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Showing posts with label Buy Me A House. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Buy Me A House. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2013

We Are What We Eat, and LOL.

I don't have much news to post.  I have now made about $400 NZ dollars from playing the Diablo 3 Auction House.  I recently just renewed this domain name at the cost of about $32 NZ dollars.  It's good till July 2014.  I also bought another couple of fail names that nobody will be interested in but will try selling them on ebay anyway.  The domains cost me $4 dollars each but you can't actually do anything with them.  Like you can't point them to any websites or anywhere.  They are simply your domains registered in an account. Anyhow the domains I bought are and and I currently have them listed on ebay for $500 each not that anyone will buy them.  So far they haven't even got any views.

What else.  I might have a job lined up but it's still a long shot and might not happen yet. It's handling courier parcels at 5am in the morning.  But yeah long shot.  A few things have to happen first before I get it.  Just have to wait and see.

Don't have much else to write about.  Mum bought me $100 dollar bagless vacuum cleaner today.  I don't think it will get much use but I suppose it is handy.  My other one was horrible it sucked or rather didn't suck more to the point.  I do wish I had more money to spend.  At the moment I don't get any spare money each week.  It all goes on bills.

Also I wish I wasn't so lazy.  I wish I would do things day to day and achieve things.  I could post on this website more or make more videos to post on You Tube I could use my time more wisely and astutely to learn new things and skills.  But at the moment i'm very lazy.  I could even cook myself a meal instead of takeouts all the time.  But no i'm lazy.  I don't know how to beat laziness.  I'm a sad story living week to week.

I have been thinking recently about how we are what we eat.  I would really like to get into a lot of vitamin supplements.  Like eat alot of pills.  But this all takes money.  I would like to adapt and adjust my diet maybe eat more but more of the right foods. Anyhow it's pretty much true.  We are what we eat, breath and drink.  I need to make some changes in my life to live healthier.

This is probably not going to happen though.  Money could definitely help things.  But there are things I can be doing without money that I don't do so giving me money wouldn't fix underlying problems it would probably just ease my burden abit and create potential new problems but yes I do need money which could be spent wisely.

A house is a life long dream I have.  Owning my own little 2 bedroom house with garage and concrete backyard with no lawn or very little lawn to mow but this is never going to happen bar something major happening.

Anyhow I'm going to leave it here for now.  Thanks for Reading.  Remember You Are What You eat.

Darcy Lee

Friday, May 24, 2013

My Life Information.

Hey all.  (I'm talking to myself no one reads this).

I been playing a little bit of Diablo 3.  I'm back up to $105 US dollars in my Paypal account but haven't had any sales for a couple nights now which is sad.  My inventory isn't the greatest I guess.  I am planning to expand with my brother lending me his D3 account so i'll be able to list twice as many items for sale, as most know there is a 10 item limit on the D3 Auction House.  This means i'll probably spend between $10 and $15 dollars on acquiring new stuff to sell for profit so will knock my Paypal balance a little.

My phone bill is in a little bit better shape so i'm going to try and save for a 24" monitor.  At the rate i'm achieving at the moment it's going to be a fair while.  Another thing is that the ads on this page have been doing alright.  I'm nearing the payout threshold for them but it's probably still a year away.  It seems that the ad's pay more now than they used to back in the day.  I'm also getting more traffic so that helps I guess.

I only actually got my new power supply on Monday after my old one died the bang.  One of the cables is to short so needs to be lengthened otherwise it seems fine so far.  Today I got my ram back that I send for warranty.  Again so far it seems ok and there have been no system crashes.  The original ram started to crash my machine after the first few hours.  It's been like 6-7 hours now without incident.  Yay.  Finally a stable computer.  I had the chance to buy an am2+ motherboard for $55 dollars but it sold before I finally decided I wanted it.  Very sad.  I have a quad core processor that would be faster than what I have at the moment it just needs a MB.

What else has been happening um.  I made a couple more pages on and , these are websites where with a page you ask for donations.  Some people have made a lot of money to start their project or fund whatever or maybe a sickness or something, some have made over 10k or even 100k.  I haven't gotten any donations but I did get one comment that's about it.  On my page I said that my suffering was probably in the top 5% of all time suffering.  I reckon it could be up there in about the top 2% of all time suffering without to much of a stretch.  I guess people just don't see my page buried in amongst all the others or they don't believe me.

What else has been happening er.  I had some new neighbours move into the flat next door to me.  O.  The landlords who had the house on the market because they were getting divorced - well the husband bought out the wife so I don't have to move.  This is great news.  I need stability.  I don't want to be moving around all the time and also there were about 5 open homes which was really annoying with people coming through all the time.  I would still love to own my own home one day with all the benefits that it comes with like cheaper living costs like rent.

Anyhow i'll leave it here for now.  I haven't been doing much at all as usual.    

Monday, July 18, 2011

Over the Years.

So the thing that stops me from posting at the moment is having nothing to talk about. If your wanting random incredibly boring stuff I can do that. Like I bought 10 mars bounty chocolate bars and m and m's peanuts packets, they were on special for 5 for $4, and I won two free bounty bars in the competition they got going. I also won a trumpet ice cream not so long ago. So that's pretty much how boring I can be. Here's something I just thought of. I found out through text message today that my cell phone will stop working on the 31/7/12 because telecom is shutting down the network for good as they are trying to move everybody over to there new xt network here in NZ. So my cell phone becomes a paper weight pretty soon.

I really at the moment don't have much to talk about. I think that's the case anyway.

On this website I have talked about:

Donations - But I have never received any. I have talked about getting money through people using there credit cards and paypal by means of traffic visiting the website. But it hasn't worked. But that doesn't mean that you will fail if your thinking of trying. I think I just haven't put enough effort into research. Also my topics are kind of fringe at the moment.

September 11th - I've talked about the American terrorist attacks quite alot and how I made a phone call to a talk back radio station and yelled war 2 days before the attacks took place. Well good ol Osama Bin Laden is dead now, i'm pretty darn sure he is and that leaves me with a confiscated phone call and zero dollars earned. The potential was there to earn well over a million dollars but it appears I have squandered that as well.

Virtual Reality - Technology that's new and secret is something this blog also tells about. I talk about pictures in your head virtual reality technology. Computer Brain connectivity. As computers get more powerful and intelligent so will this Virtual Reality Brain to Computer pictures in head technology become more useful and then eventually be released to the general public.

Extra Terrestrials - I have hardly talked about Extra Terrestrials or aliens but I believe our government knows at least a few details they haven't told the public. So i'm hanging out just like everybody else who's kept in the dark. This is just a small push for more information. The universe is big. They the governments of the world must know alot about some of the universes secrets.

Housing - I've talked about how I dream of owning my own house and how i'm trying to use the Internet to go about achieving this goal. This is similar to donations i suppose i'm having trouble thinking what else this blog is about. I really do need a house though. Somewhere to park up and retire for the rest of my life. If I was really rich I could have a granny flat and rent it out and that would give me extra money without having to work so I could remain living on the benefit quite comfortably.

I totally dream of being rich. It's an ongoing fantasy I have. My house wouldn't have much of a lawn to mow and and with it making me an income from rent I would be on $400+ dollars a week with only rates and insurances to pay instead of rent if I actually owned it. The rates and insurance would be like $60 per week so that leaves alot of free income to spend each week. Owning a property like this would make me quite rich I guess.

Bill Gates - In an attempt to earn some money I wrote Bill Gates a few emails. This also didn't succeed. You can get his address by clicking the side link.

Possessions - This blog lists all my possessions though I don't have photos.

Movies and Music - I have listed all of the music that I have enjoyed over the years on these pages from You Tube. There a few short clips (Movies) also from You Tube that I have listed.

Religion - I have talked about religion a few times on here and very occasionally used scripture. I have believed in God in the past but not anymore. He's kinda let me down pretty bad and it was a childish thing to believe in. He plain just doesn't exist. Jesus is not a very nice thing to believe in.

Well thats pretty much all i've written about in posts over the years in this blog. The topics haven't diverged much.

Good bye for now. Photos are of dream house. This one cost's about $395,000 thousand NZ dollars as listed on trademe. Buy Me A House Today. LOL.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mad Rambles. Cigarettes, For People Who Smoke, Wow and House Dreams.

Haven't been playing World of Warcraft much lately. There isn't much to do if your not raiding. I'm bored with the auction house, I have 135,000 gold. Healing is a challenge. A friend of mine has been playing my mage for me and my mage is now more geared than my druid. Also my friend joined a pretty advanced guild and got walked through Blackwing Descent the first four bosses anyway so my mage is also further raid progressed than my druid. My druid doesn't even have any raid kills.

What else has been going on in my life, not much. I'm still very poor cash money wise. I just got a pay rise of $3.20 NZ dollars a week thank you New Zealand government. That puts me on $308.38 per week NZ dollars in the hand. But there's nothing left over once i've paid all the bills like rent, phone, Internet, electricity, bought petrol and food. Sigh No money left to buy additional stuff that's needed.

So today the 20th of April 2011 is like exactly 7 months since I gave up smoking to the day.

Some things I could suggest that might help but not really. You need something to occupy yourself and pass time for the first couple few days. I used World of Warcraft alot. I just played and passed time. Maybe start playing computer games maybe PS3 or Xbox 360. Getting rid of all tobacco and related stuff is a good idea. Also try and run out of tobacco at night time just before you goto bed so you get the whole night to sleep and be free from cigaretters for at least 8 hours initially before waking up. You will get cravings but you have to resist them this is where occupying yourself comes in.

They say nicotine gum or patches can help with the cravings. I guess you have to be aware that you will get cravings or thoughts about cigarettes but being occupied with things can help them to pass quickly. You have to be determined and have a lot of guts.

Another thing is not being around others who smoke. Often others will offer you cigarettes sometimes going out of there way to make sure you smoke. Also seeing others smoke can make you wonder what it would be like. A temptation.

I'm watching Bastion of Twilight at the moment on World of Warcraft. My friend is playing my mage and i'm using his laptop on Wifi with the batteries. Guess what. The battery died just then and it's now a couple of hours later and i'm back on the desktop and my friend has gone.

My friend got to the last boss of Bastion of Twilight and then got switched out. Not that anyones interested in that.

I was just typing this out on his laptop for something to do. I've truly run out of things to post about. I've asked for money lots on this website but that's failed. No-ones interested in giving me money.

Saying that i've made about $33 dollars US on the google ads u see on this page. Amazing yes. Well the thing is thats over nearly 5 years of having them. Another thing is you don't get paid out until you reach $100 dollars. It's in my interests that people click the ads but mostly the ads are for something terrabad so don't get clicked. Not that I have much traffic anyway. It's all about traffic. The more people you have visiting your site the better you do. So at the current rate I should get a payout from google ads within another 10 years. Lol

I've written about this before but truly I have nothing new to write about. What else can I write about? I'm going through Sisters of Mercy on YouTube at the moment listening to different songs of theres. Someone I knew had there cd a long time ago you should check out Temple of Love by them if you haven't heard it.

Ok i have nothing to write about now. I wish I had more money. Mostly I want a house so I can be somewhere more permanent and be even more retired and have more money because your not paying rent because you own the house. There's still bills like insurance and rates but these are cheaper than paying rent. I dream of owning my own house and not having a mortgage. A nice modern brand new house thats large. House prices are so expensive now that a mortgage is out of the question for me.

It's about (just guessing) $200,000 NZ dollars to buy the cheapest house in the town I live in. That's not in a very nice area and that's not brand new.

Anyway my dream of a house is nearly impossible in today's modern world. In the mean time I still have to deal with a mouse infestation in my current house.

I wish I could afford to move but if I do all my costs will go up and I will have to borrow for bond and weeks in advance which I will have to pay back reducing how much money I have for upto a year. I don't quite feel well or motivated enough to get a job yet. I think i'm allowed to earn upto $80 dollars NZ per week without it affecting my benefit income.

Moving would be a pain unless I found the ideal location. At the moment the supermarket is right across the road from where I live and there are other shops just down the road a little as well. But yeah the supermarket is so useful being able to just run across the road and do your grocery shopping. It would be a lot harder if I had to use my 50cc scooter to do the traveling inbetween home and the supermarket.

Ok so thats me for tonight. The photo is a Northern Mockingbird or Mimus Polyglottos. The other photo is of a random house. Donate by clicking the paypal button.

Darcy Lee

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Hey WAIRARAPA buy me a house. You can donate with your credit card using the paypal button. This is fail.

Darcy Lee

Monday, March 23, 2009

Donate To Buy Me A House. $100000 Dollars Needed.

This is the 3rd and quick edit of this post cause this post gets so much traffic in Google.  Today's date is July 13 2013 nearly exactly a year since the last update of this page. I wanted to add two websites where you can go and setup a page specifically asking for donations.  People goto these website to give money.  People have earned over 100k in some cases or more even for others.  Anywho.  The sites are and  Both sites allow u to ask for money, received with a Paypal account.  It's still better if you have a good story.  Have fun and good luck trying these pages.  Now back to the older posts.

This post gets a few hits in google so as of todays date the 12th of July 2012 i've decided to update it a little.  Most of the hits to this page come form people themselves searching looking for donations for a house.

Just searching in Google will probably not help you much to make dollars towards your house.  What you need to do is setup a website.  It's all pretty simple to setup and operate a website these days.  Join and have a website that is similar in layout to this one though the colors could be different if you so choose.

Your website needs content.  You can't just post "Please give me money for a house" and expect people to just open there wallets.  I know from experience.  In five years of operating this website I haven't received one donation.  You need traffic and content to attract the traffic.    If you create content for your website Google will automatically pick it up and people will start finding it.  Creating You Tube videos and posting them on your site is one form of content.  Writing and posting pictures is another.  You need to create original ideas that stand out.

I didn't say this was going to be easy.  One thing that's probably more important than the rest is not to give up.  Don't give up.  Keep posting.  It might take years before your site catches on but when it does if you've been posting the whole time then visitors will have a wealth of content to browse and probably go away happy and might even make a donation.

Not only can you with effort and perseverance create donations but also you can join a advertising program like Google Adsense and earn money when people click the ads on your page like the ads on this page, I earn money everytime someone clicks an ad. So it's not just donations where you can make money.  The more traffic you have the more people there are to click ads making you more money.

Generating traffic can be difficult.  You need to find a niche and again persevere.  Keep creating content.  I have failed with this website because I got disheartened when there wasn't much traffic for all my effort and I stopped posting.

After five years I average about 5 hits a day.  I don't post much these days.  So that's it.  You searched in google looking for donations for a house.  Practically the only way to get donations is to setup a webpage.

If you have time do it.  It's fun.  I've had some fun with my site over the days.  Even though I haven't gotten any money from anyone I have made US $50 dollars through the ads on the page with this month July 2012 being a record month by producing $3.74 from 4 clicks in the first 12 days of the month.  So ads are where it's at probably rather than donations.  Though with traffic you could probably get a few donations.

Good luck in finding money for your house.  It requires work.  Making money though a website is not instant.  Though if you put the time in it will produce many great rewards.  Just imagine posting for 40 hours a week or perhaps work part time 10-20 hours a week.  It will be a better job than most.  Though you might have to wait a while to get some money.  I guess it pretty difficult to put the effort in as I have found.  If I had worked harder I would of got better results.  To earn money through donations requires work, but it's fun work, the more effort you put in the greater the returns.  You didn't just expect to get money by searching in google did you?  How many millions have tried that I wonder.

Passion and Motivated.  You need to have passion and be motivated as well with your topics so you don't burn out and fade away like I did.  Mostly though perseverance.  Persevere and you will succeed.

What follows from here is the original post that I posted back in 2009.

Goodluck with your site and hunting for money.

Here is original post:

The cheapest I can buy a house for in the town I live is around $160000 NZ Dollars. I figure that I can borrow about $60000 from the bank. What this means is that for me to get a house I need to raise $100000 Dollars.

Raising $100000 will be totally impossible without your help. $100000 NZ dollars is about $50000 US dollars at the moment. I'm thinking that I will set this figure as a target.

I haven't made any money yet on this website.

At the moment:

I earn NZ $261.84 cents per week paid every Wednesday morning at 2am.
The house i'm living in is costing NZ $85 per week but its on the market for sale, it's not a very nice house but it's cheap (I hate moving really). Because it's on the market for sale the next person to buy the house will probably move it or demolish it so i'll have to move. When I move i'll be paying higher rent plus paying back a loan for the bond and weeks in advance to the government that I have to borrow to get into a new house.

Rent: $85 pw
Electricity: $30 pw
Phone/Internet: $30 pw
Petrol: $ 5 pw
Warcraft Sub: $ 5 pw
Smokes: $50 pw
Groceries: $56.84 pw

ToTal: $261.84

What I can see from that is Cigarettes is a huge cost and is basically the reason I have no money.

So thats where my money goes. I need $100000 Nz Dollars to buy a house.

To try and earn donations towards $100000 dollars people have said use humor so I'll tell a joke. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side! Ha Ha Ha. I'm not funny but if u read all this u might of got a laugh out of how much I earn and my perhaps beggingness of $100000. SO anyway please donate. Click the paypal Button and use your credit card. Max Donation TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS US.


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Place To Call My Own.

1379 hits so far on this website at todays date the 28/02/09. Not very many. I'm bored pretty much with it because I haven't made any money. The first post on this web page is dated the 27/04/07 so coming up two years that it's been running. The first post was talking about donate to me to buy me a scooter. Well I have a scooter now. Done almost 1000km since i've had it. I fill it up every payday and the last 3 weeks in a row its cost me $3 NZ to refill it to the top again though not sure how many km's im doing but $3 dollars is very affordable. The only other cost really for it is the registration which is $25 every 3 months which is also very affordable. It needs an oil change at the moment really but i can't afford.

The only problem with a scooter is it's very cold sometimes or if it's raining like now. Also you can always fall off and get hurt possibly die.

1379 hits. If I was more active on this page I would receive more hits. I haven't been fully active mainly because of World Of Warcraft. One thing for those who play, if your an enchanter and you haven't already start selling your enchants on the auctions house. I've made 20,000 Gold so far and counting. Good ones are Super Stats, Exceptional Spell, Greater Fort, Bracers - Striking, Shield - Defense, Greater Defense, Cloak - Speed, Greater Assault, Major Agility, search for those exact words in the wow auction house and see if u can make a profit on your server. Sometimes the market can move very fast so if the price is low with not much profit the next day it might not be. I sold 9 super stats in 2 hours one day making 70g profit on each one clear. Just buy the vellum, infinite dust, and cosmic essence, off auction house create the chant and sell it. So now I have 21,000 Gold sitting in the bank with 2 toons already with epic flying. But Alas i'm now very bored with World of Warcraft and have almost stopped playing.

Anyway, What i'm really after is a house. If you want to, if your willing, please donate me some money. I've never got any donations yet in nearly two years so you could be the first. Yay. Using your credit card you can donate me some money by clicking on the paypal button. Yay. But anyway i'll be suprised if I receive a donation. Ok thankyou. Check out where i'm living theres a video on this page some where showing you my house. I really need a new house a place to call my own.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

List of Everything I own Part 2

I mentioned in an earlier post that I was getting an inheritance from my Grandma. It came through just b4 Christmas about 6 months after her death.

In total I got $2000 NZ dollars exactly. Awesome. So i've spent some of it and i'll now add what I bought to the list of everything I own.

So far i've spent about $1400 dollars on a new computer. The remainder will be going on a video camera. If your shopping in New Zealand for a new computer and you know how to put them together by far the best place I would say to shop online is Pricespy lists the prices from many different retailers all round New Zealand so u can instantly see who has the cheapest price for any given product.

They only do computer parts and video cameras etc but they are worth checking out if your in the market.

So my computer spec now lists like this:

MSI K9A2 Platinum Motherboard: This motherboard supports an AMD processor using the FX chipset the top end chipset for amd processors. It has the ability to do Quad SLI thats four video cards linked together. Cost: $325.76 inc GST and courier fees.

AMD Quad Core Phenom 9500 2200mhz Processor: Speaks for itself. Quad core is realitively new, came out in about November 2007. Cost: $298.94 inc Gst.

2x 2gb DDR2-800 Dual Channel Kit (2x1gb): 4gb of ram 4x1gb chips dual channel for speed. Up from 512mb ram on my old machine. Cost: $169.47 inc Gst.

Gigabyte ATI Radeon HD 3850 512MB Video Card: An ok video card next time I would get two cheaper cards to run dual monitors as with only one video card you can only run both monitors at the max res of your video card so I can get 1024x768 on both monitors but thats it. With two video cards could run both monitors at much higher resolutions. 512mb ram is nice up from 256 mb on my old machine. Also got the game Neverwinter Nights 2 with the video card. Cost: $314.00 inc Gst.

Chimei CMV223d Monitor: 22" inchs of monitor. A million times better than my old 17" CRT. Games, browsing, videos everything is so cool. Cost: $343.37 inc Gst and courier.

Thats my new PC. Total cost was $1458.95 incl all courier fees. I bought everything from 3 different places so 3 courier fees.

$2000 dollars minus $1458.95 equals $541.05 left over. I also spent $31 dollars renewing my domain name for this website so thats $510.05.

I'm planning on buying a video camera with the last of the money. My options going from are the JVC Everio GZ-MG330 or JVC Everio GZ-MG335 both $629.00 or the older JVC Everio GZ-MG135 for $673.88 all New Zealand dollars. It will be a hard choice between them as the new models have only just been added in the last few days. All have a 30GB HDD for recording. The 135 has only a 680k ccd with the other two 800k so that proberly rules that one out because of lower image quality.

To make up the remainder of the money I need for the video camera I will be selling my old pc for about $160 dollars NZ.

Soon on May 11th 2008 I will be turning 30. Man i'm old. Yep. At the moment every month my phone bill adds about $10 in credit as i'm paying a little more than what I need to. Currently there is $60 dollars sitting there in credit. I plan on getting a new 500GB hdd for $135.00 NZ from pricespy again with the remainder being a 30th present from my mum cool hah. That will mean my new computer will have about a terrabyte of storage thats 1000gb.

So thats pretty much a list of all my new possesions from the $2000 I inherited. Thanks for your time.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Buy Me A House.

Just a quick post to say something like buy me a house. I want a house. This website is to make money to earn a house so i'm rich. So far to try and make money on this blog i've recounted how I defeated some terrorists, gained immortality from God who's not real so I don't actually have immortality and suffered heaps but still not made any money. All very good reasons and tales though to donate towards my house.

I can't think of anyway to make money here yet really but i'm trying. The world doesn't like me. Buy Me A House. I've made $10 US dollars so far plus another $4 US from Google Adsense.

Reason Number 17 to Buy Me a House is "Because I don't Have One".