In total I got $2000 NZ dollars exactly. Awesome. So i've spent some of it and i'll now add what I bought to the list of everything I own.
So far i've spent about $1400 dollars on a new computer. The remainder will be going on a video camera. If your shopping in New Zealand for a new computer and you know how to put them together by far the best place I would say to shop online is Pricespy lists the prices from many different retailers all round New Zealand so u can instantly see who has the cheapest price for any given product.
They only do computer parts and video cameras etc but they are worth checking out if your in the market.
So my computer spec now lists like this:
MSI K9A2 Platinum Motherboard: This motherboard supports an AMD processor using the FX chipset the top end chipset for amd processors. It has the ability to do Quad SLI thats four video cards linked together. Cost: $325.76 inc GST and courier fees.
AMD Quad Core Phenom 9500 2200mhz Processor: Speaks for itself. Quad core is realitively new, came out in about November 2007. Cost: $298.94 inc Gst.
2x 2gb DDR2-800 Dual Channel Kit (2x1gb): 4gb of ram 4x1gb chips dual channel for speed. Up from 512mb ram on my old machine. Cost: $169.47 inc Gst.
Gigabyte ATI Radeon HD 3850 512MB Video Card: An ok video card next time I would get two cheaper cards to run dual monitors as with only one video card you can only run both monitors at the max res of your video card so I can get 1024x768 on both monitors but thats it. With two video cards could run both monitors at much higher resolutions. 512mb ram is nice up from 256 mb on my old machine. Also got the game Neverwinter Nights 2 with the video card. Cost: $314.00 inc Gst.
Chimei CMV223d Monitor: 22" inchs of monitor. A million times better than my old 17"

Thats my new PC. Total cost was $1458.95 incl all courier fees. I bought everything from 3 different places so 3 courier fees.
$2000 dollars minus $1458.95 equals $541.05 left over. I also spent $31 dollars renewing my domain name for this website so thats $510.05.
I'm planning on buying a video camera with the last of the money. My options going from are the JVC Everio GZ-MG330 or JVC Everio GZ-MG335 both $629.00 or the older JVC Everio GZ-MG135 for $673.88 all New Zealand dollars. It will be a hard choice between them as the new models have only just been added in the last few days. All have a 30GB HDD for recording. The 135 has only a 680k ccd with the other two 800k so that proberly rules that one out because of lower image quality.
To make up the remainder of the money I need for the video camera I will be selling my old pc for about $160 dollars NZ.
Soon on May 11th 2008 I will be turning 30. Man i'm old. Yep. At the moment every month my phone bill adds about $10 in credit as i'm paying a little more than what I need to. Currently there is $60 dollars sitting there in credit. I plan on getting a new 500GB hdd for $135.00 NZ from pricespy again with the remainder being a 30th present from my mum cool hah. That will mean my new computer will have about a terrabyte of storage thats 1000gb.
So thats pretty much a list of all my new possesions from the $2000 I inherited. Thanks for your time.