Laura Story - Blessings
This is kind of a sad song I find. It's very Christian and Jesus. I did get a few listens out of it though.
It's obviously very hard to believe in Jesus with so many people saying no. The world pushes Jesus away.

I'm kind of ashamed of my belief in Jesus in the fact that I don't really believe in him. There's a scripture saying..... Luke 9:26 Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. And also..... Matthew 10:33 But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.
I kinda love Jesus words but I can't see after 2000 years and the way technology is that Jesus is going to have an impact in the future. It's possible there will always be believers in Jesus through the entire history. I find it ever so hard to believe in Jesus and find that he's mostly a myth. He probably did indeed suffer though so that's a pretty hard thing to do. He deserves his church. Isn't it hard to believe in his resurrection from the dead? This is like a key point of Christianity. Yet I find myself not believing.
The bible is just so hard to believe in. Jesus is just as hard but I like what he says. There is no evidence for his RES or his miracles. I do like the fact that people gather once a week even if they are praising Jesus and worshipping. At least there being social and making friends and communicating ideas and efficiencies. Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. The gathering is vital. It's generally wholesome even if a little crazy from it's base. I believe it does nothing but good unless they are strict and unlike children possibly. Just the people interacting and talking and there can be quite alot of people.
John 8:32 The Truth Shall Make You Free. If I was to know the truth about Jesus Christ and the bible I would have a heavy burden lifted off my shoulders. It is a puzzle I have tried to solve for a long time. I think I am at the point of not believing. It is endless and neverending. Maybe if I knew what I know now back when I was like 10 years old or something I could solve it with the endless energy I had back then and the much greater mind capacity. But now I find I am much to dumb and deceived. I would dearly love to know the truth.
I find I don't want to goto church. It's to early in the morning for me and their beliefs are different from mine. The bible says not to forsake the gathering. I guess as a non believer this doesn't apply to me. It's unfortunate that I don't know the truth. I am definitely not free.
I need a demonstration of Spirit and Power. Never seen one. Who wouldn't believe these days. So much lacking in todays Christianity. How can they be happy with what they have even though they are taught to be content with what they have. I'm pretty sure they don't have Jesus either or the truth.
Perhaps I love money? Maybe this is my fault? I need money I find. To buy food and pay bills. I also find there is always a shortage of money. I could always use more money. I do desire to be rich. But this is because the opportunity has been within reach. I would of had many other things to occupy myself the last few years if money wasn't in reach. But I always seem to be just grasping at it and it's always out of reach never to land. I hope one day to be wealthy. But it's taken it's toll. I don't need much. Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have,
I would like a demonstration of spirit and power. I certainly can't demonstrate such a thing. I have never seen a demonstration. Nobody is able I guess and this frustrates me a hell of alot.
Christians need to go hard and solve some of these issues. If they know God why can't others like myself. But I don't really see Christians as knowing God either. God is hidden. We are in darkness and people perish from a lack of knowledge.
This has been alot to add to this video but owell. This is where i'm at with Christianity.
Darcy Lee