I dropped the domain warondeath.com and now someone else has snatched it up. The site is in chinese. I should of kept it, it could of gone somewhere but I was to lazy to do anything with the site.
Anyway so I recently purchased ProBegger and its where i'm posting all my streams from my Piratevoice Youtube channel.
This is still me trying to raise money to purchase a house.
Darcy Lee
Darcy Lee Professional Beggar Running a War on Death; Enemy of Death. THIS IS WAR. Death is an enemy. This website is dedicated to the defeat of death. All suffering, pain, war, crime, poverty, Sin, this is all death. Donate Today. I'm looking for enough donations to buy a house. This will be my base for the rest of my life where I will stage a war on death for as long as I live.
Donate Here:
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Showing posts with label Donations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donations. Show all posts
Friday, November 2, 2018
Thursday, December 29, 2016
All of Me
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John Legend. |
Think I found this because it had a billion views. It's ok. Adding to music 2.
Virtual Reality is going to flood the market one day. Where the picture is in your head eyes mind. These glasses and goggles that are available today are very primitive.
I'm looking for donations because I have suffered. To move on with my life and perhaps regain some composure. I need a house to do this. I will never work again. Need like a 100k US dollars. If you understood my suffering you would lift me. I have this thought that lifting me lifts the world.
Added label "Lift the World".
Darcy Lee
One More Time
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Daft Punk VR. |
I was actually surprised when I found that I hadn't already added this. Here it is you must listen to this at least once but most will have heard it already unless they are super young.
Darcy Lee
Dud u have a Merry Christmas? I got lots of food which is awesome.
Haven't got much to update about Virtual Reality or 911 World Trade Center or my phone call or the songs I feature in. I'm trying to get people to understand but such is the darkness of the world. Still haven't earned yet one donation. I'm still hopeful one day the donations will roll in.
If you want to help you can post links to this website on places like You Tube, Twitter, Facebook, Forums. By doing this you get a time and date stamp. Consider this a lotto ticket that cost you not dollars but time and thought and belief and trust. It doesn't need upkeep and it will go off like a time bomb.
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Christmas Tree. |
Also the New Zealand Govt should deal me my marijuana drugs. Top shelf stuff. 30 grams a week for like $50 bucks or something. I have a licence to smoke. I asked for one. It exists. Tey did everything else I asked for. It should actually be a licence to grow. I don't want to test whether this licence would work until the truth comes out and it's guaranteed. At the moment I would probably still get done.
This is going out to the Govt's of the world.
I want some wages!!!!!!!!
Added labels "Salary" and "Wages".
Darcy Lee
Darcy Lee,
Donate to me,
Music 2,
New Zealand,
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Underworld Born Slippy
Underworld Born Slippy
Heard this on the trainspotting soundtrack. Adding to music 2.
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Immortality. |
All these music videos are hand picked and hand listened. They brought me some joy temporarily at least. Musci can help in those moments of sadness and mourning. It can bring comfort even if it is temporal.
This site now has three catagories of Music. The first just plainly called Music is top shelf stuff. This started being a all in all category so the further back you go there could be some stuff that made it in there that's not so great but if you read it should explain this.
The second category entitled Music 2 is still good music but it's probably not going to be quite as good as Music. Eg it might not last as long or just be a few plays or something.
If I get a lot of plays out of a song it goes in Music.
Music 3 is for things I listened to once and don't really like but have added just to say i've been there.
Those are the categories.
Also over the years this website has moved a little away from being an immortality war on death website. This is going to change. I'm going to continue to bring back the theme of Immortality and a War on Death.
My first ever blog which no longer exists started with a war on death theme. I'm quite happy with what i've achieved here with this blog but I want to make it alot bigger. I need to post a lot more and make alot more videos.
I'm just lazy. I have lots of time. But I sleep lots. I often don't feel like using the computer finding many excuses not to. I have been bumping my Godlikeproductions forum post a bit and it's now upto 25k hits in total.
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Anything Less than Immortality. |
No one believes of course. Much to amazing for people to believe and to many other people lying on the internet to get attention.
Let the truth shine I guess. In this darkness we all badly need some truth.
Seek immortality. Fight death. Hold on to your life. Do good.
Scripture for the day:
Romans 2:7
To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.
And just one last thing to round out what this website entails but how bout if you can, you donate towards buying me a house. That's right this is also a buy me a house website.
I been trying for ages to get donations. I don't get much traffic. One day.
Darcy Lee
Buy Me A House,
Cover Up,
Eternal Life,
Music 2,
Phone Call,
Scripture For The Day,
September 11,
War on Death,
World Trade Center
Sunday, August 7, 2016
First Video Uploaded on Fibre
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www.DarcyLee.com |
Adding these to movies.
Darcy Lee
O yeah donate. I bring the technologuy. Your also going to see alot more videos.
Domain Names Charity and Hard Work
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Charity Domain Names. |
Now if you purchase a domain from the list then you could fire me back something in return. I dunno what. I mean if you make millions then you should definitely be buying me a house. You could donate some money or something I suppose. Every dollar helps me. I live on very little.
So these domains are a form of charity knowing that oneday I will be rich. I guess with so little traffic to this website the domains probably won't even be bought. Someone might spy one they like and purchase it. Now all of these domains were available when I first thought them up but I haven't checked them recently so some might of gone in the mean time. Also yhou might be reading this really late after I posted it so someones already gone through and got the one you wanted.
Some of them are stupid and pointless others have a bit more thought. This is my work from the last 4 years or so.
Now on with the list I guess:
psifireing.com suffering
monvalue.com Moneyvalue
crossruth.com truth
daberage.com the breach
warasset.com war-asset.com
threadwords.com threadword.com gone
luke169.com use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves.
onehundredollarbill.com onehundreddollarbill.com 2 D's gone.
tenthousandmillion.com 10 Billion
10000million.com 10 Billion
wararapa.com wairarapa.com
psyword.com Sword?
hunthebeast.com huntthebeast.com gone
marleysaurus.com Miley Cyrus and Marleys ARE US.
maorikapai.com kapai in maori means very pleasant; good, fine.
dossay.com dos-say darcy
checkdick.com chickdick.com gone
murdarc.com Murders
mistagod.com Mrgod.com gone.
alphabetisword.com alpha bet is word .com sword
ciants.com science bible consider the ant
candywords.com Candyword.com gone
wardarc.com Whitehouse?
christmasof.com (christmassive.com gone)
soldarc.com (Soldiers)
iclockedit.com I Clocked It
leebourer.com (Labourer)
cowrati.com (Karate)
moneyfertiliser.com hem boring?
psyburn.com Psiburn.com gone.
banpsy.com Banzai
colourt.com (Karate? Possibly?)
warlang.com War Language
warlangtongue.com (Wellington) (War Language Tongue) (NZ capital city)
wairafx.com wairarapa
waroft.com warofcross
psimonsays.com (simonsays.com)
airwarsupdoc.com (bugs bunny eh whats up doc).
daleenews.com (DailyNews)
myweap.com (myweapon.com gone)
darcsided.com (Decided?)
mistodic.com (New word) (Miss starter kid/kit)(MrDickhead)
luckandlearn.com (Like Kindling)
psytrifidus.com no results found in google new word.
restoll.com (Resurrection Toll)
isewe.com (islam.com)
psyfaring.com (suffering)
poweradise.com (paradise)
nutsheep.com (nutbaa)
michealjacksong.com (michaeljacksong.com gone)
darcda.com (Doctor)
psicurse.com (Suckers.com)
dubible.com (The Bible)
wobbletouse.com well built house
armitative.com armitative.com
lieght.com (Light but with lie)
uttermate.com (Ultimate, Automate)
complaxative.com (Byron laxatives)
amoddercan.com (American)
veryrichyouwill.com (Same as Virtual)
medicinalword.com tried 5 other combinations of similar words for this one
qwertytalk.com (qwertychat.com gone)
sellang.com (slang)
pollywork.com (polywork.com gone)
wordpolly.com (pollyword.com and polyword gone)
gosword.com (goswords.com gone)
psytation.com (citation)
cheerwitty.com (charity)
warcowed.com (workout)
pillarmoney.com moneypillar gone.
duhsay.com (Darcy)
sparewit.com (spirit)
leeda.co.nz New zealand domain, dot com gone.
jesusesame.com (Sesame street)
picturesinyourhead.com with an sssssssss.
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Domain Names. |
eyesmindhead.com etc etc etc for those.
andofvr.com both
That's it. I tried counting but got lost a little. There is either 517 or 617 domains listed here. There is definitely 500 plus domains listed here.
Perhaps one of them will inspire you to create your own. I do wonder if this will make me any money. Probably not. I don't need so many domains anyway but to make money would be nice.
The bible says not to wear yourself out trying to make yourself rich. I just want to be rich without the effort. I've worked enough.
I would also now like to mention technology and virtual reality and the matrix. Some of the domains are related to these fields. There that was my mention. This site pushes virtual reality pictures in your head eyes mind not wearing eyewear but having an image in your brain. This is the future and it exists now but it's top secret and classified.
Anyway if you enjoyed the domains let me know with a comment or even a donation. If you buy one perhaps also leave a comment.
I'm sure with so many there, there has to be at least one that's valuable to someone.
The technology I have used to invent these domains is my brain. That line was just to mention Technology again.
Added Label "Charity" and Classified.
Darcy Lee
Buy Me A House,
Darcy Lee,
Domain Name,
Donate to me,
Top Secret,
Virtual Reality,
Friday, July 29, 2016
The Feelers Fishing For Lisa
The Feelers - Fishing For Lisa
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The Feelers. |
So for the forth time now Donate me some money so I can biy a house. Donations yup. I'm going to earn my house.
Adding this to music. I like. Kinda sad.
Added Label "Police".
Darcy Lee
Taylor Swift Shake It Off
Shake it Off - Taylor Swift.
I've come to like this song a little. Enough to add it. I didn't like it at first.
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Taylor Swift |
Still adding to music 3.
Anyway it's that time again for the 3rd time. Buy me a house by making a donate to my paypal account.
For the 1st time i'm going to mention technology and the matrix and virtual reality. I have to up those words as well. They have the ability to put an image in your head. They can read your mind.
It's the future. But no one believes.
I'm not sure how i'm going to mention virtual reality and matrix and technology as much but i'll try.
I started including my name with most posts. I got some bad links so that knocked me down to 7th page for "Darcy Lee" search in google. Hopefully with more mentions it will bring me back up.
Darcy Lee
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Buy My Suffering.
I posted this indiegogo.com which is a fundraising site. I'm going to log it under forum posts and things like that. In this post I try and get people to donate and offer in return that they suffer a little and feel a sting caused by their donating. I also say that my suffering was an indicator of the end of all life in the future but this can be changed. LOL. Read it you want.
I have suffered. I have truly truly suffered. I believe I
have set world records in suffering. I'm pretty sure the suffering came from vertebrae in my neck. This pretty much gave me no place to lay my head for about 10 years of which I suffered to near maximum extreme pain.
I'm raising money for my own house to live a better higher life in what I now consider is a very evil world that many innocent people live in.
I am a trader. I guess that i'm looking for sponsorship from a brand that represents extremeness and endurance.
My suffering was record breaking. I hit the max my senses could handle for sustained periods never far from the top. Now if foxes have holes and birds have nests then I had no place to rest my head.
My suffering is record breaking. Someone has to hold the title of suffering most. There is Jesus. Well now there's me. I must be like a equal to Jesus. My flesh has been crucified to the extreme.
It says we share in Jesus suffering. Well you can share in mine. You can buy some of my suffering. A dollar or two will ease my suffering and create suffering for you thereby you are sharing in my suffering. If your not suffering you haven't given enough.
I think life as we know it went extinct sometime in the future and I felt it now. You can buy some peace for the future. My peace will create a better future as I shed abroad sentences profound and wise generated from a life time of suffering. I need to ascend to higher levels. A higher standard of living. By owning my own house is a solid base and higher level than I currently am. At 37 I haven't ascended very high. I have hit the bottom though or the top end of suffering which ever way you want to confuse it.
I can't really share in anyone's suffering but there have been none greater only equals. But now what do I have to trade. See i'm not thinking material possessions. I'm thinking there is still something to trade even once we have been stripped of everything we own. We still have our thoughts and our words.
By you reading this your future is changing. Even just a little.
I guess i'm looking for someone like NIKE to sponsor me. Nike sponsor athletes. Well consider me as extreme high end ultimate suffering and endurance, still living and escaped from it. ]
This is like ultimate endurance.
I guess I would be an embarrassment to whoever might consider sponsoring me. But they should basically believe in how much I have suffered.
I do know and am pretty sure that I hold records for suffering and one day it has potential to be proven in a very advanced technological future.
Share in my suffering. You can buy some of my suffering. Most have enough. But consider this suffering that I am offering a blessing.
I guess there are at the moment two things in proposal for raising money for my house. One is sharing in my suffering by donating. The other idea is earning a good sponsorship deal like Nike or someone because of my extreme endurance feat.
The bible mentions me. LOL NOT. Just play along. But the saying goes had no place to lay my head. Luke 9:58 This is me. I fulfilled this part of scripture.
I had a house and pillow every night but there was no place to lay my head, I could find no rest from my suffering in my head area.
So the tech i've invented is suffering transference. The more you give and donate to me or others, as this tech has been secretly applied to indiegogo, the more it hurts. It could be a creeper. You give then bam before you know it your suffering cause you gave heaps. Suffering is not addictive.
There are good reasons to suffer. You believe the bible don't you in this modern day tech universe. I quote from the bible to prove my suffering transference technology and it's advantages that suffering bestows upon you.
Well 1 Peter 4:1 whoever suffers in the body is done with sin.
Not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, Romans 5:3
So by donating your producing endurance in yourself. You also get to boast about your particular suffering. You could be like La La to people.
The suffering generated upon donating to me has been tuned up and is more than other pages on indiegogo when donating to them.
ANother way you suffer is you look foolish by donating. But really this is your disguise. You've thrown everyone off guard got them thinking your foolish. Really your the smartest in the room. Now people lower their guard around you till eventually you spring delivering your payload of intellect and wisdom knocking everyone off their feet.
I guess a third idea is that life went extinct. See my suffering was so great it represented all life dying. By giving me money your changing the future of everyone on the planet starting with your own future. This should lead to life surviving into immortality and foreverness.
This is just a theory I play with. Extreme supreme suffering to be boasted about as enduranceafying.
What is suffering for? Like needless pointless suffering? Well I'm going to share mine and i'm offering it for sale via suffering transferance technology which requires you to donate to me or anyone and you in return suffer a little producing endurance and character within you.
Donate to me and suffer yourself.
My indiegogos never work so I guess i'm really just using this as a forum that maybe 20-30 people will see.
You could check out my website which gives further clues to my suffering. http://www.darcylee.com
I intend on spreading the wisdom and nature that comes from long intense suffering. I should generate some words or actions that should help someone some where. Your donations are helping spread the things I have learned from suffering which isn't really anything yet but so extreme was my suffering that it should produce some works.
Works from individual suffering.
Do you need to suffer? Donate.
Not all are guaranteed to suffer but many will by donating to me.
Want the planet to live in the future. My suffering produced by tech means that I and others suffer cause so that one day no one has to suffer. Got it. And that we make sure someone makes it what ever it is.
By donating you are donating to the future of the planet.
By sponsoring me you are sponsoring a symbol of extreme suffering.
I just need a house. I have suffered greatly. I hold the records. But noone is able as yet to acknowledge my records.
But believe anyway.
There should be no doubting that I have indeed suffered but as to how much should be the debate.
I say I have suffered enough to say that in the future all life died.
You can change this future by donating to me.
This is bible tech which is stupid really cause no one believes that hocus pocus.
But it's all so suffering tech. The Suffering I experienced in life has written this post.
Great suffering i have done.
What will it produce for me.
Will I just die?
No one perhaps can understand.
Wanna feel a sting? Donate to me.
I never make a cent out of these things.
Imagine suffering. I hit the max. Now the world is going to change because of that.
It has started here.
This is part of the work I am putting in.
No one believes or knows or understands how much I have suffered.
It's hard to describe suffering. I give you a warning about it. Everyone should be preparing to suffer.
You can't know about suffering until after you've been through it. You can have all the theory in the world.
I'm offering via your donations that you can have some of your own suffering. Most will feel a sting.
It will generate a memory.
You will remember.
This I also offer in trade.
I offer you the memory of this donation.
I hope I can sell you a memory.
So for your donation you get a memory. A sting. You save life in the future. You get some suffering which produces character and endurance and you in your suffering have something to boast about. I forget what else you get by donating to me but there are other perks.
I guess it quite a biggy to preserve life in the future. Think nothing of it.
Anyway please donate to me.
Suffer a little. You could pretend to be a soldier.
What will you do with your suffering? The possibilities are endless.
Donate to me and suffer and save the world.
That was the end
Darcy Lee

have set world records in suffering. I'm pretty sure the suffering came from vertebrae in my neck. This pretty much gave me no place to lay my head for about 10 years of which I suffered to near maximum extreme pain.
I'm raising money for my own house to live a better higher life in what I now consider is a very evil world that many innocent people live in.
I am a trader. I guess that i'm looking for sponsorship from a brand that represents extremeness and endurance.
My suffering was record breaking. I hit the max my senses could handle for sustained periods never far from the top. Now if foxes have holes and birds have nests then I had no place to rest my head.
My suffering is record breaking. Someone has to hold the title of suffering most. There is Jesus. Well now there's me. I must be like a equal to Jesus. My flesh has been crucified to the extreme.
It says we share in Jesus suffering. Well you can share in mine. You can buy some of my suffering. A dollar or two will ease my suffering and create suffering for you thereby you are sharing in my suffering. If your not suffering you haven't given enough.
I think life as we know it went extinct sometime in the future and I felt it now. You can buy some peace for the future. My peace will create a better future as I shed abroad sentences profound and wise generated from a life time of suffering. I need to ascend to higher levels. A higher standard of living. By owning my own house is a solid base and higher level than I currently am. At 37 I haven't ascended very high. I have hit the bottom though or the top end of suffering which ever way you want to confuse it.
I can't really share in anyone's suffering but there have been none greater only equals. But now what do I have to trade. See i'm not thinking material possessions. I'm thinking there is still something to trade even once we have been stripped of everything we own. We still have our thoughts and our words.
By you reading this your future is changing. Even just a little.
I guess i'm looking for someone like NIKE to sponsor me. Nike sponsor athletes. Well consider me as extreme high end ultimate suffering and endurance, still living and escaped from it. ]
This is like ultimate endurance.
I guess I would be an embarrassment to whoever might consider sponsoring me. But they should basically believe in how much I have suffered.
I do know and am pretty sure that I hold records for suffering and one day it has potential to be proven in a very advanced technological future.
Share in my suffering. You can buy some of my suffering. Most have enough. But consider this suffering that I am offering a blessing.
I guess there are at the moment two things in proposal for raising money for my house. One is sharing in my suffering by donating. The other idea is earning a good sponsorship deal like Nike or someone because of my extreme endurance feat.
The bible mentions me. LOL NOT. Just play along. But the saying goes had no place to lay my head. Luke 9:58 This is me. I fulfilled this part of scripture.
I had a house and pillow every night but there was no place to lay my head, I could find no rest from my suffering in my head area.
So the tech i've invented is suffering transference. The more you give and donate to me or others, as this tech has been secretly applied to indiegogo, the more it hurts. It could be a creeper. You give then bam before you know it your suffering cause you gave heaps. Suffering is not addictive.
There are good reasons to suffer. You believe the bible don't you in this modern day tech universe. I quote from the bible to prove my suffering transference technology and it's advantages that suffering bestows upon you.
Well 1 Peter 4:1 whoever suffers in the body is done with sin.

So by donating your producing endurance in yourself. You also get to boast about your particular suffering. You could be like La La to people.
The suffering generated upon donating to me has been tuned up and is more than other pages on indiegogo when donating to them.
ANother way you suffer is you look foolish by donating. But really this is your disguise. You've thrown everyone off guard got them thinking your foolish. Really your the smartest in the room. Now people lower their guard around you till eventually you spring delivering your payload of intellect and wisdom knocking everyone off their feet.
I guess a third idea is that life went extinct. See my suffering was so great it represented all life dying. By giving me money your changing the future of everyone on the planet starting with your own future. This should lead to life surviving into immortality and foreverness.
This is just a theory I play with. Extreme supreme suffering to be boasted about as enduranceafying.
What is suffering for? Like needless pointless suffering? Well I'm going to share mine and i'm offering it for sale via suffering transferance technology which requires you to donate to me or anyone and you in return suffer a little producing endurance and character within you.
Donate to me and suffer yourself.
My indiegogos never work so I guess i'm really just using this as a forum that maybe 20-30 people will see.
You could check out my website which gives further clues to my suffering. http://www.darcylee.com
I intend on spreading the wisdom and nature that comes from long intense suffering. I should generate some words or actions that should help someone some where. Your donations are helping spread the things I have learned from suffering which isn't really anything yet but so extreme was my suffering that it should produce some works.
Works from individual suffering.
Do you need to suffer? Donate.
Not all are guaranteed to suffer but many will by donating to me.
Want the planet to live in the future. My suffering produced by tech means that I and others suffer cause so that one day no one has to suffer. Got it. And that we make sure someone makes it what ever it is.
By donating you are donating to the future of the planet.
By sponsoring me you are sponsoring a symbol of extreme suffering.
I just need a house. I have suffered greatly. I hold the records. But noone is able as yet to acknowledge my records.
But believe anyway.
There should be no doubting that I have indeed suffered but as to how much should be the debate.
I say I have suffered enough to say that in the future all life died.
You can change this future by donating to me.
This is bible tech which is stupid really cause no one believes that hocus pocus.
But it's all so suffering tech. The Suffering I experienced in life has written this post.
Great suffering i have done.
What will it produce for me.
Will I just die?
No one perhaps can understand.
Wanna feel a sting? Donate to me.
I never make a cent out of these things.
Imagine suffering. I hit the max. Now the world is going to change because of that.
It has started here.
This is part of the work I am putting in.
No one believes or knows or understands how much I have suffered.
It's hard to describe suffering. I give you a warning about it. Everyone should be preparing to suffer.
You can't know about suffering until after you've been through it. You can have all the theory in the world.
I'm offering via your donations that you can have some of your own suffering. Most will feel a sting.
It will generate a memory.
You will remember.
This I also offer in trade.
I offer you the memory of this donation.
I hope I can sell you a memory.
So for your donation you get a memory. A sting. You save life in the future. You get some suffering which produces character and endurance and you in your suffering have something to boast about. I forget what else you get by donating to me but there are other perks.
I guess it quite a biggy to preserve life in the future. Think nothing of it.
Anyway please donate to me.
Suffer a little. You could pretend to be a soldier.
What will you do with your suffering? The possibilities are endless.
Donate to me and suffer and save the world.
That was the end
Darcy Lee
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Advertising and Sponsorship Of A House.
The following post I made to 3 different crowd funding sites. A crowd funding site is a place where people specifically go to give and receive money for different ideas and startups of emergencies anything really. If people have sympathy for you or your idea is good they will donate.
So my idea to make donations is to sell advertising on a house. I'm also looking at doing the same with a car. Basically you make a donation big enough and this earns you an advertising spot somewhere either on the inside or exterior or roof of my house or fences or perhaps billboards that could be erected.
A Person could advertise with pictures of their car selling advertising space on their car stating where and how big. The people who want the adds could pay the person a fee for having the ad on the car plus the paint job itself. It could be something as simple as a bumper sticker. Match up bumper stickers of advertisements to cars for dollar bills. I'm sure people would be willing to donate space on their cars for advertising if they were being paid. It could also perhaps be a type of catalog of cars.
So you can donate towards an advertisement on a house or car. This is how i'm trying to raise my funds. If all goes well and we raise enough I should be able to get this done.
You can find my three pages here:
My last page which is on rockethub hasn't been approved yet but i'll add link if it does get approval. *EDIT* added link to rocket hub.
Anyhow here is the article seeking to get house sponsorship I wrote.

Also I'm looking to earn $30k for a car here in NZ. Something like a Suzuki Grand Vitara 4wd 2 door. But I would drive anything if it was a car company who wanted me to support and drive their brand around. I could have your advertising on the car. I will pay for all petrol and maintenance on the car but you have to pay for the paint job and car itself. I will drive it everywhere and own it a long time. Your advertisement will be seen in many places round New Zealand on this car.
This could catch on. You could have professional paid people who drive round in special advertising cars. The sole goal of the car is to have the advertising on it and to be seen driving round in various places. More people could sell advertising on their cars perhaps to be seen. A company could paint up a few 100 of peoples cars with their logo. Perhaps start a trading website where buyers and sellers of this type of advertisement could meet up.

So I don't know how it goes yet but let's say if you donate $500 dollars as a minimum then you achieve the smallest size advertisement on the inside of the house. $50 will get you a text link somewhere on the inside of house. $1000 will get you an advertisement on the outside of the house or fence or roof of house. Alot of the factors are going to depend on the house I purchase. But I guarantee that I will spend $35,000 US dollars on the paintjob itself probably more. If you want a bigger advertisement then buy multiple blocks.
At the moment I can't guarantee the size of advertisements. I have to make enough money to purchase both the house and get it painted in all the advertisements. This won't be easy. If i fail to make enough money for the paint job I will try and get just a text link done. This really is just to raise funds for a house for myself. I will live in this house for the rest of my life unless I can upgrade or something. I'm hoping to build new though so it should last a long time.
There was million dollar pixel homepage where the guy was selling pixel adds. I guess I'm selling ads but the pixels are on my house and car.

I once saw a house and the wallpapered interior was just hung up old newspapers that people could read. The wallpaper was newspapers. This house will be an advertisement for many companies if I make enough. A car would be a bonus. Also someone once sold an advertisement on their forehead as a tattoo. Well I'm selling advertisements on my house and car. Commercial sponsored advertising corporate business house living. You don't see many people living in sponsored houses. I'm hoping the advertising and sponsorship will cover the cost of everything.
Just to make it clear. I first need to raise enough funds to purchase a house as I don't as yet own my own house. If i don't make enough then I will just use any money earned for various endeavours in my life. Hopefully I can make enough to both purchase the house and get the paintjob done.
Thanks for reading
Darcy Lee
That was exactly word for word what I put on the three sites. Also only 2 of the sites included what they call perks. These make it easy to get the people making the donations and the advertising sorted. I'm not sure if the 3rd site is going to be able to handle what i'm doing but i'll try anyway.
Added Label "Advertising".
I'll leave it here, this post is now long enough.
Darcy Lee
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Another Couple of Funding Pages.
I made another page similar to my indiegogo.com page also trying to raise money for Warcraft. This time it's on a site called gofundme.com I just wanted to post the link here as if that would help.
I'm actually quite rapt at the link cause it has worldofwarcraft in it. Check it out.
I'm adding this as an edit but i've also been able to make a page at another crowd funding place. This site is called rockethub. So that's three sites I have pages at. Indiegogo, Rockethub and Gofundme. I am also waiting on approval for one last page on Kickstarter. You can follow the link to rockethub here:
Here is the Indiegogo link so there all in the same post:
I'm actually quite rapt at the link cause it has worldofwarcraft in it. Check it out.
I'm adding this as an edit but i've also been able to make a page at another crowd funding place. This site is called rockethub. So that's three sites I have pages at. Indiegogo, Rockethub and Gofundme. I am also waiting on approval for one last page on Kickstarter. You can follow the link to rockethub here:
Here is the Indiegogo link so there all in the same post:
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Moving Time. 26th April 2014.
I'm all set up now and Internet and phone were turned on about 3pm on Monday. I watched a couple movies while I had no internet. I saw "Now You See Me" with Woody Harrelson. I liked that movie but it was not very realistic. I also watched "2 Guns" this was more of an action movie. Not as good as Now You See Me. I also watched "Gravity" though I was saddened about George Clooneys character.
The landlord is coming round tomorrow with a couple papers to sign. I hate landlords. I really wish for some privacy which means owning my own home. But it's not real to think I can ever have a house unless I receive massive charity from the Internet or unless my song cameos kick in or my September 11th 2001 phone call gets put up on YouTube. But none of this is likely to happen for a long time if ever in my life time.
Anyhow enough said for today. It's 3.19am and i'm going to bed.
Friday, May 24, 2013
My Life Information.
Hey all. (I'm talking to myself no one reads this).
I been playing a little bit of Diablo 3. I'm back up to $105 US dollars in my Paypal account but haven't had any sales for a couple nights now which is sad. My inventory isn't the greatest I guess. I am planning to expand with my brother lending me his D3 account so i'll be able to list twice as many items for sale, as most know there is a 10 item limit on the D3 Auction House. This means i'll probably spend between $10 and $15 dollars on acquiring new stuff to sell for profit so will knock my Paypal balance a little.
My phone bill is in a little bit better shape so i'm going to try and save for a 24" monitor. At the rate i'm achieving at the moment it's going to be a fair while. Another thing is that the ads on this page have been doing alright. I'm nearing the payout threshold for them but it's probably still a year away. It seems that the ad's pay more now than they used to back in the day. I'm also getting more traffic so that helps I guess.
I only actually got my new power supply on Monday after my old one died the bang. One of the cables is to short so needs to be lengthened otherwise it seems fine so far. Today I got my ram back that I send for warranty. Again so far it seems ok and there have been no system crashes. The original ram started to crash my machine after the first few hours. It's been like 6-7 hours now without incident. Yay. Finally a stable computer. I had the chance to buy an am2+ motherboard for $55 dollars but it sold before I finally decided I wanted it. Very sad. I have a quad core processor that would be faster than what I have at the moment it just needs a MB.
What else has been happening um. I made a couple more pages on Indiegogo.com and gofundme.com , these are websites where with a page you ask for donations. Some people have made a lot of money to start their project or fund whatever or maybe a sickness or something, some have made over 10k or even 100k. I haven't gotten any donations but I did get one comment that's about it. On my page I said that my suffering was probably in the top 5% of all time suffering. I reckon it could be up there in about the top 2% of all time suffering without to much of a stretch. I guess people just don't see my page buried in amongst all the others or they don't believe me.
What else has been happening er. I had some new neighbours move into the flat next door to me. O. The landlords who had the house on the market because they were getting divorced - well the husband bought out the wife so I don't have to move. This is great news. I need stability. I don't want to be moving around all the time and also there were about 5 open homes which was really annoying with people coming through all the time. I would still love to own my own home one day with all the benefits that it comes with like cheaper living costs like rent.
Anyhow i'll leave it here for now. I haven't been doing much at all as usual.
I been playing a little bit of Diablo 3. I'm back up to $105 US dollars in my Paypal account but haven't had any sales for a couple nights now which is sad. My inventory isn't the greatest I guess. I am planning to expand with my brother lending me his D3 account so i'll be able to list twice as many items for sale, as most know there is a 10 item limit on the D3 Auction House. This means i'll probably spend between $10 and $15 dollars on acquiring new stuff to sell for profit so will knock my Paypal balance a little.
My phone bill is in a little bit better shape so i'm going to try and save for a 24" monitor. At the rate i'm achieving at the moment it's going to be a fair while. Another thing is that the ads on this page have been doing alright. I'm nearing the payout threshold for them but it's probably still a year away. It seems that the ad's pay more now than they used to back in the day. I'm also getting more traffic so that helps I guess.
I only actually got my new power supply on Monday after my old one died the bang. One of the cables is to short so needs to be lengthened otherwise it seems fine so far. Today I got my ram back that I send for warranty. Again so far it seems ok and there have been no system crashes. The original ram started to crash my machine after the first few hours. It's been like 6-7 hours now without incident. Yay. Finally a stable computer. I had the chance to buy an am2+ motherboard for $55 dollars but it sold before I finally decided I wanted it. Very sad. I have a quad core processor that would be faster than what I have at the moment it just needs a MB.
What else has been happening um. I made a couple more pages on Indiegogo.com and gofundme.com , these are websites where with a page you ask for donations. Some people have made a lot of money to start their project or fund whatever or maybe a sickness or something, some have made over 10k or even 100k. I haven't gotten any donations but I did get one comment that's about it. On my page I said that my suffering was probably in the top 5% of all time suffering. I reckon it could be up there in about the top 2% of all time suffering without to much of a stretch. I guess people just don't see my page buried in amongst all the others or they don't believe me.
What else has been happening er. I had some new neighbours move into the flat next door to me. O. The landlords who had the house on the market because they were getting divorced - well the husband bought out the wife so I don't have to move. This is great news. I need stability. I don't want to be moving around all the time and also there were about 5 open homes which was really annoying with people coming through all the time. I would still love to own my own home one day with all the benefits that it comes with like cheaper living costs like rent.
Anyhow i'll leave it here for now. I haven't been doing much at all as usual.
Monday, August 20, 2012
How To Receive Donations and Get Money Indiegogo.com
Found this site today Indiegogo.com With it you can set up a page asking for money. It's been pretty successful for a lot of people. I found it through a forum and it managed to raise $600000 dollars for a Tesla Museum. I checked it out and there was many other stories of people and hard times but alot had been given some money to help out.
I setup a page for 120 days but I don't expect anything will happen. I'm just not amazing enough.
I made my page about September 11th 2001 and needing to fund a lawyer to get a copy of phone calls I made where I yelled "WAR". I talk about them on this page all the time.
I set the bar at $10000 dollars of which I would save $1000 for various things and then after fees I would have about $8000 left of which all would go towards hiring a lawyer and proving my case.
I guess no one will believe me as usual.
Anyway in previous posts I have suggested setting up a website to make money and get donations. Indiegogo.com could be a much easier alternative to setting up a webpage and the chances of making money would be a lot higher if your story is good.
I report back if I ever make any money. You can check my page by clicking the Indiegogo link at the top of this post. Also I recommend reading other success stories so you can familiarize yourself with formulas that have worked. Lots of people have made some cash.
I can't think of much else to write. Check out my page.
Darcy Lee
I setup a page for 120 days but I don't expect anything will happen. I'm just not amazing enough.
I made my page about September 11th 2001 and needing to fund a lawyer to get a copy of phone calls I made where I yelled "WAR". I talk about them on this page all the time.
I set the bar at $10000 dollars of which I would save $1000 for various things and then after fees I would have about $8000 left of which all would go towards hiring a lawyer and proving my case.
I guess no one will believe me as usual.
Anyway in previous posts I have suggested setting up a website to make money and get donations. Indiegogo.com could be a much easier alternative to setting up a webpage and the chances of making money would be a lot higher if your story is good.
I report back if I ever make any money. You can check my page by clicking the Indiegogo link at the top of this post. Also I recommend reading other success stories so you can familiarize yourself with formulas that have worked. Lots of people have made some cash.
I can't think of much else to write. Check out my page.
Darcy Lee
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Virtual Reality VR. Hard Done By.

The topic of VR is hot. It's like omg this is what's going to happen. VR is going to take over and be the key way of entertainment and education and it's incredibly exciting. But not enough people know. Pictures images video graphics in your head mind eyes. This is how Virtual Reality is going to take place. The computer will be inside you with a heads up display and images, information, text, graphics, practically anything that can be shown on a screen can now be shown using this technology.
The images inside your head can be used to simulate and perfect moving. So you could be simulated a Back flip in your head just lying down on your back and you would then have an idea of how to preform a real back flip.
Things like skateboarding or any extreme sport VR will be right at the front of teaching new and exciting moves. You could follow someone skate boarding all in your head and learn there specific style and moves. If you think about it your vision is tied into how you move so anything in your vision like graphics of pictures is going to integrate.
Here's one. Imagine the porn industry. Naked woman video in your head. Or with Artificial Intelligence full interactivity with an artificial person. Again all in your head.
Virtual Worlds are going to explode. And tools. Tools that couldn't be created in the real world will come into effect in the WorldofVR. People that can program might have an advantage in the beginning in the creation of worlds. But as the language evolves most people will probably find in second nature. And with artificial intelligence it will probably be able to write what you request anyway. Pretty much anything you can think or dream could be a reality now. All you need to do is think it in the world and it will appear.
Crime and criminals are in for trouble. They have the ability to read or hear what your thinking and can extract past memories including pictures. So if you committed a crime in the past and haven't been convicted of it, well if you want to be in the virtual world then you'll probably have to fess up before being able to use it as your memories could be read and then used against you though I don't know to what extent this will work.
Currently they are monitoring quite a few people. If you thought they just monitored your phone calls then think again. They monitor your thoughts. Not everyone is monitored. It's not done by people it's done by a computer who will alert real people to anything im

Give me money if you want to. Not many people invision graphics VR in your head mind eyes. This information is valuable and i'm presenting it to you for free. A little giving of the money a donation would be really great to help keep me motivated.
What are some things that come to your mind when you think of virtual worlds inside your head. Imagine dreaming. It's like that but being awake. I'm not that knowing about the technology. They haven't shown me that much. They hate me now and torture me with it. So it does have it's bad uses. They use me as an experiment for their school to educate people on. Maybe you could give me some money because i'm hard done by and tortured by the governments of the world. But truly who knows.
Yeah give me money because i'm tortured and long suffering. This tech will come out but probably not for a long time. They don't want you to know that it can govern and control people with them not even knowing they are being manipulated and can be used to inflict horrendous suffering. But also not only suffering but massive amounts of joy and happiness. Just be aware for now. Your mind is no longer safe. See an image in your head while awake it's probably tech. Think carefully what it's asking you to do.
If only the world new already we would have some discussion happening.
Thanks for your times
Darcy Lee
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Someone Giving Away There Money To Everyone.
I searched for the term "Giving away money" in google while looking to donate 50 cents to someone and discovered the site www.begbarry.com
From the site:
I am rich. Filthy stinking rich. I have a beachfront home in Malibu, an apartment in New York and a country estate in England. I travel first class and dine in the finest restaurants. I appear to have everything but in reality I’m miserable. My life is shallow, empty, soulless, and lonely. I’ll explain more over the coming weeks but all you need to know for now is that I’m giving away my fortune. I can’t stand it anymore, its got to go. All you have to do is tell me how much you want and what you're going to do with it. I can’t guarantee I’ll give money to everyone, but if I think you deserve a share then I’ll help wherever I can.
Thats all from the website. So basically you can write Barry with your story and he might give you some money. I tried posting on the website and it said spam detected post deleted. So emailing him is probably the way to go. His address is barry.millions@gmail.com
Check out the website. There is a lot of competition so I doubt many people will see much money. You'd have to have a pretty good story.
Darcy Lee
From the site:
I am rich. Filthy stinking rich. I have a beachfront home in Malibu, an apartment in New York and a country estate in England. I travel first class and dine in the finest restaurants. I appear to have everything but in reality I’m miserable. My life is shallow, empty, soulless, and lonely. I’ll explain more over the coming weeks but all you need to know for now is that I’m giving away my fortune. I can’t stand it anymore, its got to go. All you have to do is tell me how much you want and what you're going to do with it. I can’t guarantee I’ll give money to everyone, but if I think you deserve a share then I’ll help wherever I can.
Thats all from the website. So basically you can write Barry with your story and he might give you some money. I tried posting on the website and it said spam detected post deleted. So emailing him is probably the way to go. His address is barry.millions@gmail.com
Check out the website. There is a lot of competition so I doubt many people will see much money. You'd have to have a pretty good story.
Darcy Lee
Thursday, August 5, 2010
How to Setup Your Own Website and Start Receiving Donations
Probably the first thing you will need is an email address maybe even 2. One to have all your accounts under and another that you want to display on the web itself. You can goto www.gmail.com to get an address if you dont have one already.
The next step I guess is a paypal account. This allows people with credit cards or now visa debit cards which is an eftpos card that uses your own money not on credit that can be used online to buy things with, it allows them to give you money. My bank has only just got online with visa debit cards and I ordered my card yesterday. Not that I ever have any money. But just think a whole lot of new people all able to give you money now who couldn't before because they didn't have credit cards. Goto www.paypal.com and sign up and get a paypal account.
There is a bit of code that you obtain once you have signed upto paypal that you copy and paste. It will show a little button on your website that people click and can then give you money with there cards. The code can be found once you have an account by going to merchant services then clicking donations and just follow the wizard from there.
The next thing you'll need is the website itself. My site is powered by www.blogger.com There are various templates and colour schemes so you could have a site that looks identical to this one or one that is completely different. Using blogger is very simple. One click to post something new. There's a layout feature which is where u can arrange items like posting an image in one of the columns, or links or what ever you want there, it has full help files as well. If your more advanced than this and can code your own site then you don't really need to be reading what i've written but a free hosting site is www.110mb.com and you can code the files in basic html or upload something you've created in frontpage or some other editing software.
So basically you add a paypal button to your website and then start posting content writing articles, videos, whatever you can think of to entertain people. One of the keys i guess is getting other links from other websites. This is where I fail. Getting links is like getting a vote that your site is popular. This will lift you in search engine rankings making your content seen. Of course if you have bad content you can't expect many people to visit your site. You need content that is popular and people are searching for. An idea or two. You can't just expect people to hand over money just because you ask. You need to sell yourself and reel them in. Again I fail so i Haven't had one donation in four years. So i'm proberly the wrong person to telling you how to make a good website. This guide is really only to get you up and running.
Being social helps to get links. If your a good communicator and can talk to people then you can get links. You could visit forums, or another good way to get hits is to post your articles on reddit.com. If you can get past the filters and editors which I can't then you can gain alot of hits from a place like this.
Another way to monetize your site is with google adsense. www.google.com/adsense. Sign up for an account and you can setup ads on your website which is relevant to your content that people can click on and every click earns you a small percentage. These ads work great if you have alot of traffic but not so well if you don't.
Good luck with that. Your ideas and thought and creations that go into your website can be what catch peoples attention and cause them to give you money I guess. I haven't had one donation so i don't know.
Anyway I was inspired after I got a couple of hits asking "how to get donations".
The next step I guess is a paypal account. This allows people with credit cards or now visa debit cards which is an eftpos card that uses your own money not on credit that can be used online to buy things with, it allows them to give you money. My bank has only just got online with visa debit cards and I ordered my card yesterday. Not that I ever have any money. But just think a whole lot of new people all able to give you money now who couldn't before because they didn't have credit cards. Goto www.paypal.com and sign up and get a paypal account.
There is a bit of code that you obtain once you have signed upto paypal that you copy and paste. It will show a little button on your website that people click and can then give you money with there cards. The code can be found once you have an account by going to merchant services then clicking donations and just follow the wizard from there.
The next thing you'll need is the website itself. My site is powered by www.blogger.com There are various templates and colour schemes so you could have a site that looks identical to this one or one that is completely different. Using blogger is very simple. One click to post something new. There's a layout feature which is where u can arrange items like posting an image in one of the columns, or links or what ever you want there, it has full help files as well. If your more advanced than this and can code your own site then you don't really need to be reading what i've written but a free hosting site is www.110mb.com and you can code the files in basic html or upload something you've created in frontpage or some other editing software.
So basically you add a paypal button to your website and then start posting content writing articles, videos, whatever you can think of to entertain people. One of the keys i guess is getting other links from other websites. This is where I fail. Getting links is like getting a vote that your site is popular. This will lift you in search engine rankings making your content seen. Of course if you have bad content you can't expect many people to visit your site. You need content that is popular and people are searching for. An idea or two. You can't just expect people to hand over money just because you ask. You need to sell yourself and reel them in. Again I fail so i Haven't had one donation in four years. So i'm proberly the wrong person to telling you how to make a good website. This guide is really only to get you up and running.
Being social helps to get links. If your a good communicator and can talk to people then you can get links. You could visit forums, or another good way to get hits is to post your articles on reddit.com. If you can get past the filters and editors which I can't then you can gain alot of hits from a place like this.
Another way to monetize your site is with google adsense. www.google.com/adsense. Sign up for an account and you can setup ads on your website which is relevant to your content that people can click on and every click earns you a small percentage. These ads work great if you have alot of traffic but not so well if you don't.
Good luck with that. Your ideas and thought and creations that go into your website can be what catch peoples attention and cause them to give you money I guess. I haven't had one donation so i don't know.
Anyway I was inspired after I got a couple of hits asking "how to get donations".
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Another Reasons.

It takes persistence but mostly it takes traffic. That involves well i don't know. I can do persistence maybe. A reason you could donate to me and the funny part is in like over nearly 4 years I haven't gotton (made) any donations whatsoever. My first post for this website is dated April 27 2007. Thats over 3 years ago.

Since April 27 2007 no-one has given me any money. :( Not one donation. How poor am I. Wish I was pro. But i'm just an amateur. Amateurs get no money. I'm an amateur beggar.
I have made $20 dollars US with Google Adsense which is the clickable ads you see decorating this website. I guess most people know by now about Google Adsense and how u make money if someone clicks them. Your not allowed to say like Click ME or anything around them and I hope i'm not by writing about them.
$20 dollars from google, and zero dollars from readers.
The $20 US i've made through google has taken like since April 27 2007 so thats like 3 years. I just found another article I wrote and since December 2006 I've had adsense

What I really want to point out though is that people haven't made one paypal donation to this website whatsoever. Yes I'm crazy. Also I bore People. But you think I could make 50 cents or something in the amount of time I must of spent writing stuff.
So not one donation. Not one person has donated. Do I blame them. Not really. If I was cool I would get donations. I'm not cool. Persistence can help but if your not cool, like me then u get beat up.

Do u want to donate to me. Yeah ya do,. BE MY FIRST> add 50 cents to my paypal go u the reader u can do it.
Traffic is cool, Your traffic, man omg if you read this far, i'm running between 2-5 hits a day minimum. My pet rock shop gets more hits now than this website. But I haven't sold any rocks either.
Please Donate to me.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Smoking. Donations.
Day 12 for me without a cigarette. Going to take a long time before i'm actually clear me thinks. Don't know what else to add. I'm pretty tired of asking for money over the internet and not getting any.
I'm going to keep asking though. LOL. It's been 4 years and I haven't got one donation.
Reasons You Should Donate To Me.
#1. I'm poor.
#2. I don't own a house. I rent.
#3. I've seen 5 cockroaches in the last 2 months in my house.
#4. Big Ones.
#5. My house has Drafts. Lots of air. It's cold. Damp.
#6. I'm not funny.
#7. No ones ever donated before. Be the first.
Ok. So donate even a dollar.
I'm going to keep asking though. LOL. It's been 4 years and I haven't got one donation.
Reasons You Should Donate To Me.
#1. I'm poor.
#2. I don't own a house. I rent.
#3. I've seen 5 cockroaches in the last 2 months in my house.
#4. Big Ones.
#5. My house has Drafts. Lots of air. It's cold. Damp.
#6. I'm not funny.
#7. No ones ever donated before. Be the first.
Ok. So donate even a dollar.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Much About Nothing.

Rich. Rich Kids. Rich List. Richest. Rich Boy. Richest Man. Money. Success. World's Richest. Richest People in the World. Billionaires. Poor. Holy Water. Rollin. Work From Home. Making Money. Earn Money. Money online. Internet Business. Free Money. Fast Cash. Easy Money. Work Online. Second Income. Online Jobs. Online Income. Jobs From Home. Internet Money. DUIT. Forbes. Cashflow. Wealth. Passive Income. Cashflow 101. Born Rich. Rich Undercover. Get Rich Quick Schemes. Australian Rich List. The Rich List. Rich List Online.
Super Rich. Richie Rich. Rich House. Being Rich. Ways to get Rich. Rich and Poor. Get rich Slowly. Rich contries. Become Rich. I wanna be rich. Will Contribute. Can Contribute. Vote. Cheats. Game. Help. Global Warming. Charities. Goodwill. Charity. Red Cross. Salvation army. Volunteers. Relief. Give. Money. Drop Off. Needy. Charitable Organizations. Pick up. Tax Deductable. Help Charity. Gift Donation.
Dollars. Earn. Cash. Currencies. Banknotes. Earning. E-Currenty. Currency Exchange Rates. Currency Rates. Exchange Rates. Easy. Internet. Investing. Surveys. Paid. Pound. USD. Rupees. DInar. Make Cash. Money. Extra Cash. Earn Extra Cash. Rate. Internet Income. Earn Cash. Euro. Rates. Get Rich. Kurs.
Ok thats enough. Don't think i'll get any hits but worth a try as experiment see if anyone lands on this page. Donate to me by clicking the paypal button.
Ok Cya.
Darcy Lee.
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