I posted this indiegogo.com which is a fundraising site. I'm going to log it under forum posts and things like that. In this post I try and get people to donate and offer in return that they suffer a little and feel a sting caused by their donating. I also say that my suffering was an indicator of the end of all life in the future but this can be changed. LOL. Read it you want.

I have suffered. I have truly truly suffered. I believe I
have set world records in suffering. I'm pretty sure the suffering came from vertebrae in my neck. This pretty much gave me no place to lay my head for about 10 years of which I suffered to near maximum extreme pain.
I'm raising money for my own house to live a better higher life in what I now consider is a very evil world that many innocent people live in.
I am a trader. I guess that i'm looking for sponsorship from a brand that represents extremeness and endurance.
My suffering was record breaking. I hit the max my senses could handle for sustained periods never far from the top. Now if foxes have holes and birds have nests then I had no place to rest my head.
My suffering is record breaking. Someone has to hold the title of suffering most. There is Jesus. Well now there's me. I must be like a equal to Jesus. My flesh has been crucified to the extreme.
It says we share in Jesus suffering. Well you can share in mine. You can buy some of my suffering. A dollar or two will ease my suffering and create suffering for you thereby you are sharing in my suffering. If your not suffering you haven't given enough.
I think life as we know it went extinct sometime in the future and I felt it now. You can buy some peace for the future. My peace will create a better future as I shed abroad sentences profound and wise generated from a life time of suffering. I need to ascend to higher levels. A higher standard of living. By owning my own house is a solid base and higher level than I currently am. At 37 I haven't ascended very high. I have hit the bottom though or the top end of suffering which ever way you want to confuse it.
I can't really share in anyone's suffering but there have been none greater only equals. But now what do I have to trade. See i'm not thinking material possessions. I'm thinking there is still something to trade even once we have been stripped of everything we own. We still have our thoughts and our words.
By you reading this your future is changing. Even just a little.
I guess i'm looking for someone like NIKE to sponsor me. Nike sponsor athletes. Well consider me as extreme high end ultimate suffering and endurance, still living and escaped from it. ]
This is like ultimate endurance.
I guess I would be an embarrassment to whoever might consider sponsoring me. But they should basically believe in how much I have suffered.
I do know and am pretty sure that I hold records for suffering and one day it has potential to be proven in a very advanced technological future.
Share in my suffering. You can buy some of my suffering. Most have enough. But consider this suffering that I am offering a blessing.
I guess there are at the moment two things in proposal for raising money for my house. One is sharing in my suffering by donating. The other idea is earning a good sponsorship deal like Nike or someone because of my extreme endurance feat.
The bible mentions me. LOL NOT. Just play along. But the saying goes had no place to lay my head. Luke 9:58 This is me. I fulfilled this part of scripture.
I had a house and pillow every night but there was no place to lay my head, I could find no rest from my suffering in my head area.
So the tech i've invented is suffering transference. The more you give and donate to me or others, as this tech has been secretly applied to indiegogo, the more it hurts. It could be a creeper. You give then bam before you know it your suffering cause you gave heaps. Suffering is not addictive.
There are good reasons to suffer. You believe the bible don't you in this modern day tech universe. I quote from the bible to prove my suffering transference technology and it's advantages that suffering bestows upon you.
Well 1 Peter 4:1 whoever suffers in the body is done with sin.

Not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, Romans 5:3
So by donating your producing endurance in yourself. You also get to boast about your particular suffering. You could be like La La to people.
The suffering generated upon donating to me has been tuned up and is more than other pages on indiegogo when donating to them.
ANother way you suffer is you look foolish by donating. But really this is your disguise. You've thrown everyone off guard got them thinking your foolish. Really your the smartest in the room. Now people lower their guard around you till eventually you spring delivering your payload of intellect and wisdom knocking everyone off their feet.
I guess a third idea is that life went extinct. See my suffering was so great it represented all life dying. By giving me money your changing the future of everyone on the planet starting with your own future. This should lead to life surviving into immortality and foreverness.
This is just a theory I play with. Extreme supreme suffering to be boasted about as enduranceafying.
What is suffering for? Like needless pointless suffering? Well I'm going to share mine and i'm offering it for sale via suffering transferance technology which requires you to donate to me or anyone and you in return suffer a little producing endurance and character within you.
Donate to me and suffer yourself.
My indiegogos never work so I guess i'm really just using this as a forum that maybe 20-30 people will see.
You could check out my website which gives further clues to my suffering. http://www.darcylee.com
I intend on spreading the wisdom and nature that comes from long intense suffering. I should generate some words or actions that should help someone some where. Your donations are helping spread the things I have learned from suffering which isn't really anything yet but so extreme was my suffering that it should produce some works.
Works from individual suffering.
Do you need to suffer? Donate.
Not all are guaranteed to suffer but many will by donating to me.
Want the planet to live in the future. My suffering produced by tech means that I and others suffer cause so that one day no one has to suffer. Got it. And that we make sure someone makes it what ever it is.
By donating you are donating to the future of the planet.
By sponsoring me you are sponsoring a symbol of extreme suffering.
I just need a house. I have suffered greatly. I hold the records. But noone is able as yet to acknowledge my records.
But believe anyway.
There should be no doubting that I have indeed suffered but as to how much should be the debate.
I say I have suffered enough to say that in the future all life died.
You can change this future by donating to me.
This is bible tech which is stupid really cause no one believes that hocus pocus.
But it's all so suffering tech. The Suffering I experienced in life has written this post.
Great suffering i have done.
What will it produce for me.
Will I just die?
No one perhaps can understand.
Wanna feel a sting? Donate to me.
I never make a cent out of these things.
Imagine suffering. I hit the max. Now the world is going to change because of that.
It has started here.
This is part of the work I am putting in.
No one believes or knows or understands how much I have suffered.
It's hard to describe suffering. I give you a warning about it. Everyone should be preparing to suffer.
You can't know about suffering until after you've been through it. You can have all the theory in the world.
I'm offering via your donations that you can have some of your own suffering. Most will feel a sting.
It will generate a memory.
You will remember.
This I also offer in trade.
I offer you the memory of this donation.
I hope I can sell you a memory.
So for your donation you get a memory. A sting. You save life in the future. You get some suffering which produces character and endurance and you in your suffering have something to boast about. I forget what else you get by donating to me but there are other perks.
I guess it quite a biggy to preserve life in the future. Think nothing of it.
Anyway please donate to me.
Suffer a little. You could pretend to be a soldier.
What will you do with your suffering? The possibilities are endless.
Donate to me and suffer and save the world.
That was the end
Darcy Lee