Darcy Lee Professional Beggar Running a War on Death; Enemy of Death. THIS IS WAR. Death is an enemy. This website is dedicated to the defeat of death. All suffering, pain, war, crime, poverty, Sin, this is all death. Donate Today. I'm looking for enough donations to buy a house. This will be my base for the rest of my life where I will stage a war on death for as long as I live.
Cousin again introduced me to this song. I had heard it on the radio a while back and used to head "Good Dope Days" or "Good Book Days" when it is actually "Good Ol Days". Adding to Music. Used to love it when this was on radio. It was very catchy.
These are two in one sayings. It can be either or both.
It's possible this is one of my songs. The do not dare part. It might not be though. It was 15 years ago. Also the at your feet part. I said at your feet but also 2in1 atrophied.
There isn't anymore information on this song. It only has 57 views as of this posting. I'm actually adding it to Music 2 because I have got quite a few views and listens out of it.
I've been in Malachi about a week ago. I had experience of the scripture and looking it up is where I found this Jewel.
I like the translation better where it says Malachi 3:17 and they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them.
I have this memory of being at Wai College (Pronounced War Col) and thinking that one day I would make up my jewels and that they would be perfect I and would have all that I needed. There were like sockets on the body for jewels which enhanced your power. Other people were Jewels. You could refine and cut them until they became perfect. I think it was their word that was a jewel.
I remember a little more but I won't write it down pretty much because it's so fuzzy. I was basically leveling my gems and cutting them to perfection before the day when they would all be placed in their final sockets to be there for ever never to be moved again and they were to be perfect. Totally Crazy. But that's what being mind controlled as a kid gets you.
ANyway. Check this song out.
Added Label "Malachi". I'm going to add all the scripture books to labels over times as I post more scriptures.
OK Dokey = Al-Qaeda Key Al-Qaeda = OK Dar Ok Dokey = OK Darky (From Paul Holmes and Cheeky Darky if you wanna take this rascist)
Mr AlQaeda Himself.
Im going to write more of these in this blog as I come up with them. I've found the trick is to write them in this blog straight away or even perhaps just write them down. But just as efficient to type out in this blog and post.
Adding new labels I believe: AlQaeda, TwoInOne.
The above words are meant to be pronounced so you hear both words at the same time and the person who hears can choose one or the other or both to hear and reply to. This should make more sense as I add more examples.
I've probably written this one down here before but i'm going to do it again because I want 2-5 year olds all over the world saying it. It Goes:
Merry Christmas = America Smells = America Smiles = America Smash = Marcus Mouse
The original story goes that started these of is My house was infested with mouse. I walked into the bedroom oneday and there was a couch. The mouse were making noises in the couch. I came up with the line: House Mouse Like Sofa. OR Hell Smells Like Sulpher. This is one of the first models. But there are earlier forgotten examples.