Darcy Lee Professional Beggar Running a War on Death; Enemy of Death. THIS IS WAR. Death is an enemy. This website is dedicated to the defeat of death. All suffering, pain, war, crime, poverty, Sin, this is all death. Donate Today. I'm looking for enough donations to buy a house. This will be my base for the rest of my life where I will stage a war on death for as long as I live.
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Friday, October 31, 2014
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Under The Bridge.
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Under The Bridge.
Managed too get a few plays out of this after coming back to it from my teenage years 20 years ago. I didn't think i'd enjoy it but I did kind of not mind it at all and yeah actually got a few plays out of it like I said. Going in Music 2 though.
Darcy Lee
Katy Perry - This Is How We Do.
Katy Perry - This Is How We Do.
Got quite a few plays out of this now. Love the twerking ice cream at the end.
The Thesis = Darcy Sys.
Justice How We Do - Darsys How We Do - This Is How We Do.
Darcy Lee
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Carl Orff - O Fortuna ~ Carmina Burana
Carl Orff - O Fortuna ~ Carmina Burana.
Probably not going to listen to this much but it's a pretty epic piece that is instantly recognisable.
Darcy Lee
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Awesome Animated Cake
This is an optical illusion known as a zoetrope. Everything looks like it's animated it's great.
MineCraft, But No Really Suffering and Torture.

If only we could devote such time and dedication to building housing and feeding people in real life.
Some of the things people do for attention on Youtube cost a lot of money and consume a lot of time. Money would be better spent helping the homeless and feeding people. I want to see more of an effort alleviating peoples misery and suffering and pain. I can't really talk myself. I mean what am I doing over and above what others are doing. Nothing at all. I play World of Warcraft all day and night and waste my life away.
I have suffered terribly so know what it's like. It would be awesome to alleviate peoples suffering. But how. What can I do. I ask these questions but don't have any answers. I guess first I really need to secure myself? Perhaps. But i'm fairly stable. I have the same bills each week.
I find I fall away from such ideas all to easy.
Like the saying "The Truth Will Set You Free". I reckon I need to do some soul searching and find some place to stand. I need to find the truth that will set people free. Thing is many people have come before me. They were much smarter. It's my suffering experience that wants me to help alleviate others suffering. But i'm not smart enough.
Although I have suffered I am not motivated at all to help others. Perhaps it helps to be kind. But this doesn't help another. Some people are unreachable perhaps violent.
The Matrix tech could possibly help with communication and could provide strength and healing. But that tech being revealed is far out of my hands though I once grasped such power if only for a few days.
So what can I do to help? If I were to give the orders they would be incorrect. If I were to follow orders I would fail. The issues of the world need stronger smarter people than me.

So much money is spent on weapons of death. If this money was to be converted to life instead we would be better off. Anyway again I have fallen away from helping the poor and suffering. I don't know how to help. I'm no longer suffering so it doesn't concern me maybe. But no. People are all to willing to inflict suffering, it even brings them pleasure to see others suffer.
It is truly an evil world we live in. Evil currently reigns. It's hard to see it ever ending.
God has failed. This has been going on for millions of years. I guess tech has to catch up. So if we don't wipe ourselves out then there are still going to be losers. Hopefully there will be justice and everyone can agree that it is justice. Even the punished.
I don't see any justice at the moment. Evil has free reign. Evil is able to inflict torture on other humans. I am tortured by the American Govt. No one believes me. They have the power to read your minds. No one believes. I want to be free but I am not. I haven't done anything wrong.
I said America Sucks a few times. They torture me for this. Because I first spoke in unique arrangement some of the lyrics that now appear in many famous songs by many famous artists and said America Sucks a few times right before they were going to tell the world they torture me. This is not right. But you won't believe me.
Everyone gets away with so much because of unbelief.
I am tortured by the Govt. This is my only problem in life apart from poverty. But the Govt denies what I speak and you don't believe. You don't think them able of such things. The matrix tech is used to torture me every day and night. I have no rest from it. When will you come to my aid.
When will you stand up for me.
If it happens to me it happens to others. These people are murderous.
They torture for fun and pleasure and revenge no other reason.

They chose to watch instead of help. They left me to suffer. They drugged me. Because I didn't like the songs and said America Sucks they chose and tortured me.
This is the worst modern type of torture you can imagine. Please help.
Only those who believe my words can help me. Now I know no one believes. No one bothers to help me. No one comes. No one does what it right. No one listens. Everyone is right except what I say. No one takes any notice of what I say. I am just delusional to you. Yet I don't lie. Yet I am not delusional. Yet I am not Schizophrenic. The Govt calls me Skitz and drugs me. They do this all the mean time torturing me with mind control tech. I have suffered so much.
No one believes me.
No one has experienced my suffering. Right now my left ear rings louder than any tinnitus could possibly make. It's so loud. They are torturing me for writing this. They subvert all my thoughts. They limit them so they fit inside their computers memory. I'm not allowed good thoughts. They say the opposite to everything good.
But you don't believe me. You believe their words and appearances. You believe what they have made me with their machines. They have made me deaf and retarded. Tech has done this. Not my lifestyle. They use people's unbelief so that I am a nutcase skitzophrenic and you and your thoughts are safe you believe.
Why do you let them torture me? It's your unbelief that lets them do it.
You have failed as friends and good people. There is no one good. Not one person believes my testimony. I don't hold any weight other than I am a crazy in your eyes.
Darcy Lee
Saturday, October 25, 2014
DJ Snake & Lil Jon - Turn Down for What
DJ Snake & Lil Jon - Turn Down for What
Found this similar to Lonely Island and "When Will The Bass Drop" Been hearing this on the radio at a friends and quite like it. This version was before Lonely Island. I'm guessing this is the original.
Toddlers Regulate Their Behavior To Avoid Making Adults Angry.
Watch this video. It's pretty interesting. About a toddler and how he regulates his behavior based on the cue of adults to keep the peace. Read the article below and watch the video.
Researchers at the Institute of Learning & Brain Sciences at the University of Washington have discovered something that may surprise many parents. Toddlers are more intuitive than we may think, and spend time “regulating” their behavior to get the best outcome to certain situations, and depending on the emotional cues of the adults around them.
To put it more clearly: Even at two years old, kids pick up on the attitudes and behaviors exhibited by everyone around them, and look for ways to “keep the peace.”
In this fascinating experiment, one researcher shows a cute little boy a blue box, and joyfully and enthusiastically encourages him to play with the toy — and he happily obliges.
Moments later, another researcher walks in and sits down next to the boy as he’s shown a second toy. Before he can play with it, however, the second researcher loudly proclaims her annoyance at the toy.
When the boy is finally given the second toy to play with, his expression says it all: I won’t play with this – even though I want to – because it seems like this toy makes her mad.
This is such an interesting look into incredibly smart, incredibly intuitive child brain! Parents, this is more proof of how powerful our roles are in our children’s lives.
Darcy Lee
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Nirvana - Marigold
Nirvana - Marigold.
Im'ma Marry God.
Darcy Lee
He's there in case I wandered off
He's scared 'cause I warned
He's scared in case I want it all
He's scared 'cause I won
All in all the clock is slow
Six color pictures all in a row
Of a marigold
He's there in case I wandered off
He's scared 'cause I warned
He's there in case I want it all
He's scared 'cause I won
He's there in case I wandered off
He's scared 'cause I warned
He's there in case I want it all
Music 2,
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Jesus He Knows Me - Genesis Phil Collins.
Genesis Phil Collins - Jesus He Knows Me.
Starting listening to this today after listening to I Can't Dance also by Genesis. I'm adding this to music cause I've listened to this more than once and i'm still quite enjoying it.
Darcy Lee
Humans Glow Invisible Light.
You can find the whole original article here
Schematic illustration of experimental setup that found the human body, especially the face, emits visible light in small quantities that vary during the day. B is one of the test subjects. The other images show the weak emissions of visible light during totally dark conditions. The chart corresponds to the images and shows how the emissions varied during the day. The last image (I) is an infrared image of the subject showing heat emissions.
Credit: Kyoto University; Tohoku Institute of Technology; PLoS ONE
The human body literally glows, emitting a visible light in extremely small quantities at levels that rise and fall with the day, scientists now reveal.
Past research has shown that the body emits visible light, 1,000 times less intense than the levels to which our naked eyes are sensitive. In fact, virtually all living creatures emit very weak light, which is thought to be a byproduct of biochemical reactions involving free radicals.
(This visible light differs from the infrared radiation — an invisible form of light — that comes from body heat.)
To learn more about this faint visible light, scientists in Japan employed extraordinarily sensitive cameras capable of detecting single photons. Five healthy male volunteers in their 20s were placed bare-chested in front of the cameras in complete darkness in light-tight rooms for 20 minutes every three hours from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. for three days.
The researchers found the body glow rose and fell over the day, with its lowest point at 10 a.m. and its peak at 4 p.m., dropping gradually after that. These findings suggest there is light emission linked to our body clocks, most likely due to how our metabolic rhythms fluctuate over the course of the day.
Faces glowed more than the rest of the body. This might be because faces are more tanned than the rest of the body, since they get more exposure to sunlight — the pigment behind skin color, melanin, has fluorescent components that could enhance the body's miniscule light production.
Since this faint light is linked with the body's metabolism, this finding suggests cameras that can spot the weak emissions could help spot medical conditions, said researcher Hitoshi Okamura, a circadian biologist at Kyoto University in Japan.
"If you can see the glimmer from the body's surface, you could see the whole body condition," said researcher Masaki Kobayashi, a biomedical photonics specialist at the Tohoku Institute of Technology in Sendai, Japan.
The scientists detailed their findings online July 16 in the journal PLoS ONE.
Darcy Lee
Schematic illustration of experimental setup that found the human body, especially the face, emits visible light in small quantities that vary during the day. B is one of the test subjects. The other images show the weak emissions of visible light during totally dark conditions. The chart corresponds to the images and shows how the emissions varied during the day. The last image (I) is an infrared image of the subject showing heat emissions.
Credit: Kyoto University; Tohoku Institute of Technology; PLoS ONE
The human body literally glows, emitting a visible light in extremely small quantities at levels that rise and fall with the day, scientists now reveal.
Past research has shown that the body emits visible light, 1,000 times less intense than the levels to which our naked eyes are sensitive. In fact, virtually all living creatures emit very weak light, which is thought to be a byproduct of biochemical reactions involving free radicals.
(This visible light differs from the infrared radiation — an invisible form of light — that comes from body heat.)
To learn more about this faint visible light, scientists in Japan employed extraordinarily sensitive cameras capable of detecting single photons. Five healthy male volunteers in their 20s were placed bare-chested in front of the cameras in complete darkness in light-tight rooms for 20 minutes every three hours from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. for three days.
The researchers found the body glow rose and fell over the day, with its lowest point at 10 a.m. and its peak at 4 p.m., dropping gradually after that. These findings suggest there is light emission linked to our body clocks, most likely due to how our metabolic rhythms fluctuate over the course of the day.
Faces glowed more than the rest of the body. This might be because faces are more tanned than the rest of the body, since they get more exposure to sunlight — the pigment behind skin color, melanin, has fluorescent components that could enhance the body's miniscule light production.
Since this faint light is linked with the body's metabolism, this finding suggests cameras that can spot the weak emissions could help spot medical conditions, said researcher Hitoshi Okamura, a circadian biologist at Kyoto University in Japan.
"If you can see the glimmer from the body's surface, you could see the whole body condition," said researcher Masaki Kobayashi, a biomedical photonics specialist at the Tohoku Institute of Technology in Sendai, Japan.
The scientists detailed their findings online July 16 in the journal PLoS ONE.
Darcy Lee
Fish Feel Pain.
Found this article here about how fish feel pain. I knew that Birds, Cats and Dogs feel pain but there has long been a myth that fish don't feel pain. Poor Earth. Everything suffers. Next they will say grass suffers. Have a read.
Ila France Porcher is a self-taught, published ethologist and the author of "The Shark Sessions." A wildlife artist who recorded the behavior of animals she painted, Porcher was intrigued by sharks in Tahiti and launched an intensive study to systematically observe them following the precepts of cognitive ethology. Credited with the discovery of a way to study sharks without killing them, Porcher has been called "the Jane Goodall of sharks" for her documentation of their intelligence in the wild. She contributed this article to Live Science's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.
Researchers at Yale Law School made headlines recently, when they suggested that people often fail to question their political beliefs in the face of scientific discoveries that contradict them. The study showed how people reason selectively, and interpret data in such a way that it conforms with their political vantage point.
This phenomenon is evident in the pseudoscience related to fisheries, a multi-billion dollar industry that has taken control of the planet's wild fish populations and the public's perceptions of these animals. Despite available facts, industry conclusions are always in favor of fishermen, not fish.
Though rigorous scientific research has established beyond all doubt that the pain system in fish is virtually identical to that of mammals, the fishing industry has maintained that fish are too simple-minded to feel pain. As a result, most people seem to believe the old fishermen's tale that no matter how you brutalize fish and sharks, they won't suffer, and the abuse continues with almost no public outcry or protest.
Yet no evidence has ever been produced to support the idea that an animal could live successfully, and survive, without the ability to feel pain, an important warning sensation. It would result in inappropriate behavior, and the fish would go straight into evolution's garbage can. Only a small percentage of fish who come into the world live to adulthood, and any weakness would doom them. [Do Fish Feel Pain? The Debate Continues ]
Neither do observations of fish behavior support the idea. Fish appear cautious and careful, and display cognitive behavior in their efforts to eat food, such as sea urchins, that could sting them. Indeed, the evolution of urchin defenses, as well as a host of other oceanic stingers, seem to have depended on the ability of fish to feel pain.
The subjective idea of fish feeling no pain has persisted, even though it fails to fit in with established science.
The study of pain in fish
Since animals cannot tell us how they feel, scientists have searched indirectly for evidence about their subjective experiences, in the studies of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology and behavior. Researchers have developed strict criteria, all of which need to be met, before they can conclude that an animal can feel pain .
First, there must be nociceptors — sensory neurons that respond to tissue damage by sending nerve signals to the spinal cord and brain. There must be neural pathways from the nociceptors to higher brain regions, and the signal from the nociceptor must be processed in the higher brain, not in the reflex centers in the hindbrain or spinal cord.
There must be opioid receptors within the nervous system, and opioid substances produced internally. Painkilling drugs should relieve the symptoms of pain that the animal displays, and the animal should be able to learn to avoid a painful stimulus. This should be so important to the animal that it avoids the threat of pain right away. The painful event should strongly interfere with normal behavior — it should not be an instantaneous withdrawal response, but long-term distress.
Fish meet all of those criteria, as has been shown in a wide variety of experiments. Their nociceptors are nearly identical to those found in mammals and humans, and the nociceptors are connected to the brain through neurons. There are also connections between the different structures of the brain, including those that are considered crucial to the experience of pain. The whole brain of the fish is active during painful events.
In addition to neural activity, certain genes that are crucial to the experience of pain in humans are also found in fish, and they are active throughout the fish's brain during painful events. This activity of the brain, at both the molecular and the physiological level, indicates that these are not reflex reactions. If they were, such activity would not be seen in the higher brain.
How fish react to pain
Fish have displayed a variety of adverse changes in their behavior after the infliction of pain, such as an extreme increase in their ventilation (respiratory) rate, rubbing damaged body parts on the surrounding environment, rocking on their pectoral fins, trying to stay upright and no longer feeding. These, and other symptoms of distress, are relieved by the administration of morphine, which completes the circle and identifies pain as the cause of the change in behavior.
Like other animals tested in laboratory settings, fish have been shown to self-administer painkillers if they can — even if that means going into a location that they do not like — to bathe in water that medicates them. This is another clue that the fish were suffering, and found relief in the undesirable location.
Fish swiftly learn to avoid painful events, which researchers think indicates that they are conscious — they experience the pain so severely that they are strongly motivated to avoid feeling it again, even after just one exposure.
Though humans can override pain, at times, in certain heightened mental states — particularly when in danger — it seems that fish cannot do so. Studies have shown that after being hurt, fish become far less alert to danger, as if their pain is too overwhelming for them to ignore it, even to escape a predator. It is thought that due to their simpler neural design and mental states, fish lack the ability to think about their pain and put it in perspective as humans can. Pain for fish seems always to be an intense experience, which suggests that they may actually feel pain more intensely than humans.
When Rebecca Dunlop of Queensland University discovered that fish learn to avoid painful experiences, she wrote, "Pain avoidance in fish doesn't seem to be a reflex response, but rather one that is learned, remembered and is changed according to different circumstances. Therefore, if fish can perceive pain, then angling [fishing] cannot continue to be considered a noncruel sport."
Because of such findings, there has been meticulous research into the best way to relieve pain in fish during surgery. Because the pain system in fish appears to be the same as that in birds and mammals, veterinarians systematically use pain relief while performing surgery on fish. Given that they are conscious, and may suffer on an emotional level, fish welfare emerges as an important issue.
Yet while amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals have been protected from cruel treatment, fish and sharks have not, thanks to the domination of those who profit from killing them.
There was more to the article so check it out on the website if your interested.
Darcy Lee
Ila France Porcher is a self-taught, published ethologist and the author of "The Shark Sessions." A wildlife artist who recorded the behavior of animals she painted, Porcher was intrigued by sharks in Tahiti and launched an intensive study to systematically observe them following the precepts of cognitive ethology. Credited with the discovery of a way to study sharks without killing them, Porcher has been called "the Jane Goodall of sharks" for her documentation of their intelligence in the wild. She contributed this article to Live Science's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.
Researchers at Yale Law School made headlines recently, when they suggested that people often fail to question their political beliefs in the face of scientific discoveries that contradict them. The study showed how people reason selectively, and interpret data in such a way that it conforms with their political vantage point.
This phenomenon is evident in the pseudoscience related to fisheries, a multi-billion dollar industry that has taken control of the planet's wild fish populations and the public's perceptions of these animals. Despite available facts, industry conclusions are always in favor of fishermen, not fish.
Though rigorous scientific research has established beyond all doubt that the pain system in fish is virtually identical to that of mammals, the fishing industry has maintained that fish are too simple-minded to feel pain. As a result, most people seem to believe the old fishermen's tale that no matter how you brutalize fish and sharks, they won't suffer, and the abuse continues with almost no public outcry or protest.
Yet no evidence has ever been produced to support the idea that an animal could live successfully, and survive, without the ability to feel pain, an important warning sensation. It would result in inappropriate behavior, and the fish would go straight into evolution's garbage can. Only a small percentage of fish who come into the world live to adulthood, and any weakness would doom them. [Do Fish Feel Pain? The Debate Continues ]
Neither do observations of fish behavior support the idea. Fish appear cautious and careful, and display cognitive behavior in their efforts to eat food, such as sea urchins, that could sting them. Indeed, the evolution of urchin defenses, as well as a host of other oceanic stingers, seem to have depended on the ability of fish to feel pain.
The subjective idea of fish feeling no pain has persisted, even though it fails to fit in with established science.
The study of pain in fish
Since animals cannot tell us how they feel, scientists have searched indirectly for evidence about their subjective experiences, in the studies of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology and behavior. Researchers have developed strict criteria, all of which need to be met, before they can conclude that an animal can feel pain .
First, there must be nociceptors — sensory neurons that respond to tissue damage by sending nerve signals to the spinal cord and brain. There must be neural pathways from the nociceptors to higher brain regions, and the signal from the nociceptor must be processed in the higher brain, not in the reflex centers in the hindbrain or spinal cord.
There must be opioid receptors within the nervous system, and opioid substances produced internally. Painkilling drugs should relieve the symptoms of pain that the animal displays, and the animal should be able to learn to avoid a painful stimulus. This should be so important to the animal that it avoids the threat of pain right away. The painful event should strongly interfere with normal behavior — it should not be an instantaneous withdrawal response, but long-term distress.
Fish meet all of those criteria, as has been shown in a wide variety of experiments. Their nociceptors are nearly identical to those found in mammals and humans, and the nociceptors are connected to the brain through neurons. There are also connections between the different structures of the brain, including those that are considered crucial to the experience of pain. The whole brain of the fish is active during painful events.
In addition to neural activity, certain genes that are crucial to the experience of pain in humans are also found in fish, and they are active throughout the fish's brain during painful events. This activity of the brain, at both the molecular and the physiological level, indicates that these are not reflex reactions. If they were, such activity would not be seen in the higher brain.
How fish react to pain
Fish have displayed a variety of adverse changes in their behavior after the infliction of pain, such as an extreme increase in their ventilation (respiratory) rate, rubbing damaged body parts on the surrounding environment, rocking on their pectoral fins, trying to stay upright and no longer feeding. These, and other symptoms of distress, are relieved by the administration of morphine, which completes the circle and identifies pain as the cause of the change in behavior.
Like other animals tested in laboratory settings, fish have been shown to self-administer painkillers if they can — even if that means going into a location that they do not like — to bathe in water that medicates them. This is another clue that the fish were suffering, and found relief in the undesirable location.
Fish swiftly learn to avoid painful events, which researchers think indicates that they are conscious — they experience the pain so severely that they are strongly motivated to avoid feeling it again, even after just one exposure.
Though humans can override pain, at times, in certain heightened mental states — particularly when in danger — it seems that fish cannot do so. Studies have shown that after being hurt, fish become far less alert to danger, as if their pain is too overwhelming for them to ignore it, even to escape a predator. It is thought that due to their simpler neural design and mental states, fish lack the ability to think about their pain and put it in perspective as humans can. Pain for fish seems always to be an intense experience, which suggests that they may actually feel pain more intensely than humans.
When Rebecca Dunlop of Queensland University discovered that fish learn to avoid painful experiences, she wrote, "Pain avoidance in fish doesn't seem to be a reflex response, but rather one that is learned, remembered and is changed according to different circumstances. Therefore, if fish can perceive pain, then angling [fishing] cannot continue to be considered a noncruel sport."
Because of such findings, there has been meticulous research into the best way to relieve pain in fish during surgery. Because the pain system in fish appears to be the same as that in birds and mammals, veterinarians systematically use pain relief while performing surgery on fish. Given that they are conscious, and may suffer on an emotional level, fish welfare emerges as an important issue.
Yet while amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals have been protected from cruel treatment, fish and sharks have not, thanks to the domination of those who profit from killing them.
There was more to the article so check it out on the website if your interested.
Darcy Lee
Friday, October 17, 2014
Passionflower - Jon Gomm
Passionflower - Jon Gomm.
Adding this to Amazing Guitar and Music. This guys cool and makes full use of his guitar. I like the song its good. Saw this on Facebook originally.
Darcy Lee
Zombie - The Cranberries
Zombie - Cranberries. First heard this when I was about 16 and still at school. Adding it to Music 2 because I used to know the words and it sounded real cool back then 20 years ago but it doesn't sound cool now. It reminds me of war and people being turned into zombies. I guess it's still alright but not something i'd listen to now. It definitely had appeal 20 years ago.
In your head. In your Head. (The Matrix)
Zombie Zombie Zombie.
Darcy Lee
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight.
Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight.
Going to add this to Music 2 but might upgrade it tomorrow to Music 1. It's a pretty groovy little song. It's old as Phil Collins is old but it's kind of airy feeling is very cool.
Here are the lyrics:
"In The Air Tonight"
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, Oh Lord
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord
Well, if you told me you were drowning
I would not lend a hand
I've seen your face before my friend
But I don't know if you know who I am
Well, I was there and I saw what you did
I saw it with my own two eyes
So you can wipe off that grin,
I know where you've been
It's all been a pack of lies
And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
Well, I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord
And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord, oh Lord
Well I remember, I remember don't worry
How could I ever forget,
It's the first time, the last time we ever met
But I know the reason why you keep your silence up,
No you don't fool me
The hurt doesn't show
But the pain still grows
It's no stranger to you and me
And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
Well, I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
I can feel it in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord
But I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
But I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
I can feel it in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord
But I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord, oh Lord.
Nike Glow Shoes.
Found this picture on tumbler. Nike Glow Shoes. Now if they were solar powered and u could turn them on and off with your mind.
So matrix tech. The future. It exists right now. This Journal Blog represents that i was one of the first civilians to be shown this tech. I haven't seen that much but it's definitely used on me to farm my thoughts and they cause quite alot of pain.
But no one believes this. Now if it was good, this tech, the matrix virtual reality tech then why not just tell people about it. Why is it kept secret from the everyone. It's kept secret so that people can be farmed. It's kept secret because it can control people. It's kept secret because it has existed for so long now. It must be used on quite a few different people by now. People they see as scum. Like myself. This is in relative comparison to themselves of course.
It could be that they just enjoy the pain and suffering and misery that they put so greatly into my body and life. Everybody's mind is wide open for the government to record and use on a computer database. They just rip your thoughts. They listen in on your thinking.
But this is to unbelievable. The human body can't be this easily hacked. I tell you they have been doing this since the early 80's. At least. Most likely way way earlier.
Brain Computer Interface. This tech is where it's at. Your mind on a computer. Your thoughts recorded. A picture H.U.D in you head. It's a new type of warfare. It's able to be used because it's secret. If it wasn't secret tech then people could report it and be believed finally with out being written off as crazy. They can make you crazy. They can cause you unbelievable pain. The govt. It brings them pleasure. Some of them.
And you the reader don't yet believe me. It's 2014. They have been working on this technology for a long time 24 hours 7 days a week. They have succeeded. The MATRIX exists.
You have been warned. It's warfare..... they commit acts of war against the sovereignty of people.
They violate people. Nobody is immune.
If the tech it's so good, why is it secret. For so long, Because it's being used against us.
Allow yourself to think mind control of the worst kind. Nobody will believe you. Nobody believes me. But this happens every day to many people. They can see what you see.
Darcy Lee
So matrix tech. The future. It exists right now. This Journal Blog represents that i was one of the first civilians to be shown this tech. I haven't seen that much but it's definitely used on me to farm my thoughts and they cause quite alot of pain.
But no one believes this. Now if it was good, this tech, the matrix virtual reality tech then why not just tell people about it. Why is it kept secret from the everyone. It's kept secret so that people can be farmed. It's kept secret because it can control people. It's kept secret because it has existed for so long now. It must be used on quite a few different people by now. People they see as scum. Like myself. This is in relative comparison to themselves of course.
It could be that they just enjoy the pain and suffering and misery that they put so greatly into my body and life. Everybody's mind is wide open for the government to record and use on a computer database. They just rip your thoughts. They listen in on your thinking.
But this is to unbelievable. The human body can't be this easily hacked. I tell you they have been doing this since the early 80's. At least. Most likely way way earlier.
Brain Computer Interface. This tech is where it's at. Your mind on a computer. Your thoughts recorded. A picture H.U.D in you head. It's a new type of warfare. It's able to be used because it's secret. If it wasn't secret tech then people could report it and be believed finally with out being written off as crazy. They can make you crazy. They can cause you unbelievable pain. The govt. It brings them pleasure. Some of them.
And you the reader don't yet believe me. It's 2014. They have been working on this technology for a long time 24 hours 7 days a week. They have succeeded. The MATRIX exists.
You have been warned. It's warfare..... they commit acts of war against the sovereignty of people.
They violate people. Nobody is immune.
If the tech it's so good, why is it secret. For so long, Because it's being used against us.
Allow yourself to think mind control of the worst kind. Nobody will believe you. Nobody believes me. But this happens every day to many people. They can see what you see.
Darcy Lee
Cover Up,
Darcy Lee,
Evil has won,
Evil World,
Mind Control,
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
One Republic - Counting Stars.
One Republic - Counting Stars.
Adding this to Music 2. Listened to it a few times but don't think it's good enough to go into Music.
Darcy Lee
25 Most Brutal Torture Techniques Ever Devised.
Video is 25 Most Brutal Torture Techniques Ever Devised.
Just watched this. Very scary. Torture is still rampant and practiced today. Jesus underwent torture. But what makes his torture any greater than anyone else? He had supposedly never broken a law? Is that enough? He had never sinned? But then you have to define sin.
I really don't understand how this torture can happen. Suffering has to be wrong. For anyone. I'm finding the bible doesn't really cover alot of things. There has been so much suffering. What does it achieve.
Had someone I know say that Jesus and his suffering actually made the world a worse place. So like you can suffer and nothing good comes from it. Jesus bought the church with his suffering but in this persons opinion the world was worse off and would be better if Jesus had never suffered because of all the wars of religion that the church committed.
Really suffering is terrible. We need the light of life perhaps. A light so burning so hot and bright. A light so as not to stumble in the dark. This life light will show all things. It will show the value of life and lead people out of great darkness to peace and security.
I can't really say what the light of life looks light but perhaps it illuminates giving guidance making free and bringing liberty. I hope to have such life. Life in abundance. Brighter than the sun. Life brighter than the sun or any other source of light.
We still wait for this great light.
Darcy Lee
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Another Couple of Funding Pages.
I made another page similar to my indiegogo.com page also trying to raise money for Warcraft. This time it's on a site called gofundme.com I just wanted to post the link here as if that would help.
I'm actually quite rapt at the link cause it has worldofwarcraft in it. Check it out.
I'm adding this as an edit but i've also been able to make a page at another crowd funding place. This site is called rockethub. So that's three sites I have pages at. Indiegogo, Rockethub and Gofundme. I am also waiting on approval for one last page on Kickstarter. You can follow the link to rockethub here:
Here is the Indiegogo link so there all in the same post:
I'm actually quite rapt at the link cause it has worldofwarcraft in it. Check it out.
I'm adding this as an edit but i've also been able to make a page at another crowd funding place. This site is called rockethub. So that's three sites I have pages at. Indiegogo, Rockethub and Gofundme. I am also waiting on approval for one last page on Kickstarter. You can follow the link to rockethub here:
Here is the Indiegogo link so there all in the same post:
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