Darcy Lee Professional Beggar Running a War on Death; Enemy of Death. THIS IS WAR. Death is an enemy. This website is dedicated to the defeat of death. All suffering, pain, war, crime, poverty, Sin, this is all death. Donate Today. I'm looking for enough donations to buy a house. This will be my base for the rest of my life where I will stage a war on death for as long as I live.
Donate Here:
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
No Money Made Yet. Today is Buy Me Some Land Day.
I got an idea. I've been trying to make money to get a house. Well I thought "my dad's a builder" and "my brother is a plumber". Soooo if I had some land..... (that someone bought and then gave me) I could borrow money from the bank against the land and using my brother and dad could build a house. It's brilliant. Except for the part of how to get the land. So I need your help.
I need some land. You could donate to me. All thats required to donate to me is you click the paypal button on here and enter a few details including your credit card number and the amount you want to give me. Maximum $10 000 US. To do this someone would have to have spare money, they would also have to be brave and daring. Also intelligent.
My story is I need some land. I think I might have written that I need land I don't even know in a previous post. The idea about building. If I get land from donations i'll be borrowing from the bank against it so it's like i'm putting everything I have into it as well. I would be maxing out the amount of money I can borrow from a bank I could afford repayments on to build a house (on the land I earn through this website). A mortgage. This is an upgrade.
With mortgage... Paying myself money instead of paying someone else rent. Wealth.
Ok i'm boring. All I talk about is buy me a house this buy me some land that on here page.
What i've been doing since my last post is playing World of Warcraft. You can slash played in the game and it tells u your total time played all added up. So since my last post i've spent 26 solid days in a row all added up playing WOW. I'm a level 58 Druid 2 bars of experience from level 59. Today.
I'll try to write more possibly now, WOW is wearing off a little and I have more time available again. All i'll be writing though will be "donate to me" "buy me some land" so if you've been here once you'll know what to expect if you think to return. :)
So today the message for this page to the world is.... Donate to me and buy I some land.
You can go shooping for land in NZ Wairarapa where I live at www.trademe.co.nz.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Buy Me A House.
I can't think of anyway to make money here yet really but i'm trying. The world doesn't like me. Buy Me A House. I've made $10 US dollars so far plus another $4 US from Google Adsense.
Reason Number 17 to Buy Me a House is "Because I don't Have One".
Macgyver Theme Song - Solo Accoustic.
Macgyver Theme Song - Solo Accoustic.
Fruits Vs Bugs.
Fruits Vs Bugs. The Influence Bug and Trooper Bugs head out to Bobby Nelson's house to influence him to steal. It's up to the secret agent fruits, the Agents of the Spirit, to stop them!
Worlds Dumbest Criminals.
This Guy is so Dumb I like to refer to him as Butter Feet.
Attempted Break In.
Friday, September 7, 2007
I don't like the word donations to much. For me it's like well i've suffered enough so a house should be almost automatic. The world doesn't see it that way. Here I am though writing with nothing to write about. I have a belief that the government owes me a house for me ringing a talkback radio station and declaring theres going to be a war 2 days before September 11. I believe. The government and actually everyone else doesn't see it this way though. No-ones being very nice. It's wrong to accuse anyone of deliberately trying to hurt me by denying me a house but i am being hurt.
I would just like to say about me that i'm really sick and would like a house because of this, it's what I need. A house for me is not just something. It's because i'm really sick that i'm asking for a house. It will be a place to rest and rehabilitate as much as possible and will remove certain worries that live in me. Security. Comfort. Warmth. Stability. Everything someone who is sick needs. Many more things than this a house will provide for me.
I encountered many bullies and much bullying during school. The adult world is no different. Some people take pleasure in others pain. I'm saying that there are people who attack and cause harm using others weaker than them in Hitler styles ways to every degree. There are bad people. Thats possibly what I will have to endure from this webpage from some people. There are bad people. It's a bad world. Nothing I can do except suffer.
I can't handle the truth but there are millions of starving people in the world needing food. This means if millions can't even get food then what chance or hope do I have of getting a house. This is kind of realistic. How can the world be this way. But it is. This is my webpage.
Government of New Zealand or anyone else - Can I please have a house because I have suffered extremely. Please Help.
Darcy Lee.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Donate To Me
At the moment my efforts haven't even achieved possible critical mass of even just one donation but I said that. I haven't had any donations yet. It's possible I could raise about $70000 dollars in a mortgage from the bank so maybe I only need about $130000 dollars. All it could take is just one donation from one wealthy person. Ok thats all for now I just wonder if you want you can donate to me for a house for me. K. Thanks.
Here's my sales pitch for donations. It's never not a sales pitch. Ok I have nothing.
Any Chance I Can Have Some Money?
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Golf Playing Parrot.
Parrot that plays golf, basketball and does many other tricks!
Free Hugs Campaign.
Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.
In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.
As this symbol of human hope spread accross the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.
In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one person...
Lions, Buffalo and Crocodiles.
A battle between a pride of lions, a herd of buffalo, and 2 crocodiles at a watering hole in South Africa's Kruger National Park while on safari.
Nothing But Complaints.
I have nothing but complaints. Moan Moan.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Things What I've Been Doing.

Possibly the only problem with World of Warcraft is that there is a monthly subscription fee for the game, $25 NZ dollars a month. The way i'm going to be able to afford this is I have a debt with Work and Income NZ who are our benefit paying managing people. There is only about $30 left on the debt from about $700-800 initially. It was for the purchase of my glasses and bond when I moved into my house. I have been paying the debt at $11.50 per week for well over a year now. So i'm going to have an extra $11.50 per week. World of Warcraft will cost about $6 per week. I'll play for something like 3 months and I should of had enough by then.
The game, what is the game and your actually going to pay money you say. Well in World of Warcraft you have a character who you create at the beginning who starts on level one. You then walk around in a world full of towns with roads, boats and flights linking them all. In each town there are Non Playing Characters who have quests for you. You take a quest and it will be something like kill 20 of a certain type of creature and collect something from them for proof. The creatures are all located off the sides of the roads. If you stay on the road your quite safe. You get experience for killing the creatures and then returning and completing the quest. When you have enough experience you level up making your character stronger to a maximum level of 70.
You also have equipment for your character like swords and armor. Creatures drop items sometimes and if they are better than what you have you use it making your character stronger. Some quests require a group of people to complete it. Because it's hard. O your chatting the whole time to like ordinary internet chat. It's very social. It's very addictive and the urge to get just one more level is very strong. Thats a very basic description of the game. There are over 4 million users online playing the game at the moment. If you can get hold of a trial period disc for the game then I recommend giving it a go.
Here is a list of movies that I have watched in the last month. This is also what i've been doing.
Die Hard 4 - Excellent though technical story. Awesome effects. Non stop. Must Watch.
The Simpsons Movie - Yep classic simpsons. Excellent. Spiderpig. Must Watch.
Transformers - Awesome. Full on. Total action. Must Watch.
Next - Nicholas Cage. He can see 2 mins into the future. I liked as well. Not exactly an action but interesting concept.
Evan Almighty - Sequel to Bruce Almighty. Very good as well though ending predictable.
Fantastic Four Silver Surfer - Very good as well. Better than the first one.
Flushed Away - Animation. Very good. I guess I think most main stream movies are good.
Oceans 13 - Yep this is good. First one is best this is next.
Wild Hogs - Good as well.
You should watch all these movies. All good. Ok so thats all for this post. Nothing in the way of value here from this post. You now have 4 minutes less life. Sorry no refunds.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wealth From God.
God is a boring subject. BORING. Not much wealth. I don't believe in god/jesus anymore. No thanks. It took me a while. The word I like at the moment is mythology. I always wanted to know about that. Wether god existed. I'm hoping to reap some benefits of knowing god doesn't exist. It should help a little. I won't be so dumb.
Here is some very expensive valuable information that would normally cost you $$$$$Thousands. GOD doesn't exist. It's a little important.If you want you can pay me for this hard won fought information by clicking the paypal button and using your credit card. I guess i'm cutting of all the people who believe in god and don't know when I say god doesn't exist. They can donate too if they want.
Ruling the universe for me is for me having a really nice house with Sky TV, World of Warcraft, nice furniture, car, assorted electornics er basically being rich. Being as comfortable as possible and experiencing. A start for me would be a house. For ruling the universe. For me. I want to rule the universe. If you would like me to rule the universe. Um you can donate money getting me closer to a house. Every person has the power to rule the universe perhaps. Altogether at the same time as well. Everyone wants to be as comfortable as possible.
Asking for money is hard work. Ok this is a strange post. I'm begging which is bad also this is all of what someone in my position is capable of damn it for myself. I really wanted some money too.
Add World of Warcraft to my wishlist and Sky TV. I want house. With house I will rule universe.
That was it.
Darcy Lee
Sunday, August 12, 2007
List of Everything I Own.
Computer with the following specs.....
AMD Sempron 2500+, 512mb ram, 256mb ram AGP 8x ATI video card, 560GB HDD Total Space consisting of 1x80GB, 1x160GB and 1x320GB HDD's, Asus DVD Writer and separate Gigabyte CD Writer, ATX case, DLink ADSL Modem, 17" Viewsonic Monitor E70f, Webcam. Cost to purchase: $1200 NZ Dollars.

Ok thats 2 things so far that I own. This is a list of everything that I own. If you want me to own more stuff click the Paypal Donate button and give me money. I haven't received any donations yet. The dates the 12th today. Of August. 2007.
Domain names www.GameNZ.co.nz and www.Movies.co.nz both pointing to this website. Cost to purchase: $66 NZ Dollars. GameNZ Due for renewal Nov 07 and Moviez due March 08.
Fisher and Paykel Kelvinator Washing Machine. Bought 2nd Hand never used so far while owned by me. Reconditioned. Don't know model. Cost to purchase: $400 NZ Dollars.
Shacklock Fridge Freezer. Don't know model. Cost to purhcase: $400 NZ Dollars.
Kyocera KE 414 Cell phone PH: 64 27 2400 295. Cost to purchase: $100 NZ Dollars.
Phillips AJ1310 Digital Clock Radio. An Alarmclock. Cost to purhcase: Free.
1.5M by 1.5M Table\Computer desk. Cost to purhcase: Free.
5 Chairs - 3 foam ones and two fold out deck chairs. Cost to purhcase: Free.
2 x 2 seater Couches. Not very good. Cost to purhcase: Free.
A single bed. Cost to purhcase: Free.
A telemate 2.4ghz cordless landline phone. The battery goes flat after 30 mins of being off the charger. Cost to purhcase: $50 NZ Dollars.
5 Fin Oil Column Electric heater. Cost to purchase: Free.
30L Chilli Bin. Cost to purchase: Free.
Floor Standing 30cm Electric fan. Cost to purchase: Free.
Blankets, towels, sheets etc. Cost to purchase: Free.
6 Pairs of jeans. 3 x Levis. 1 x Lee. Few tops and shirts etc. 2 pairs of shoes. Cost to purhcase: $500 NZ Dollars.
Small coffee table. Cost to purhcase: Free.
2 x School bags - 1 backpack one and one big square carry one. Cost to purhcase: Free.
Cascade brand jug, Breville brand toaster and Ronson brand Toasted Sandwich maker. Cost to purhcase: Free.
Complete dinner set. 4x4 plates. Few glass glasses and my coffee mug. Cost to purhcase: Free.
Thats everything I own everything else is disposable really. Small stuff. Last though I also have...

Digitor Single Tray DVD Player. With Remote. Batteries work. Cost to purhcase: $100 NZ Dollars.
6 Head Hifi Stereo Magnavox Longplay video recorder. Working batteries remote. Cost to purhcase: $130 NZ Dollars.
Wobbly cabinet tv sits on with dvd and video below. Cost to purhcase: Free.
Also owned by me - Osama Bin Laden. All Your Terrorists Are Belong To Us. Cost to purhcase: Ring talkback radio station and yell war 2 days before September 11 attacks in America after having trained for a few years and predicting that you would do so. Free.
That is everything I own. Everything. Yup. Donate Today. Total cost for me to purchase everything listed above $3500 NZ Dollars. Current Value if I was to sell everything about $1500 NZ Dollars. I rent a house paying $85 dollars a wekk. It's noisy and sucks. Thats everything I own. Buy Me A House. The dates the 12th today.
Thanks for your time.
From Darcy.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Secret Advanced Weapons Technology. SAWT. Or Not.

Ok the truth is that i'm hurt. I guess I have to bow to the opinion of peers as to what the truth is. Current life in the universe is very incomplete. Me yelling war was nothing important. It wasn't a conspiracy. It wasn't powers. O wait. Secret Advanced Weapons Technology. (Just making this up as I go along).
FOR SALE. I have Secret Advanced Weapons Technology that I could sell some one government. Thats something about me yelling war. I yelled war. La la la la. It's obviously Secret Advanced Weapons Technology. Oi GOVERNMENT CAN I have some money. For Yelling War 2 days before World Trade Center and Pentagon. Oi GOVERNMENT. For the effort. The Secret Advanced Weapons Technology I have is. For Sale. Come on Governments you can do it.
If your a government asking what you get in return for money your paying for the Secret Advanced Weapons Technology i'm selling well I get a house and car and stereo and laptop and couch and 50" TV etc and you get to have less money and thats it. This Secret Advanced Weapons Technology is available to you the general public. Payments can be made by Paypal Credit Card by clicking the Paypal Donate Button. Of Course The Governments Read My Page.
From Darcy.
My House. America. Financial Assistance.

Would you like to buy me a house. There isn't much on this website that would make someone spend so much money on me. The worlds full of poor people who are starving all wanting a house as well meaning the chances of me getting a house are not so good. I've been writing letters to the Prime Minister of NZ asking for a house but haven't got any reply. I don't really have many options apart from writing on this website. The longer I run this website though the more chance I have of making some money for a house.
One thing I thought I could use to make money was when I yelled war on talkback radio 2 days before September 11. Perhaps as a novelty. I mean you have to hear the call, it was alot more than me just yelling war. But no-ones interested. September 11 is old news now. I really do think people lack knowledge about suffering because if they didn't it possibly wouldn't exist, thats saying alot, it's far more complicated than the current powers of the human race. The thing that made me yell war, well that was suffering. In my suffering I don't have any strength and I do the best I can. I had a prediction there was going to be a war and I made it.
Everyone was saying there was going to be a war. I was the one who said it two days before publicly in a specific style and happened to have trained myself since a young age. No-one cares. Thats what you get in this world I guess. The kind of help I need is financial. Not much else. I guess because i'm skitzophrenic I obsess about my phone call but it's also because I hold hope that I can make some money. I suffered to create it. They won't let me have a copy. Or money.
I would like people to donate money to me or buy me a house because I rang a radio station and yelled war and then two days later America was attacked. I'm looking at you Americans. I guess all skitzophrenics are treated this way, locked up away, ignored by everyone, labeled, left to endure their suffering on there own. Financially locked. In my call I gave it everything and made a point of showing it.
Financially I can be helped. You can help me. There is not much else that anyone can do. No-one likes me. I don't like me. I know I need shelter, food and clothing. The American government or NZ government don't want to give me any assistance financially. Um I yelled war making a point of showing I was giving it everything I had no-one cares. The End. The point could be don't even try.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I saw her mostly as a kid and less frequently as I got older. My brother and I used to stay with her alot and we would go fishing off the dock in Foxton NZ where she used to live. Thats what I mostly remember. I always saw her at family Christmas gatherings and such in later years which was always good. She mostly remembered my name too as she was known for mixing peoples names up.
Something really great for me that she has done is left me an inheritance. I've been told about $5000 dollars but I don't know yet. Thats like heaps for me. The most money I will of ever had at one time.
I don't have any debts so i'm able to purchase a few things that I have on my wishlist. I'm going to buy a 50cc Petrol Scooter $2000, A 30GB Harddrive Video Camera $1000 and spend $2000 on a completely new computer with 20" screen, 2 x SLI 512mb video cards and 2GB dual channel ram. I'll have two complete computers and should get at least three years out of the new one and longer. My current computer cost me $800 and i've had 2 years out of it so far.
I had added a scooter and video camera to my wishlist in this blog when it first began so that completes those orders and I can cross them of my wishlist. The things that I have left on my wishlist are not total necessities now except for a house. A house is the most important thing that I need.
Anyhow with a scooter now I will be able to rent a house farther from town so I should be able to get better quality and cheaper accomodation (until the fateful day I purchase my own house). With a video camera I will be able to earn money by making videos and posting them on metacafe which pay US $100 for every 20000 thousand views your video gets. A scooter and video camera both unlock some of the doors of my world to new and better things in many ways. Heaps of thanks Grandma.
By Grandma I will miss you. I remember you.
From Darcy.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I have Schizophrenia. Thats what alot of doctors have told me. My work here on this page represents that for most perhaps. I can see it myself. I'm on medication. I guess i'll write here to bring awareness to the condition. Basically it's a mental illness that can include things like hallucinations and voices.
Some people would have seen the movie A Beautiful Mind with Russel Crowe. This could be used perhaps as something of what it is like. For myself it's like everything is garbled. I generally feel very sick all the time and it's hard to work and do even simple things. Creativity is something that doesn't come easily. I really don't know what to say about schizophrenia other than if the doctors are correct in there diagnoses of me that it can be very painful. Actually one doctor said the pain was all in my mind, as in i'm not in real pain so possibly it's not painful at all i'm just imagining it. Would I know when I was in pain?
How about that. I have a very poor memory now. Thats one thing i've noticed. Looking back at my life I wasn't very smart as alot of the decisions i've made have lead to my illness. It's a poor life for me now compared to what I had. Everyones reality is different. For one person the world is an awesome place to the other it's really bad. My life has degraded substantially. Most of my health problems can be traced back to marijuana and tobacco. I would say I had problems before that though that made the decisions for me to start smoking.
Skitzophrenia. It's a bad uncurable thing that affects many people. I haven't said much about it really. It does make life bad though. I hope you live the life of the dream yourselfs. I can never experience what could of been. I hope that I can live to the age of 72 which will be the year 2050 so I can still experience alot and have at least something to say for what happened. I still smoke cigarettes so my lifespan is proberly only another 20 years though. I hope my imaginary suffering goes away oneday. I could be imagining anything.
From Darcy.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Google Rankings Lost Somehow and Link Authority Dead.

Somehow i've lost my rankings in google. If you searched for Darcy Lee before I was the number 1 place. Now i'm not even ranking for that term. I wonder what I did or what happened. A mission I have now is to regain the top ranking for the search Darcy Lee. I really do wonder what happened. Obviously I have displeased the Google God and i'm now being punished.
My strategy to regain my rankings is just to keep adding content and not do much else. New content should earn me new search terms at least. I do wonder how I will regain Darcy Lee in Google. I don't know. Time perhaps.
If you would like to trade links with this blog then leave a comment with your sites address and i'll set it up. Thats one way I can get better rankings. This blog is not just a bit fruitcake but fruit and nut so that proberly won't work.
I see that search engines will be moving away from rating how many links a site has pointing to it as a rankings rating tool as what is happening is major sites like ebay etc are creating infinite sub domains and picking up all the search terms like that. It will still be a factor but just not as important. Link authority is dead. (Dying). I don't know what is going to replace it but life on the web is going to change.
From Darcy
Saturday, July 7, 2007
7/7/07 - Live Earth. Start A Webpage. Land Working. The Stars.
What is there to talk about in blogs? The stars are pretty at night. They are really far away. There are planets circling the stars. The ones discovered so far are uninhabitable. I remember hearing of a planet that might be totally covered in oceans that they discovered. Might. I ask why are we stuck on the planet. I see time as the only solution to space flight. Time beyond my years that I have left. Is it pointless to think about what other planets could look like if you were walking on the surface?

There are many bad things in this universe. What I suggest you do is open a webpage and write. Communication. You could open a webpage to make money, that could come like way later though. Essentially you should open a webpage. Make it about anything you want. It's Art, Stories, Movies, Pictures. You. The World. To improve your life and the life of others start a webpage. Because it's free to do so. Because there are many bad things in the universe that need to be dealt with. Because there is much to be laughed at. (Because you can make money). Power. What words do you want to hear to make you actually this day start a webpage? Build some property. Work some land. FreeLand.
This motivation brought to you by my Paypal button which you can click and use your credit card to give me money - developing this land. Work some land also.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
Friday, July 6, 2007
TOP SECRET and Reason Number 15 You Could Donate to Me.
I can't get a copy. Do you think you should have a copy? Are you a conspiracy person. Can I make something out of nothing? Perhaps no self respecting conspiracy theorist should be without a copy.
Ow. Reason number ow 15 you could ow donate to me is, i'm in pain :( ow
Thats my thoughts for far today.
From Darcy.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
September 11. 911. Osama Bin Laden and Me. How I Made 1 Million NZ Dollars and Turned It Down. Reason 14 You Could Donate To Me.

This is an email I have sent a few people trying to make some money. I looked up "rewards for Osama Bin Laden" in google and have sent this letter to see if i'm eligible for any reward. Osama has a $25 million dollar US bounty on him at the moment being offered by the USA Government. Here's the letter:
A couple of times I measured within myself independant of everything else I was doing. Question: Event that will affect world that I can have a play in. Answer: Terrorist attack. Question: Where. Answer: America.
When I left school I left because and said "Screw this here they come". I made many preparations in total regarding a terrorist attack, always America. I did many things and trained alot.

So anyways I would like to ride on the fame of Osama now, he's so famous. I could say I captured him or turned him in or something. Gimme some fame. No i'm not psychic.
Do you think I got the attention of America for like a second because that would be cool. Hello American Government Agents and Military who's attention I attracted all the way from NZ with a phone call to a radio station. Or not.

From Darcy
Make Money

The idea was to capsulate water and sell it. All my ideas are silly. If it was cheap enough it would go alright. Not really. People wouldn't be interested in capsulated water. It would be a cheap product to capsulate though, there's plenty of water. I thought you could maybe capsulate orange Juice or Coca-Cola or Milk or something as well. Unfortunately all my ideas are silly because I don't think to well.

From here all

To really find out ways to make money from the internet goto one or all of these websites. They have made far more money than me and are alot more dedicated and use many more means to make money, they have been charting their progress and you will be able to see mostly whats involved and have many resources listed.
Robs Million Dollar Experiment
Mikes Money Making Mission
Kumikos Cash Quest
As one last way you could try to make money from the internet you could email Bill Gates or some of the other celebrities and powerful people I have listed in these posts.
Click here for Bill Gates and other celebrity email contact addresses.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Email Contact Addresses For the Stars.

Jackie Chan
Ok. The first on the list is Jackie Chan. Chan is one of the best known names in kung fu and action movies worldwide for his acrobatic fighting style, comic timing, usage of improvised weapons and for performing many of his own stunts. Having appeared in over a hundred films. You can email contact Jackie Chan here:
Email: Jackie@jackiechan.com
Wikipedia: Jackie Chan
Official Homepage: www.JackieChan.com
George Clooney
Would you like to email contact George Clooney. Clooney (born May 6, 1961) is an Academy Award and two-time Golden Globe winning American actor, director, producer and screenwriter, known for his role in the first five seasons of the long-running television drama ER (1994–99), and his rise as an "A-List" movie star in contemporary American Cinema. You can email contact George Clooney here:
Email: GClooney@aol.com
Wikipedia: George Clooney
Tom Cruise
Thomas Cruise Mapother IV (born July 3 , 1962), more commonly known as Tom Cruise, is an American actor and film producer. He is tied with Tom Hanks as the only actors to have seven consecutive US$100 million plus block busters on their resume. You can email contact Tom Cruise here:
Email: AGoodActor@aol.com
Wikipedia: Tom Cruise
Robert De Niro
Two-time Academy Award winning American film actor, director and producer. You can email contact Robert De Niro here:
Email: RobertDeNiro@aol.com
Wikipedia: Robert De Niro
Leonardo Dicaprio
American film actor famous for movies such as Titanic and Basketball Diaries. You can email contact Leonardo Dicaprio here:
Email: ICaprio0@aol.com
Wikipedia: Leonardo Dicaprio
Michael Douglas
Famous American actor. My favourite Michael Douglas film is The Game. You can email contact Michael Douglas here:
Email: Michael@michaeldouglas.com
Wikipedia: Michael Douglas
Tom Hanks
American Actor famous for such movies as Forest Gump and Saving Private Ryan. I like Tom Hanks. You can email contact Tom Hanks here:
Email: NY122@aol.com
Wikipedia: Tom Hanks
American singer songwriter. You can email contact Madonna here:
Email: Madonna@wbr.com
Wikipedia: Madonna
Demi Moore
American Actress. You can email contact Demi Moore here:
Email: DemiM2@aol.com
Wikipedia: Demi Moore
Brad Pitt
American Actor. Troy. You can email contact Brad Pitt here:
Email: ciaobox@msn.com
Wikipedia: Brad Pitt
Bruce Willis
American Actor. I love the Die Hard movies. Die Hard 4 has just been released 2007. You can email contact Bruce Willis here:
Email: BruceWi1is@aol.com
Wikepedia: Bruce Willis
James Woods
American Actor. You can email contact James Woods here:
Email: JamesWoods@aol.com
Wikipedia: James Woods
Oprah Winfrey
American television talk show host. You can email contact Oprah Winfrey here:
Email: Harpo@Interaccess.com
Wikipedia: Oprah Winfrey
Cliff Richard
Cliff is a singer. You can email contact Cliff Richard here:
Email: icrm@dds.nl
Wikipedia: Cliff Richard
Keanu Reeves
American Actor. Point Break was an awesome movie. Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure and Bogus Journey were awesome. Um The Matrix part 1 ruled and part 4 is going to be awesome. You can email contact Keanu Reeves here:
Email: Reeves23@aol.com
Wikipedia: Keanu Reeves
Shania Twain
Singer. You can email contact Shania Twain here:
Email: Twainshani@aol.com
Wikipedia: Shania Twain
Britney Spears
Singer. You can email contact Britney Spears here:
Email: Britney@britneyspears.com
Wikipedia: Britney Spears
Darcy Lee
Nobody. Runs this website. Will be rich, powerful and happy oneday. You can email contact Darcy Lee here:
Email: leedar@xtra.co.nz
Wikipedia: None available.
I don't know anything about the accuracy of these email contact addresses. Mostly you will reach representatives of the people. Ya never know though. Have fun. You can donate to me by clicking the any of the Paypal buttons scattered on this site.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
June 30th. Universe Ruling Enabling Powers. Google.

A reason you could donate to me is because my posts have lost it and you can see the reason.
Search terms that people have used to find this website in google are listed below. The first hit is dated the 17th of June. I'm pretty sure that is the first ever hit that I have received from google. This blog has been running since the end of April as an idea. In total since the 17th of June I have received 14 hits from google. It's June 30th today.
email adresses of people living in canada
email bill gates
bill gates paypal email address
real fire
richest man email contact address in usa and canada
can bill gates donate money for me
bill gates email address
darcy lee
how to make money each week
happy birthday
2007 email contact address of ministers of god in america and canada
lyrics to its my birthday
Those are exactly what people have typed into google and from that come to this page. I also got one hit from yahoo - they searched for - donate to me.
I now hold the number 1 position in google for the search term Darcy Lee. My name. I'm going to use my name as a brand I think.
You can now come directly to this webpage blog wishlist through the address www.gamenz.co.nz
Ok bye.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Ok You Got Me

Awwww.... Thanks Christianity for believing me and in me. Obviously there is a GOD what other purpose does the living water I tasted and the scriptures of such living water serve. Awwww.
As something else I have deluded myself with I had this kind of fire

Billions of Dollars. Living Water.

I've mainly mentioned living water in an attempt to rule over christians. Muwahaha. Won't work though. I've written about it because it's

Ya billions of dollars. I would like billions of dollars. Like at least $1020 million dollars. I can do

Ok it just clicked that I can't make billions and it's a dumb dream and the world is evil. Damn evil world. Donate to me because the world is evil.
If you believe in god like the bible then I rule the universe because of living water scriptures because god is actually real and I was just saying there wasn't a god umm *cough* yeah anyway donate because the world is evil.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Knowledge, God Doesn't Exist.

There are alot of big questions that exist that I nor anyone else in the entire world can answer. Maybe in millions of years they will be answered. I would've been incredibly happy with life itself except I drew the short straw. I was really really enjoying life but I fell, hard. The knowledge I had of marijuana when I started it was that it wasn't addictive and doesn't really cause any harm. Zillions of joints later and the most clouded mind you can imagine with something like a permanent headache I found out the truth. Marijuana has driven me to suicide something you won't hear about from anyone who endorses it. They say marijuana has never had a death from overdose. My death is the result of marijuana. Directly.
What I have learned in the world is that it is really easy to be wrong. The world is infinitely more complex than I am capable of. I was really innocent when I started smoking marijuana, brainwashed proberly as well thinking that it was cool and more essentially safe. Marijuana has controlled my life. Now I am nothing, nothing of the thoughts I had, nothing of the love, the joy, the happiness. With the world alot of people will look at this and revel in these facts. People actually adopt evil ya know.
Have you ever tried telling a god believing person that god doesn't exist. You couldn't of told me that when I believed in god. You were wrong and I was right. I would like to say now that I was wrong. God doesn't exist. Jesus never existed. The world for me just became a darker place. I have a hope in humanity but my time is done. I am now but a burden to thee, living on your government welfare never to further this world, a burden. The world is dangerous. I'm sick.
I guess I just really want to rail against people that believe in god. Gee i'm weak. What has happened to me shouldn't have happened. You governments as well. Your not innocent. It seems every action I take i'm wrong. How do I live with myself always being wrong. No-one has any power in this world other than the illusion I think. I must be one of the most least powerful. I think everyone in this entire world is blind. Like try telling someone who believes in god that god doesn't exist, that sorta blind. I'm blind myself of course. No-one has any power.
I would like to see justice in the world. I also think justice will never exist. Justice is just to much to ask for. So the ending of the world the word I choose is evil. Evil has won. Such a great evil it is never to be defeated. The base of the universe is evil. The very core of the universe is evil. Life is evil. This evil is so powerful, blinding, the only way to deal with it is not to acknowledge it, as long as your not affected all is well. Someone needs to take me out for what I say. Nuke the planet. Destroy the evil.
Knowledge about marijuana could have saved me and I wouldn't suffer as I do. How come no-one can answer any of the questions, why no knowledge. Why does it take time. Why didn't I have knowledge. It's dangerous for you and everyone to live without knowledge as I have proved by not having correct knowledge about the drug marijuana.
Do you have knowledge that god is real or doesn't exist? If only one side is right then the other

Evil has won. When you can tell the paraplegic to get up out of chair and walk and he does then you don't have to nuke the world anymore. When my headaches go away. Evil has won. As a thought maybe i've been mind controlled by the governments and it wasn't the marijuana. Aha. I knew it. Knowledge could say that. Is it true knowledge? WE ARE DUMB.
To finish - God doesn't exist. I've had the living water thats written in the bible mentioned in previous posts so I know god doesn't exist. Just wanted to mention the keywords living water. And again LIVING WATER GOD DOESN'T EXIST.
Knowledge. Aha.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Living Water in a Store Near You Soon. And Reason Number 12 You Could Donate To Me.

Still. I'm hoping that as I write more and more posts it will become easier. I'll actually start to post more over time is the plan. It's like a fitness and strength thing. If you turn yourself into the gym 3 times a week you get stronger so if I turn in three posts during a week i'll get stronger over time. Buff.
My last couple of posts have been about living water. Nothing exciting here except I found a scripture saying that Jesus of the bible will give someone living water and they will have everlasting life. Obviously the living water I had was the very one mentioned in the bible god and Jesus being real and all. Yay I have everlasting life because the bible tells me (*Cough* Jesus never existed).
God's a boring subject because it can never go anywhere. It interested me for a while but after actually reading the bible in my own time i'm going to be moving away from that forever. I'm sorry I got involved. With my living water now what i'm going to do is find out the secret formula that made it taste living and reproduce it and then take over the worlds softdrink market easily overtaking coke and pepsi because of the incredible taste.
It will be a multi billion dollar industry but no I can't actually reproduce it, it was just a hallucination but I have mentioned it because christians believe in god and it might amuse them and they might actually believe in it but no again the reason they won't believe in it is because god doesn't exist overall. It would make a nice softdrink if I could reproduce it though.
Living water softdrink could be the future. The bible was my ticket to immortality, to bad it's not real. If I can recreate what made it taste living and then sell it. Half the world believes in god thats just crazy. This is kind of an attempt to convert people from believing in god. I believe believing in something false is dangerous.
Watch out in stores for living water which will make me billions as a softdrink. This can be my

I'm so pitiful that I have living water hallucinations and talk about it in my blog - this can be reason number 12 you could donate to me.
This wasn't a very well written blog entry. I have tried. I'm trying to make money but alas. Still you can donate to me if you want.
I hope I can I improve from this post. How hard can it be because this post is so bad.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Living Water Again. And Reason Number 11 You Should Donate to me.

Basically now I rule the universe because god said he likes me best by giving me this living water. I rule the universe from my kitchen which is also my lounge by blogging, the internet. The living water as you can imagine gives one this power to rule the universe.
Ruling the universe is hard work, this is reason number 11 one of the many reasons i'm asking for donations. Your donations continue to keep this universe running by supporting me the one who has had the living water who found the living water scripture in the bible an hence has everlasting life and rules the universe. Because god is real. Obviously.

For those of you who believe in my ever lasting life giving in the bible written universe ruling enabling living water thanks. Your donations continue to keep this universe running.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Living Water. Something Dangerous. Living Water. God Doesn't Exist.
New ways of thinking are opening up for me by not believing in god. It's quite a different style of thinking when gods not imposed in everything. I illusion myself that i'm figuring problems that I couldn't tackle before. Theres not much to be gained in the god debate is there? I think believing in god is dangerous to your health. It's bad. God doesn't teach people. Because.... He doesn't exist. Ok I like to think that I believe in humans now. Humans.
Ok so Living Water, did you forget that you might not know anything i'm saying when I mention living water. Ok so it has to do with god. Heres a scripture from the bible it's John 7:37-39. (Ewwwww Religion).
37Now on the final and most important day of the Feast, Jesus stood, and He cried in a loud voice, If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink!
38He who believes in Me as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water and and they shall have ever lasting life.
39But He was speaking here of the Spirit, Whom those who believed (trusted, had faith) in Him were afterward to receive. For the [Holy] Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified (raised to honor).
What I want to do is claim my everlasting life. One morning I woke and drank this water on my coffee table and it was alive. It tasted living. Totally alive. Living. Might it have been the living water mentioned here in this bible passage. The everlasting life type of living water. (Well no because Jesus never existed). It was living water. It was alive. But.... I clocked the bible yes. But.... If YOU believe in Jesus i'm stating that I had living water like the bible sooooo.... Gifts of money will be fine. I'll just say that this water one morning I had was alive, living and because I found this bible scripture (muwahaha) I now have ever lasting life. (Disclaimer: God doesn't exist and I don't have ever lasting life).Muwahaha i'm going to rule the universe world with my living water that give ever lasting life. (But no). But... AGAIN if your a true believer of Jesus then gifts of money are acceptable and fine. How do you know it was the genuine article living water as mentioned in the bible are you wondering? Do you know anyone else who has written online saying they have? Thats possible I guess but mines the real one.
What shall I do with my everlasting life?
Also non believers your donations of money will be acceptable as well.
It didn't help to much to write this. God doesn't exist thats all I wanted to say. Am I neutral now? This website is trying to earn money. See if its the real living water from the bible it will bring me lots of money and people and general stuff, luck when I mention it on this blog. It will, my Living Water, fend off any ill feelings someone might get from this post and i'll earn lots of money and it will bring my website lots of traffic i'll be rich real quick. I now have the most powerful website in the world because I have posted about my genuine article in the Bible mentioned everlasting life giving Living Water. Though the thing is God doesn't exist. This world is dangerous.
I wonder if any Christians will believe in my the Living Water I had. Noooo.... Sir.....
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Bill Gates Email Address. Email Bill Gates.
here - BillG@microsoft.com.
He has a dedicated team of people checking the emails. Maybe you just want to say hi? I don't imagine he actually reads much of it himself. He gets something like 4 million emails a day. I've sent a couple of emails myself, can I have some money sort of thing. Anyhow if you would like to send Bill Gates an email asking for money click the link on the side of my blog or in this post.
If you wanted you could email the President of the United States of America, Mr George Bush. Make a complaint or something. Maybe you could ask for money as well. I've sent a couple of emails to this address as well, can I have some money sort of thing again. I also asked Mr Bush if I could take a tank for a drive off road as well, didn't get any reply to that though either. You can email Mr Bush here - Comments@Whitehouse.Govt.
I've sent about 105 emails at last count to the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Helen Clark. Asking for money. I got a reply from one email saying they are not going to ban smoking when I asked them to ban smoking. No money though. Thats about all the activity from that address. Still a physical letter is ok about smoking. At least you know things will be actioned if there important enough when I write. You can contact Helen Clark here - Pm@Ministers.Govt.Nz.
I sent 2 emails to the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper. This time I was asking what they got me for my birthday. I got two replys back from this address. The first one was saying my email had been forwarded to the approriate department and the second one then said that they didn't send out congratulatory letters until someone reached 65 years old. Very kind of the Canadians for those two letters, I mean you know something happening at Stephen Harpers address. You can contact the Prime Minister of Canada
here - Pm@pm.gc.ca.
I'm hoping I can discover more addresses of people to send emails to as a collection. Send an email to someone if you want just because it's still kind of new technology. Well not really but sort of new I mean contacting powerful people easily.