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Showing posts with label Old timer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old timer. Show all posts

Monday, June 19, 2023


 My Nana who was 92 years old died on Saturday the 17th of June 2023 in the morning only a couple of days ago.

The Funeral is tomorrow Tuesday the 20th of June 2023. I just wanted to post this note here so I can remember the day she died. 

She lived a good life and I only saw her like a month or 2 ago or so. She had Alzheimer's. She basically died from old age as everyone does. 

Bye Nana you will be remembered fondly. I am 45 and she has been with me my whole life helping out and supporting. 

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

George Michael Freedom

George Michael - Freedom

Found myself singing freedom so looked that up. George Michael died not so long ago. To me 2017 seems like a really advanced year. Like it's a lot of progression since i've been born. Tech is advanced but also thoughts are advanced. Things are entering the human mind that have never entered it before.
George Michael.

Old people are dreaming dreams and young people are having visions. With the matrix tech now being widely used but still secret it seems this age is fast coming to an end.

Immortality shouldn't be far away at all. I'm hoping within 20 years or my life time we can at least extend life well past 100. People, many people, are working on immortality everyday. This will bring true freedom. It is a joy to see the world and people being lifted out of everyday situations to go onto much better things. There is still a cycle of poverty to be beaten though. The matrix tech will bring alot of joy to people as long as their not criminal. Criminals have something to fear.

Darcy Lee

Monday, August 8, 2016

Bonney The Cat

This is Bonney Cat. She likes to sleep with her head hanging off the table. Dunno why. She also likes to drink out of glasses instead of bowls. She get's confused when she can't reach the liquid in the bottom of the cup. Bonney was born imn the year 2000. Added Label "Sleep"

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Merry Christ The Mus.

Merry Christmas 2015.
Christ The Mus or Christ T Mus.... Like Christmas but with muscles. Based on Once Were Warriors.

Or for the sales persons CusTomErs = Christmas 2in1.

Darcy Said.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Moo Cow Like A Choca

A quick sentence before the time ticks over to the next day.

Added Label "Time"

This all there is to this post. It's 11.56pm. Vote for me. Need 500k to buy a house. Donate today.

Darcy Lee

Friday, March 21, 2014

Above Top Secret Forum Posts.

I have been posting on a forum called Above Top Secret.  Nobody pays me much attention and I don't get many replies and my threads die pretty quickly.  The following is from a Thread I created called "Trade me."

Here is the thread:

So what you got to trade? I got all this. I'm looking to trade. I guess we have to play with in the rules so that means no money or actual material possessions will be traded. But we can trade other stuff like ideas and words and thoughts.

I got 10 years on the line most extreme form of suffering you can imagine experienced top quality pain suffering 24/7 for 10 years.

I believe in the future when thoughts are setup on a market. My suffering and pain will go for top dollars.

I must be like the oldest man in the world pain wise. I am old and i'm only 35. I am an old man. I have lived 100 lives no one at all.

I perhaps have a few perfections developed from suffering though I can't name them and i'm still very weak.

So what do you have to trade. I reckon I can afford just about anything. Trade me your words. Ebay me some of your thoughts and ideas.

What do you have to trade me?

Also not only am I looking to trade but i'm looking for charity as well. I'm poor spiritually and of mind. Your charity would be appreciated which could go in the form of a post of some of your words in unique arrangement in this thread. Yay for charity.

So I want to trade. A long term sufferer of the top 1%. Already from this first post you receive life I hope, it's possible.


What you got to trade?


That was the end of the post.  I made a second post and that now follows:

Well we must have something we can play the trading game with other than money and material possessions. I reckon there's other things to trade. Matthew 13:45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.

So this is me seeking fine pearls. I'm a merchant and trader as we all are possibly.

My words offer trade. Words aren't possibly given enough value. The truth is extremely valuable. People who know the truth have an advantage. I'm looking for a fine pearl. I don't know what it is yet. I'm hoping i'll know it when I perceive it.

Spend some words in this thread in charity or trade. I have initiated the trade with my words coming first. If you post you are trading back.

Your words probably have no value to me but it depends on what you write.

Information can be encoded in and exchanged with words. Can you help ManKind? What do you possess that will help or improve the world that can be traded to others so you yourself profit?

How can we profit each other? What resources do we have apart from money and material items to trade in, there must be other things?

I guess we are all just that poor that we only have money and material items to trade in. Poor poor poor.

We are trading right now as you read my words I think.

Anyway I just thought that as a merchant looking for fine pearls I could trade something that I have in excess for something of value that you have in excess in return.

There are no established trade protocols I mean we don't even know what we're trading in.

Can you trade in LOVE between friends family strangers and even enemies? There's plenty of anger to be traded in the world.

How do I lift some of your burdens through trade? I'm sure I can make your load lighter as you can mine.

I can't think of anything to trade other than these words i'm writing which don't hold much value as of yet.

How do you know your not talking to someone who will one day be famous thereby making these posts famous along with those who replied?

Ok I propose this. Oneday I will be famous. Making this thread and any thread of mine on ATS Famous. If you post in this thread then oneday when the truth finally comes out this thread will be dragged up and depending on what you say you will be viewed possibly by alot of people. How you respond to me will be measured on a world wide scale.

Yep. This is something else i'm offering in the trade. I say I will be famous in the future one day, it could be after I die but I will be famous.

You need to trade with me by posting in this thread. You get the chance to operate in the dark through faith maybe this. If you fail to post in this thread yet read it and remember it then it will be counted as a missed opportunity. You really need to post something.

So i'm offering a trade. Couple things. My suffering experience and that I will be famous making posts in my threads possibly famous at least to be viewed by many people.

If you post in other threads they will be forgotten. My threads will remain for a lot longer. This is the trade you get for posting. All you need to do is post in this thread.

Be careful what you trade.

Trade me something in this thread today other than material and money. If we rule those out what do we have left possibly to trade? What is the fine pearl.

Trade Me Please.

So that's both posts I made to that thread.  They probably took me a good hour or more maybe to write.  I have added the photos just so it's not a wall of text.  Really instead of posting on a forum I should be posting to this webpage.  I do find some of the replies interesting and that's what keeps me coming back but most people don't believe me and write me off as schizophrenic.  I managed to get banned from which is another forum I use so have lost the Leeda nick name from there.  I got banned for begging for money.  I didn't know it was a bad thing damn.

I have a thread going on thats asking for a house so I can further the cause of longevity and immortality.  I plan on spending the next 40 years typing and using my mind about no more pain, suffering and torture, comforting others and being a cheerleader for immortality and longevity.  I really do need my own house to achieve some of my goals.  Hell owning my own house is one of my biggest goals.

It looks like without charity I will never own my own house.  I am doomed to either minimum wage or living on the benefit for the rest of my life.  Either way you can't really get a deposit for a house from these sources of income as the deposit needed is to great.  Hopefully charity will oneday find me a worthy cause and donate me a house.

Darcy Lee

I added the following post to the thread after I had completed this post on my website so am adding it now in a later edit.  Here is the new post I made:

We have to lift and elevate people and help them in their current positions hopefully taking them to the next or a higher level. If the planet or whole world has an output rating or life measurement then we need to lift the output or measurement.

I believe every lifeform on the planet counts towards the total output. We need to lift everybody and everything. We must love our enemies and find peace perhaps where there had been none.

If you intervene in someones life at the right moment you could have them living in a class above what they would of been.

So this is what we need. I charge you to help people. The planet as individuals can be lifted. Everyone just needs to do a little bit more than nothing and we can win. Not even everyone needs to help but obviously the more that take the effort to help the greater the life output rating and the greater the victory.

By your choices you can also live a higher life follow a higher stream. It might not take work but a choice you make can affect your life and the stream you live.

Your own current class can be lifted by your own efforts. So it's also about helping yourself.

Everyone grows stronger everyday. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.

I hope I have altered your world. This comes from me as a kid at kindergarden. I was thinking about grace and good and evil. I came up with that evil copies good and learns from good twisting what good gave to evil to it's own ends. I figured that as evil was copying good I could lead evil into captivity by getting it to copy me in a certain way.

It gets a bit fuzzy but at the standard nobody does nothing rate with evil copying good then evil would match good grace point for point and eventually evil would beat good. But if good people start lifting others and themselves then good starts to get extra turns before the next cycle and more abundant grace is produced and it starts to be that for every point evil produces grace abounds even more and produces multiple points.

There is a teaching from good that you get a choice. If you choose to convert it to evil you condemn yourself and there is no one to blame but your very own self. Good is the original source. All will be seen in the light.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May The 4th Be With You. Woohoo Double Rainbow. 5 Year Anniversary.

Again I don't know what else to type about. I'm turning age 33 in 7 days so getting older and time is moving on. I've already got my birthday present from my mum. I accidentally locked myself out of my house and had to call a lock smith to get into my house. That was $90 nz dollars. All the locksmith did was use a piece of bendy plastic to slide into the lock and open the door. It took all but 10 seconds. It was easter Saturday I think but hey $90 dollars is a lot of money.

So caught another mouse last night. That makes 5 mice in 5 nights. Going for number 6 tonight. They love cheese. Hopefully I can out trap them before they breed some more. I don't know where they have all come from. I am totally infested. It's going to make me sick probably. But I can't afford to move house. They are ruining my furniture I think and they got into my hot water cupboard and now there is mouse poo and urine all over my towels and socks and other clothing. Yay exciting for me. The joys of slumming in New Zealand on the Government benefit.

I saw the video Double Rainbow today. I'll post it on this page I think. It has 26 million views. Woohoo Double Rainbow.

What else is there to write about. My pet rock shop had a pretty good couple of days for me anyway. The last 2 days I got 10 hits and then 15 unique visits. only got around average 4 unique hits a day.

I found a wholesaler of pet rocks that includes the carry case, straw, rock and manual. I asked for a price to get one delivered to NZ and it was like $17 US dollars via paypal so probably not going to happen.

I could really use one to examine the quality and see if they are worth putting pictures up on the petrocks website. Though thinking I won't sell to many of those either but they are a better quality product than just a rock that i'm selling.

So why should you gift, give, donate, bequeath, money to this website. I don't know really. There are so many websites asking for donations. Just looking back at my first post to which is dated April 27th 2007 I have now been here for just on 5 years exactly. Thats a long time to be typing away. In 5 years I haven't gotten one payment from anyone.

So you could be my first. You could be my first ever payment of money from asking random people through the internet. Someone has to go first. Maybe this could start a cascade of payments. Where I have failed is picking up traffic. My sites aren't generating enough traffic so getting donations is hard. I'm not the greatest sales person either. I actually worked as a sales person selling electronics and computers but I failed at it.

Still you would think in 5 years of running this webpage I could of managed one gift of money via paypal. People don't trust me. I'm not selling anything. I'm not a worthy investment for your money. Well 5 years of trying u can't call me lazy. 5 Years and no money at all. Guess the internet lands are poor as well. Everyone's poor. O well i'm determined to keep trying to make some money through the internet. Even if it's through the ads on this page which I make money from by people clicking though they aren't very good either.

Yep 5 years of asking for money. This is why you should use your credit card and give me some money through paypal. I have a track record. I'm not some new start up. I'm not the best but I have a 5 year record. 5 years of dedication into asking for money via paypal and the internets. Support the old timers. Support me.

Darcy Lee

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wealth From God.

The Following Post I found in draft mode of blogger, i'm publishing it today 13/08/2014.  I hadn't published it before I don't think.  I not sure if I feel the same.  I continue to search for answers but I can't think.  I search for LOVE.  Love that burns like a fire. What is higher? Love sounds like a good deal.  I want a love that is just as strong as death.  Is there another word for LOVE?  What is your power?  Here is the post anyway in it's entirety:

God is a boring subject. BORING. Not much wealth. I don't believe in god/jesus anymore. No thanks. It took me a while. The word I like at the moment is mythology. I always wanted to know about that. Wether god existed. I'm hoping to reap some benefits of knowing god doesn't exist. It should help a little. I won't be so dumb.

Here is some very expensive valuable information that would normally cost you $$$$$Thousands. GOD doesn't exist. It's a little important.If you want you can pay me for this hard won fought information by clicking the paypal button and using your credit card. I guess i'm cutting of all the people who believe in god and don't know when I say god doesn't exist. They can donate too if they want.


Ruling the universe for me is for me having a really nice house with Sky TV, World of Warcraft, nice furniture, car, assorted electornics er basically being rich. Being as comfortable as possible and experiencing. A start for me would be a house. For ruling the universe. For me. I want to rule the universe. If you would like me to rule the universe. Um you can donate money getting me closer to a house. Every person has the power to rule the universe perhaps. Altogether at the same time as well. Everyone wants to be as comfortable as possible.

Asking for money is hard work. Ok this is a strange post. I'm begging which is bad also this is all of what someone in my position is capable of damn it for myself. I really wanted some money too.

Add World of Warcraft to my wishlist and Sky TV. I want house. With house I will rule universe.

That was it.

Darcy Lee