I wonder why god won't heal amputees. Christians and Jesus persons always claim that people are being healed by them and their prayers all the the time. Like they pray for people to get better from cancers or whatever disease and if they get better it's a miracle.
Yet not one persons legs or arms ever grow back. Amputees are never healed.
If there were miracles everyone would know. If even one leg or arm grew back it would make massive news. But alas my belief in Jesus comes to an end. I need to see peoples arms and legs growing back to believe in Jesus.
I have had fun reading the bible. I like to pretend i'm good and wholesome. There are some epic sayings and teachings in the bible but most simply won't hold ground. If the bible hinges on Jesus then it kinda fails. You can't grow limbs back by prayer in Jesus. Not yet probably never. It's been 2000 years nearly since his death. You think someone would of figured it out by now if there was anything there.
Medicine is fast progressing and possibly soon will be able to provide immortality under it's own steam. Most people turn to Jesus when they are in trouble and facing a crisis or extreme trouble. I guess I would like to say that Jesus can't help you. If your in pain or facing mental health issues or whatever be the problem Jesus can't help you.

You have to do it on your own. It will be you who suffers. It will be you who carries the burden. Jesus won't save you. But saying this I still believe in immortality. So even though you die you will yet live. I'm pretty sure technology will become advanced enough to resurrect people from death no matter what time or age they lived. It will be for everyone.
The future looks bright but the present is dim. We must endure and have faith. Sometimes there just can't be better days. Jesus can't grow limbs back. But I say give it 50 or 100 years or so and then it shouldn't be a problem. People are working today to solve problems that we as a world currently face.
They are doing this in secret. We don't know about alot of the things that are going on. I'm basically a cheer leader sitting in the background hoping and praying that things will come to pass that make us shine and bring life to decay and death. There will be sadness on the way. God can't help this. But remember the future.
I foresee that any problem we face today will eventually become no problem at all. I'm looking forward to a paradise. I'm hoping to live another 30 years minimum that would make me 65 years old. I believe I will truly see some amazing things in this time. If I can live 30 years I might see life extension tech, extending my life until eventually I can live forever and be immortal. Failing this I believe in resurrection.

If there was a God I would love the justice. Nobody could be more fair than God. You know if your punished by God then it's fair no matter what your feeling. But alas there is no God. Prayers and Jesus don't grow back lost limbs. Soon people will be praising the tech which grows them back. If it's a race then Jesus is not doing very well. Humans are managing under their own steam.
I'm incredibly dumb. It just took me a while to learn it. The whole time I thought I was smart. Are you like this. What path are you walking in life. If you have an education your probably smarter than me. But even an education can lead you to error.
I've made some dumb choices in my life and are paying the price. You should yourself try and not think so smart of yourself. At least until death is defeated. There's a lot of pain out there that could be experienced by people so be careful. I don't think pain is good for anything. It's a negative. Everything about it is bad so therefore it must be defeated. And this will happen.
I look forward to the day that pain and death are reversed and defeated forever. There will probably always be evil people unless we develop a super intelligence of some kind, this may help.
Anyway this is long enough. Jesus doesn't grow back limbs so I don't believe in him. His suffering was epic but he got the church for it and has changed the face of the world. Others who have suffered just as much as Jesus go unnoticed. Jesus hasn't been very kind to me and I kind of feel deceived by him. He promises much but delivers nothing. Not even love. Jesus could be a kind of liar. What else is there to say about Jesus. I wish some hero would save me from poverty, persecution and illness. But nope. Jesus never comes. Even money wouldn't save me and really what else is there.
I don't believe in Jesus anymore. Maybe when he grows back an arm, leg or actually does something about all the evil people in the world then i'll believe. At the moment evil owns everyone. Sorry for disowning you Jesus.
Darcy Lee