I'm making a stand. I'm using the words "Phone Call On YouTube" and various differentiation's of these words. Essentially I want to see my phone call to a talkback radio station during prime time where I talk all about "WAR" I give blood lay my life on the line then 2 days later the planes hit the buildings in America, I want to see this phone call on YouTube.

philanthropy. c.1600, from Late Latin philanthropia, from Greek philanthropia "kindliness, humanity, benevolence, love to mankind" (from gods, men, or things), from philanthropos (adj.) "loving mankind, useful to man," from phil- "loving" (see philo-) + anthropos "mankind" (see anthropo-).
That was the dictionary meaning of philanthropy. I plan to do this. Some more. I plan to help people with the money that I can possibly reap. First I will save myself and people I know.
This phone call must appear on YouTube. It will help millions of people.
I will setup a charity. I believe in feeding, clothing and housing providing water and electricity for people for the long term. I will begin to impact these areas. I can use words to inspire and move people past failures into long term ventures and goals immediately, I can aid in the health of people.
I have truly Suffered. |
I'm pretty sure solar power is the future. My charity/company will invest in solar power and look for alternatives to petrol and diesel and other forms of polluting power. Investment in this area, solar, is sure to pay off as polluting petrol and diesel driven cars are looking ripe for the taking off the road.
Petrol and diesel has reached it's peak.
What else can I achieve? Phone Call On YouTube.
This phone call alone will inspire you. It will go viral and many meme will be created. There will be a great many responses. I definitely will need some money to start and set myself. I believe I will start a new forum. This forum will take money to start and run but should generate a profit if enough people join. I haven't had much luck on other forums so starting my own one seems pretty logical. It should be the hip new place to hang out for 5 minutes or so at least until my phone call dies a horrible death by truth and love but it should generate much traffic and perhaps the forum will live on.
I'm a Philanthropist. |
I'm a philanthropist. I'm waiting on my phone call on YouTube. This will be my freedom. I should be able to generate a life time of income for me and all my family and friends and even a few strangers. I believe this is what my phone call on YouTube will achieve.
Honestly this phone call must be on YouTube. Now. Immediately. As soon as is theoretically possible. I need your help because it is not happening.
Right now.
Help a fellow man on your journey that you have stumbled across. Phone call on YouTube.
Leave a comment can be one of the best ways to help. It shows you've acknowledged what i've said. What about posting on twitter or facebook? There is plenty you can do.
Please help me make a stand "PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE"
My phone call is of a truth I say and believe. It has truth entwined through it supporting it's structure. You must hear for your self. Phone call on YouTube.
Darcy Lee