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Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

House with Lights.

Adding this because I like the first minute of so of music and the display is cool and also i'm pretty sure an old friend of mine did it so bonus. Also adding to Music 2 for the first 1 min 25 secs of song which I though was pretty cool and the rest isn't bad either but it's kind of Christmas styles.

Darcy Lee

Friday, January 30, 2015


Apparently this kid is famous now. Apparently this kid is awesome. Apparently he says apparently quite alot. I thought this worth adding none the less. It has 20 million hits.

Real Life Humans With Superpowers.

Both these videos I found quite inspirational. They are Real Life Humans With Superpowers. I liked the vascularity of the marathon runner. His muscles were awesome. I'm going to grow some veins myself now through share will power and sitting on my bum not through hard work at all. Lol. The marathon runner ran 50 marathons in a row I think it said.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Awesome Animated Cake

This is an optical illusion known as a zoetrope.  Everything looks like it's animated it's great.

MineCraft, But No Really Suffering and Torture.

Never really played minecraft that much. Didn't see the point in moving blocks around and the version I had was real hard. Once you died u died. This city is impressive enough to add to my website though. Found this on my facebook page. 4.5 million hand placed blocks.

If only we could devote such time and dedication to building housing and feeding people in real life.

Some of the things people do for attention on Youtube cost a lot of money and consume a lot of time. Money would be better spent helping the homeless and feeding people. I want to see more of an effort alleviating peoples misery and suffering and pain. I can't really talk myself. I mean what am I doing over and above what others are doing.  Nothing at all.  I play World of Warcraft all day and night and waste my life away.

I have suffered terribly so know what it's like. It would be awesome to alleviate peoples suffering. But how.  What can I do. I ask these questions but don't have any answers. I guess first I really need to secure myself? Perhaps. But i'm fairly stable. I have the same bills each week.

I find I fall away from such ideas all to easy.

Like the saying "The Truth Will Set You Free". I reckon I need to do some soul searching and find some place to stand. I need to find the truth that will set people free. Thing is many people have come before me. They were much smarter. It's my suffering experience that wants me to help alleviate others suffering. But i'm not smart enough.

Although I have suffered I am not motivated at all to help others. Perhaps it helps to be kind. But this doesn't help another. Some people are unreachable perhaps violent.

The Matrix tech could possibly help with communication and could provide strength and healing. But that tech being revealed is far out of my hands though I once grasped such power if only for a few days.

So what can I do to help? If I were to give the orders they would be incorrect. If I were to follow orders I would fail. The issues of the world need stronger smarter people than me.

One problem is the smart people don't understand suffering. These people live in a paradise and suffering is so far removed from them that there isn't enough urgency. If suffering could be explained better and people could understand it better then perhaps such people would be more willing to help a sufferer and less willing to inflict suffering.

So much money is spent on weapons of death. If this money was to be converted to life instead we would be better off. Anyway again I have fallen away from helping the poor and suffering. I don't know how to help. I'm no longer suffering so it doesn't concern me maybe. But no. People are all to willing to inflict suffering, it even brings them pleasure to see others suffer.

It is truly an evil world we live in. Evil currently reigns. It's hard to see it ever ending.

God has failed. This has been going on for millions of years. I guess tech has to catch up. So if we don't wipe ourselves out then there are still going to be losers. Hopefully there will be justice and everyone can agree that it is justice.  Even the punished.

I don't see any justice at the moment. Evil has free reign. Evil is able to inflict torture on other humans. I am tortured by the American Govt. No one believes me. They have the power to read your minds. No one believes. I want to be free but I am not. I haven't done anything wrong.

I said America Sucks a few times. They torture me for this. Because I first spoke in unique arrangement some of the lyrics that now appear in many famous songs by many famous artists and said America Sucks a few times right before they were going to tell the world they torture me. This is not right. But you won't believe me.

Everyone gets away with so much because of unbelief.

I am tortured by the Govt. This is my only problem in life apart from poverty. But the Govt denies what I speak and you don't believe. You don't think them able of such things. The matrix tech is used to torture me every day and night. I have no rest from it. When will you come to my aid.

When will you stand up for me.

If it happens to me it happens to others. These people are murderous.

They torture for fun and pleasure and revenge no other reason.

I am innocent. They brought this upon themselves by their own choices.

They chose to watch instead of help. They left me to suffer. They drugged me. Because I didn't like the songs and said America Sucks they chose and tortured me.

This is the worst modern type of torture you can imagine. Please help.

Only those who believe my words can help me. Now I know no one believes. No one bothers to help me. No one comes. No one does what it right. No one listens. Everyone is right except what I say. No one takes any notice of what I say. I am just delusional to you. Yet I don't lie. Yet I am not delusional. Yet I am not Schizophrenic. The Govt calls me Skitz and drugs me. They do this all the mean time torturing me with mind control tech.  I have suffered so much.

No one believes me.

No one has experienced my suffering. Right now my left ear rings louder than any tinnitus could possibly make.  It's so loud. They are torturing me for writing this. They subvert all my thoughts. They limit them so they fit inside their computers memory. I'm not allowed good thoughts. They say the opposite to everything good.

But you don't believe me. You believe their words and appearances. You believe what they have made me with their machines. They have made me deaf and retarded. Tech has done this. Not my lifestyle. They use people's unbelief so that I am a nutcase skitzophrenic and you and your thoughts are safe you believe.

Why do you let them torture me? It's your unbelief that lets them do it.

You have failed as friends and good people. There is no one good. Not one person believes my testimony. I don't hold any weight other than I am a crazy in your eyes.

Darcy Lee

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Toddlers Regulate Their Behavior To Avoid Making Adults Angry.

Watch this video.  It's pretty interesting.  About a toddler and how he regulates his behavior based on the cue of adults to keep the peace.  Read the article below and watch the video.  

Researchers at the Institute of Learning & Brain Sciences at the University of Washington have discovered something that may surprise many parents. Toddlers are more intuitive than we may think, and spend time “regulating” their behavior to get the best outcome to certain situations, and depending on the emotional cues of the adults around them.

To put it more clearly: Even at two years old, kids pick up on the attitudes and behaviors exhibited by everyone around them, and look for ways to “keep the peace.”

In this fascinating experiment, one researcher shows a cute little boy a blue box, and joyfully and enthusiastically encourages him to play with the toy — and he happily obliges.

Moments later, another researcher walks in and sits down next to the boy as he’s shown a second toy. Before he can play with it, however, the second researcher loudly proclaims her annoyance at the toy.

When the boy is finally given the second toy to play with, his expression says it all: I won’t play with this – even though I want to – because it seems like this toy makes her mad.

This is such an interesting look into incredibly smart, incredibly intuitive child brain! Parents, this is more proof of how powerful our roles are in our children’s lives.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

25 Most Brutal Torture Techniques Ever Devised.

Video is 25 Most Brutal Torture Techniques Ever Devised.

Just watched this.  Very scary.  Torture is still rampant and practiced today.  Jesus underwent torture. But what makes his torture any greater than anyone else?  He had supposedly never broken a law?  Is that enough?  He had never sinned?  But then you have to define sin.

I really don't understand how this torture can happen.  Suffering has to be wrong.  For anyone. I'm finding the bible doesn't really cover alot of things.  There has been so much suffering.  What does it achieve.

Had someone I know say that Jesus and his suffering actually made the world a worse place.  So like you can suffer and nothing good comes from it. Jesus bought the church with his suffering but in this persons opinion the world was worse off and would be better if Jesus had never suffered because of all the wars of religion that the church committed.

Really suffering is terrible.  We need the light of life perhaps.  A light so burning so hot and bright. A light so as not to stumble in the dark.  This life light will show all things.  It will show the value of life and lead people out of great darkness to peace and security.

I can't really say what the light of life looks light but perhaps it illuminates giving guidance making free and bringing liberty.  I hope to have such life.  Life in abundance.  Brighter than the sun.  Life brighter than the sun or any other source of light.

We still wait for this great light.

Darcy Lee

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Cartoon Violence.

Just came across this on facebook.  The first time I thought it was funny,  But it is violence.  They are just dressing it up in cartoons.  So yeah any violence bad.  That's what's wrong with this video. Watch anyway it might give you a laugh,

Sunday, August 31, 2014

11 Science Facts.

This video has a couple interesting things.  First that the human body is composed of more bacteria than of it's own cells.  And that the smell of fresh cut grass is a distress call believed to be a warning to other grass. This is a way that plants can communicate to each other.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Hummer Underwater.

I first saw an aussie 4x4 going completely underwater on facebook.  I couldn't find that one and this is what came up in search.  It's a hummer going completely under water.  It's pretty cool.  I used to like 4x4 as a kid but now I see it as dangerous as you could roll over or something.  Again adding this as it's content on the net I found that I enjoy so posting it here.

Plants Hear Danger.

In this video plants hear themselves being eaten which then triggers a chemical defense against the insects. Interesting.  I just do wonder what type of defences humans have.  If plants can do this then we humans must be able to do things as well.  At the moment all anybody knows is punching kicking stabbing shooting dropping bombs etc.  This would be like an exotic weapon on a human.  I'm adding this as I found it interesting and I like it's truth.  It give's us insight into plants.    

Surely we must have some defences against predators and being tortured and suffering.

I hope for the day of no pain and no suffering and no crying and no death.  I'm being tortured at the moment by the NZ and USA Govt's.  They play a high frequency sound in my ears which has made me deaf.  They read my mind and blank it and insert there thoughts basically totally humiliating me by as many people as possible that use this tech.  It's all a big joke to them not actually anything righteous to do with punishment more for there amusement.

I hope one day these people will be punished by the public.  The public are treated like cattle and of no importance and these people will kill you in a second.  They want to read our minds and control our thoughts by chipping us.  Their advantage is that no one believes.  You are called skitzophrenic if you talk like this.

I hope that immortality comes about and these people are punished.  I could be rich but these Govt's keep me poor.  If I could post my phone call on YouTube I would get 5 million+ hits and definitely make some money.  These Govt people are evil and need to be stopped.  I see a future govt where everyone from smallest to largest is involved and there are no secrets.

They use secrecy and darkness as weapons against the public.  They are evil.  Please stop them.  

Language Chameleon Polyglot.

This Guy can speak 9 languages.  If I had started early enough I could've maybe learned one language.  But not 9.  There is now basically no way for me to ever speak another language as I am now deaf and have Alzheimers bought on by the NZ and USA Govts of course but no one believes that do they.

O well some people are just smart I guess.  Not me though.  I'm posting this as something that interested me as part of the new posting more of what i've been reading and watching theme on this website.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Why Do Dogs Smell Each Other's Butts?

This video explains why dogs smell each others butts.  It's to do with chemicals that some gland secretes in their anus.  The dogs are able to get a big range of information about the dog they are smelling.

Wonder if humans interact in this way at all, through smell I mean or what other ways we have to communicate.  Anway found this video interesting so posting it.

Darcy Lee

Monday, July 21, 2014

Spirit of a Mouse.

At about 43 sec you can see something leave the mouse. It could be fake but it also could be real.  Don't know what it is but it could be a spirit or just gas of some kind.  Still thought I should post it.  It's pretty cool if not faked.


Underwater Astonishments - David Gallo

Underwater Astonishments.

You really have to check out the octopus at the end.  He's able to change his skins texture, color, brightness and pattern to perfectly match some algae that's on the bottom of the ocean.  He blends in so you can't even see him.  It's truly amazing and it makes me wonder what type of defences that humans have.

To be sure humans must have some tricks to keep them out of danger and keep threats and dangers out of the way.  Our brain is mighty powerful I think.  I do wonder just what we are capable of.

The octopus defence is awesome.  Again I do wonder what humans are capable of in the way of defenses and armor
.  I've experienced some pretty neat tricks before but I can't activate them or do them again.  And also it's hard to distinguish between what is the matrix and what is actually just me on my own.  I can look back now and see somethimes when the matrix has interacted with me but I couldn't really look back and didn't know this until I found out about the matrix for sure in early 2008.

There is the possibility that some things I experienced where separate from the matrix but I can't get there again as I no longer have the mind.  My mind is gone.  I am very hazy and distorted thinking.  It' very hard to have clear thoughts and they are often cut short by my imprisoners.

Also I am often fighting between things I said and things they said.  They mind control me.  They put thoughts in my head and I have to fight that.  It's a computer often doing it, so it never gets tired and it has a huge database of things to say and learns from your previous attempts.

I am being tortured.  It's bad.  No one even suspects it's real life humans doing the torture.  They call me skitzophrenic.  If not me then when will the first person be tortured by tech that can send voice to skull and mind control you.  It's 2014.  They been working on this tech for years and experimenting on people.

Also the people who judge me skizophrenic well the book that says was written by the guys with the tech. They are so brainwashed themselves.  It's a very evil world.  I don't know if I can help.

I was very optimistic as a kid.  But now I suffer.  It's all changed now.

The bible is not fun.  I find so many things of myself comparing exactly to the bible.  Things I have experienced.  I have quoted myself word for word from the bible and acted it out.  I find I match up to the bible in many things that Jesus spoke of.  My delusion is the bible.  But I don't believe now.  But my life has been aligned to the bible.

I still read the bible most days.  But I can't put faith in it.  Death is a strong enemy.  The bible as far as I know hasn't been a great weapon.  People still die and suffer.  Really what is truth.

No body has the answers to ending the evil in the earth.  We must endure until it can be gone forever.

This has been me.  Darcy Lee.  I grew up with delusions in the bible.  Some were the matrix interacting with me some were myself.  I am still delusional.  I still seek the truth.  Will I even be able to believe it, the truth, if it is shown to me or am I doomed to live in lies and darkness for all my life.  I live and endure under great darkness.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Universe is Trying to Kill You. Out Smart the Universe.

This is like 30 seconds.  I think it would take a combined effort of the world to overcome death.  Each playing a member of the body.

1 Corinthians 12:14-26

14 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.

15 Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.

21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” 22 On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, 24 while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, 25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Something like that.  Everybody has something to do and plays a part.

It could be that one man or a team discover immortality and it's keep secret for a long time with people dying in the mean time.  I really don't believe they have it yet.  But they are trying very hard and everyday is a step closer.  They currently have a type of Manhattan project going I believe that will come up with some pretty neat stuff for humans to play with.  But probably it will be the domain of the rich.

They need to solve hunger.  That would power the world more.  There are many things that need to be solved.  It's good that people have to goto work for 40 hours a week.  The world is progressing.  You can see progression in the way prices drop on electronic goods like computers and TVs.  But I still say it's to slow.  Everyone needs to be involved not just the few.  People have skills that are yet to be discovered.

Friday, July 27, 2012

World Trade Center Video.

This is a video I made earlier today.  It's about a post I made on Above Top Secret and also VR and September 11th 2001.  Watch if you Dare

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Video Blogging.

These are all videos of me reading out posts I made on this website.

This one is Virtual Reality Linkin Park and describes there relationship.

This one is Video Posting Your Website, and describes about these video posts and what i'm doing.

This one is 10 Things I Would Buy If I Had The Money. Need about 10k to buy everything on the list.

This one is another Virtual Reality post and how Virtual Reality Tech pictures in your mind eyes head exists now.