledge.
The Holy Ghost has unlimited power to give us. But we can become immune to that power. Markers and placers need to be set to moderate intake of power. You can use unlimited power more efficiently. One person with unlimited power can do greater things than another with unlimited power. They are using it better. The devil probably has unlimited power as well. But it's how he's built his house to enable and take advantage of that power and produce and tap into the power in the first place. Maybe the devils power has a limit and isn't unlimited like God's I dunno. The Devil has kept pace with God for a while but eventually God should pull ahead and leave the Devil in his dust. With each day the Devil grows weaker and God and us grow stronger.
Cool Story Bro.
Power should maybe be reserved for suffering and hard times if power can be reserved activate and use it then. Bawahahah. Your a loon.
Darcy Lee