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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Your Thoughts May Not Be Your Own.

I guess if I do have anger issues it's only because i'm tortured.  Not that such torture is recognised by anyone other than myself the torturee and the torturer.  It's not very fun being a tard and having people read your mind with technology.  They must do it to a lot of people from a very young age.  People upon people they must be manipulating everything without people knowing.

I think some disassociation from ones thoughts and not giving ownership to every thought that you ever have. Some thoughts are not your own perhaps.

Don't own every thought and feeling as yourself it could be coming from an external source.

If you have bad negative thoughts that gate you and hold you back then maybe they have been planted there. Every single last bit of negativity. Perhaps it's time to recognise them as not of you? They will be tricky and deceitful. Speaking in your own voice. They will sound like you. Plan on defeating such things.

Darcy Lee.

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