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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Woe Is Me Delinquents

Woe Is Me - Delinquents

Got a few listens out of this but not many.  I like most of the song.  Going to add it because I think it's worth coming back to.

Gravity Shawn Mcdonald

Gravity Shawn Mcdonald.

This is one of my songs again.  Just the chorus where it says "I don't want to fall away from you but Gravity is pulling me on down".  That's what I said over Newstalk ZB live radio air in 2001.  I definitely spoke that line in 2001 I remember.  Anyway if your just catching up on this post and don't know my whole story then this is a little wierd.  But i'm not even going to fill you in.  You have to browse the website.  Check the Osama link on the left.

Gwen Stefani Cool

Cool - Gwen Stefani

I like the chorus of this song that's why i'm adding it, I think it will be worth a listen later.  I listened to Holaback Girl by Gwen as well.  That's pretty good also but i'm not going to add it.  Note to self remember Holaback Girl.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Olivia Wise Roar.

Olivia Wise - Roar.

Listened to this a few times over couple days so going to add it.  Didn't actually like the original Roar by Katy Perry much but enjoy this version alot more.

Olivia recorded this on September 6th 2013.  She had brain cancer and passed away on November 25th. I think she was like 16 years old or something. This is her Roar.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Dire Straights Sultans of Swing Live

Dire Straights Sultans of Swing Live.

The drumming in this is amazing he really gets going later in the song the guitaring all seems pretty basic but the drummer is cool.

Rihanna Shut Up and Drive.

Rihanna Shut Up and Drive.  Got a day or 2 out of this after coming back to it from a while ago after seeing it in the movie Wreck it Ralph.

Monday, January 13, 2014

This is Love.

This is Love - ft. Eva Simmons.

Clicked this song while listening to Reach for the Stars cause this song had 150 mill views.  Its ok.  Passable to add.

Reach for the Stars. - Reach for the Stars.

Was on twitter and I read that someone was playing this song loud in their car and actually pulled up along side them and gave them the thumbs up.  This song also lead to another song that I like.

Fear of the Dark Iron Maiden.

Fear of the Dark - Iron Maiden.

The dj on the radio got requested a song by Iron Maiden and he guessed which Iron Maiden song it was going to be so made me think this was one of Iron Maidens more popular songs.  I liked the song when it came on the radio and so looked it up and now been playing it all day.  I also got a couple by Will.Iam to add.

Immortality War On Death.

1 Corinthians 15:26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

I found this blog entry from my old war on death immortality website that was hosted at  The site has been taken down now but it was my original blog that I started when I first made a blog all those years ago.  This post is dated 12th of February 2007.  It's an interesting read.  Turns out my house was actually bugged.  I wasn't crazy.

This post represents the theory that I had a song even before September 11th 2001.  I was being monitored as I am able to look back now and see definitely now that I have knowledge of the matrix that has been revealed to me.  Anyway here is the post for old times sake.

If you've just come to this page and this is the first blog entry that your reading then i'll update you as to what i'm up to. Basically i'm just trying to earn some money through the internet. Donations mostly, offering at the moment nothing in return for them. Free money. The money will go towards, well, hopefully a house, but as well all the possessions that make a house a house. Things like televisions, stereos, furniture. Any money will also be used for the general running costs of day to day living as well, electricity, food, basically anything you can think of. Some money could also be used for the promotion of this website, advertising through bidvertiser (i'm currently running a $9 US campaign at the moment from earnings of this website) or even something like the purchase of more domain names.

Things of encountered so far are that there is lots of competition from other websites who have much better ideas and/or better website design and/or are offering something of value in return. My plan to combat this is to try and operate this website for a long period of time say 4-5 years and over that time integrate ideas that will aid in receiving donations. The time factor is how I hope to compete, with time I will gain alot more content and come up with a clearer direction and have things running more smoothly and have a broader understanding of what is required to earn money for nothing. This website has been running for 5 months now since yesterday. I haven't had much traffic yet. Other websites have had so much more traffic after starting at around the same time. Traffic should be just "over time" as well. I mean i'm in a hurry but I can be patient as well. I haven't had any donations yet. So far i've earned $10 dollars US from a sponsered text link advertisement and thats it. It's a start though.

More information about me is that i'm kinda crazy. This is another reason I desire a house. A house is safety and security. Kinda crazy people need these things. If i'm not crazy then I am at least quite sick. The doctors actually have some debate whether i'm crazy or not, but they do definitely agree that i'm sick. When I was 16 I started smoking cannabis. I got very heavily involved in cannabis but not other drugs. When I was 20 and a half I got very sick and turned to religion. I was and am in alot of pain, i'd describe it like having a headache all the time. Cannabis has done alot of damage to my brain, to my thinking, cognitive and language abilities (basically my life). The lesson perhaps that can be passed to others from my experiences is to avoid cannabis and if you do smoke it to do so in moderation with the aim to get off it completely. I started smoking cannabis thinking that it was safe and the general opinion of people that smoke it is that it is quite safe, but my suffering and misery from it speak differently. The only advice about cannabis that I will give now is to avoid it with a passion. I've moved on from religion now, but that caused me alot of problems, believing in something thats false and not true does that. Thats my opinion of religion now, of Jesus. Avoid Jesus too with a passion. Life is difficult for many, I think it's impossible to avoid believing in things that are lies and wrong etc throughout our lives but most try as I do. So thats where I am at the moment.
Here now is one of my insanity storys, something that I think happened but maybe because i'm real sick it's all just false. I can't tell the difference if you understand. I was/am real sick. It will read as crazy but then some consider I am. I do suffer.

So well I was working in Wellington NZ, at Bond and Bond an electronics retail store as a sales person. I new for ages that I was on the way out and was sick but I just kept going hoping that I would pull through and get better. I was definitely delusional, mostly religious beliefs. So with my delusions I quit my job and moved back to my parents house. Well for some reason I thought that the government had bugged my parents house, as ya do when your delusional and religious. Well to deal with this I made a few comments out loud directly speaking to these so called listening devices. One comment was "It's sin in your time". It's hard to keep things in context, but what I meant was sorta like they were sinning with these listening devices and that "In your time". From here I will introduce you to the word "Mondegreens". A mondegreen is the mishearing (usually accidental) of a phrase in such a way that it aqquires a new meaning (form wikipedia). Like you hear a song on the radio and think the lyrics say one thing perfectly but when you look up the lyrics they actually are completely different from what you heard. Click the mondegreen link to read the wikipedia article. What i'll add next is that somehow I got the idea of the word "blue" in my head for about 6 months. I would just be walking around my house and with sadness say "blue" and over that six months I had many conversations with many people about "blue" but I won't tell you what was in those conversations (they new I was crazy of course but blue ya know it just made sense to me the crazy person). I had this belief in blue. For six months everything in my life revolved around the word "blue". (Told ya I was crazy). My answer to any question was quite commonly "blue".

Back to the listening devices. Another thing I said out loud to them was something like "Indeed I would Die" referring to immortality and what I had given and would give for it's invention and to me the only thing to die for. To the listening devices (and possibly cameras now) I also explained I was blue inside and that they were blue. Err ya had to be there. So I was real sick right. Well another of my beliefs was telepathy. I knew I was sick and I believed that the goverment was around and to me they were there to help but there was nothing they could do really. Well, not long after I got sick I was walking across my room and I was like, OH OH, there going to make a song about me. I then sat down on my bed and started to um try and help them write the song, with my telepathy of course. It's hard to explain how it worked but basically it was like combining energy of sorts (disclaimer - telepathy is not real). This was all in my head. Anyway it was real muddy inside my head but after a couple of lines of the song the question was asked what was my favourite car as this was to be included in the song. They chose corvette, but a corvette wasn't my favourite car, so I then started to have an argument (in my head with the songwriters) about how a corvette wasn't my favourite car but they just kept going with the song and wouldn't listen so I just left them to it after becoming real frustrated. That part was real crazy huh. Basically what i'm saying is that all the things I spoke out loud to the "bugs" are mondegreened into the song "Blue" by Eiffel 65 and that I proclaimed "oh oh there going to make a song about me" then had an argument about a corvette not being my favourite car and that corvette is included in the Eiffel 65 song and spent six months talking and thinking about nothing but blue. Just as another thing, I also said out loud to the bugs "Move your Body" referring to how they should move their minds and such. There is another song called "Move your Body" by Eiffel 65, with the minds aspect involved. All just the coincidences of a crazy person I guess. I must say though that I can't exactly communicate efficiently and coherently which would detract from what possibly could be real. All just the insanity of a craxy person I guess.

The mondegreened lines I hear are the chorus, where I hear "Indeed I would die" instead of blue da ba dee, and the line where it says "Blue like my corvette, it's standing outside" I hear as "it's sin in your time". The first part of that line used to sound different before I read the lyrics but i've forgotton now. The only real compelling evidence is that I spent like 6 months mentioning nothing but "Blue". If someone does that and then a song comes out like that what are they to think really. Having the notion that they were going to write a song and then having an argument about a corvette as well hmm er yeah this is crazy. Ignore me. I think there's is also one or two more mondegreened lines in there but this was like 8 years ago so I don't remember. Something else I said to the bugs was "Listen" in the same style that appears in the song.  All just coincidence I guess and the thoughts and experiences of someone who can only be and is crazy. I spent six months saying and doing nothing but "Blue". Anything can be heard wherever you want so don't take this as real to much. I just wanted to say. Oh yeah another thing I said to the bugs is "Blew my house" with the line in the song using blue instead of blew but I won't tell ya the context.

Here are the lyrics to "Blue" by Eiffel 65. Also you could have a look at some of the lyrics mondegreen websites that exist that have examples of peoples lyrics mondegreens as they have heard the same things that I have heard so i'm not alone. This was just a story of some coincidences and some mondegreens of a crazy person I was real sick though so they could of been doing something nice for me as there was nothing else they could do. Blue!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

I See Fire - The Desolation of Smaug

I See Fire - Ed Sheeran The Desolation of Smaug Hobbit Soundtrack.

Downloaded this off You Tube and had it on repeat for a while in media player so it deserves a spot.  First post of the new year.  Happy 2014 New Year.  I just had a few drinks round here at my house.  Slept the entire next day pretty much recovering wasn't hung over just exhausted.  Also today I was exhausted.  I don't have very much battery life charge.  Can be annoying.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.  Also a Happy New Year.

I got a new computer chair for Christmas, now my back won't hurt so much.  I also got some shoes and socks and a box of chocolates.  Pretty good takings. Not doing anything for new years again, I'm to old and to poor for that.  I'm 36 in May 2014.  I rather old.  Delusions come easy.  Mistakes also.  Hope I can live a long life without hurting myself or others.  We are all so fragile.  I have a Nanna still alive who's 82.  If she can do it I can at least live another 30 years.

We will see some amazing things in the next 30 years.  I'm hoping for life extension and then onwards and upwards to total immortality.  Failing immortality in my lifetime I believe technology will be such that I will be resurrected without to much hassle along with every other creature and being who has ever lived.  This is a fairly strong belief I have.  I don't think it's to far fetched.  Others disagree about immortality and wanting to live for ever.  I think the future holds a paradise but first there is work to be done in the fields.

Great Joy is possible in the future, probably through tech as it appears God has lost the race, after all God has had 2000 years. I could be wrong.  Maybe tech is Gods plan.  I hope I can find peace and trade peacefully with others.

Here are a couple of scriptures to ponder for no apparent reason.  The Kingdom of Heaven is Like:

Matthew 13:44-46
44 The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it

Merry XMAS.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Coming Home ft. Skylar Grey.

Diddy - Dirty Money - Coming Home ft Skylar Grey.

Just discovered this.  Haven't listened to it much yet but I like the chorus.  Have to play it quietly at the moment as it's late at night and don't want to wake the neighbours.  I'll play it louder tomorrow when the neighbour has gone out.  This is the only time I can have loud music, when the neighbour goes out.  If there is no car I can have loud music.

Last neighbour kept calling noise control.  Got noise control around to my house at like 3.00pm in the afternoon.  I mean who rings noise control at that time.  Anyway enjoy this song.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bitcoin Digital Currency.

Bitcoin.  This is basically new to me.  I only just heard about it but it was first introduced in 2009.  Bitcoin as this currency is called can be mined using your computer.  My computer only has the capability to earn about 9 cents a day, this doesn't even cover the electricity that it would use.

But you can buy asic (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) Miners which mine much faster than your ordinary video card but they cost a fair bit and you have to mine for a while before you make the cost of the card back.  If I ever have any money i'm thinking of investing.  If i'd known sooner I could have maybe made some money.

I would probably invest in a asic miner and probably not make my money back.  Lol.

I'm going to run it overnight tonight to see how much I make.  This is basically another way to make some money.  Bitcoins were at one stage selling for $1200 US dollars for one.

U can run the software and still use the computer for surfing just not 3d games.

Look into Bitcoin if you want to make some money and you have a fast video card already.  Look into to they sell the asic miners.

This is all.


Naughty Boy La La La Ft. Sam Smith.

Naughty Boy La La La ft. Sam Smith.

Listing this just for the La La La part.  I like that.  The rest of the song is just average to me.  This song has over 200 million hits on YouTube.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Keri Hilson - Knock Me Down.

Keri Hilson ft Kanye West and Neyo - Knock Me Down.  Listened to this quite a few times over a couple of days.  Have discovered Monster by Eminem so this will probably go on the back.  This song is good enough to post anyhow.  I enjoyed it enough.